live ammo


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Not sure how to phrase this, but I'll give it a shot anyhow. Is anyone hauling live ammo,minitions, etc.??? Trying to do my "Due Diligence". This site is THE BEST web site for info, so I figured I'd ask. Thank's in advance. Keep it between the lines!!!!!


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Why do you ask? Most information relating to your post is available through your carrier.


Moderator Emeritus

Yes, some of the companies have the clearances necessary for those specialized handling, government loads.

Look for an upcoming article on Landstar Express America's "AA&E" division - Arms, Ammunition and Explosives.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
i think i would be very careful in talking about this subject on the internet,or anywhere else for that matter.Who what and where these cargos are carried would be of great interest to those who would do us harm.To say nothing of the survelance going on by the Govt.



Veteran Expediter

KUDOS to davekc and redytrk for excellent answers on this one!

RASBERRIES to you slowhand for asking such a question on a public forum. We have no idea who you are or what your intentions are.

MR. EDITOR, while slowhand has shown lack of judgement, you sir have shown "ignorance gone to seed". WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? Many of us out here may have a curiosity about this subject but any one of us would not do ANYTHING to endanger our fellow drivers. That you would answer this question, let alone WRITE AN ARTICLE on the subject shows complete irresponsibility on your part and Landstar's if they agree to interview on this matter. WAKE UP AND REMEMBER WHERE YOU ARE AND WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND YOU!!!!


Veteran Expediter
I am not sure what to think about this at all. I do know with out some more explanation in your question, this is very concerning. I think you better clear this up quickly or be prepared for some follow up investigation. A friend of mine is a detective in reveiwing this kind of thing over the internet and this is one of the type things he looks for. I suggest you discontinue this practice right away if not sooner. We dont know who you are but he will. For God's sake be clear with your questions on topics like this or do not do it at all.



Veteran Expediter


Moderator Emeritus
In response to security concerns

Not sure how to phrase this, but I'll give it a shot anyhow. Is anyone hauling live ammo,minitions, etc.??? Trying to do my "Due Diligence". This site is THE BEST web site for info, so I figured I'd ask. Thank's in advance. Keep it between the lines!!!!!
i think i would be very careful in talking about this subject on the internet,or anywhere else for that matter.Who what and where these cargos are carried would be of great interest to those who would do us harm.To say nothing of the survelance going on by the Govt.
I am not sure what to think about this at all. I do know with out some more explanation in your question, this is very concerning. I think you better clear this up quickly or be prepared for some follow up investigation. A friend of mine is a detective in reveiwing this kind of thing over the internet and this is one of the type things he looks for. I suggest you discontinue this practice right away if not sooner. We dont know who you are but he will. For God's sake be clear with your questions on topics like this or do not do it at all.


To Redytrk and raceman

We completely understand your concern about topics involving matters of national security, and it's admirable that you would attempt to caution a poster regarding the need for security in these matters.

Expedited carriers have transported government shipments with varying levels of security for many years now. It's an area in which discretion is the better part, but it's well known that the carriers have long been serving our nation with the transport of sensitive materials. The carriers themselves do not attempt to hide this fact, but actively recruit owner-operators for just that purpose.

In the few times that this topic has been discussed on the pages of Expediters, we have never referred to sensitive shipments in terms other than the generic phrases
of "governmentloads", "Department of Defense loads" and the like.

NO information has ever been given about:
-Specific type of freight
-Specific routes or specific locales where freight is transported
-Security protocols, methods or other information regarding the transportation of this freight.

(As an example of our reluctance to discuss specifics, when we reported on an accident involving Glen and Janice Rice, we made no mention of the nature of the freight, even though national news agencies speculated on the type and amount of the freight that was involved!)

The mere existence of these loads is a fact and the carriers that have
been cleared by the Federal government for these shipments need drivers, and yes, the nation needs these drivers.

We have recently featured carriers who are actively recruiting owner-operators for this type of transport. These carriers are extremely
sensitive to, and are well aware of security concerns.

The owner-operators they utilize, as well as the carriers themselves, have undergone extensive background checks and vetting procedures, so we believe they have the issue well in hand regarding necessary secrecy.

The upcoming article about Landstar Express America's "AA&E" division will follow the same strict guidelines of the past. The piece will focus on the increased revenue opportunities available to owner-operators who can meet the strict governmental requirements necessary and we will deal with freight descriptions in only the most general of terms.

KUDOS to davekc and redytrk for excellent answers on this one!

RASBERRIES to you slowhand for asking such a question on a public forum. We have no idea who you are or what your intentions are.

MR. EDITOR, while slowhand has shown lack of judgement, you sir have shown "ignorance gone to seed". WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? Many of us out here may have a curiosity about this subject but any one of us would not do ANYTHING to endanger our fellow drivers. That you would answer this question, let alone WRITE AN ARTICLE on the subject shows complete irresponsibility on your part and Landstar's if they agree to interview on this matter. WAKE UP AND REMEMBER WHERE YOU ARE AND WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND YOU!!!!

It would possibly behoove you to at least read the UPCOMING article before you comment on it and make dire predictions about "endangering our fellow drivers".

We also would suggest that you rethink your groundless charge of "irresponsibility" that you directed toward both EO and Landstar Express America. Please climb down off your soapbox until you get your facts straight about an informational article that HASN'T EVEN BEEN WRITTEN YET.

As far as the "ignorance gone to seed" remark...We're not sure where that came from, but if ignorance means engaging the mouth (or keyboard) before engaging the brain, well, we'll leave that to you.

Jeff Jensen


Veteran Expediter
It does not suprise me that I am accused of having an "agenda" and once again threatened to "rethink" my comments about irresponsibility. Sounds like you may be taking pointers from some of your sponsors.

Do you know that there is a LARGE number of "regular" truck drivers (tractor trailer, non- expediting) that have not a clue what we expediters do? MANY times we are asked about our truck and the nature of our business while on the road. The point is, if truckers have no idea what it is we do, how much more would we expect john q public to know? Some things are better left unsaid in these times and if thinking this way makes ME ignorant and irresponsible, then I AM GUILTY.

For you drivers out there, mum is the word on this end, I've GOT your back, do you have mine??


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
This is a very sensitive issue that probably should have not made it to this level of accusations etc. Both DD and Jeff plus Lawrence are all good folks and we do not need this type of comments about them.
Ammo can be bought anywhere,weapons are another thing.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
TIME OUT, TIME OUT!!!!! Good Lord, what have I started here???? Never did I think I was going to open a can of worms like THIS. All I wanted to know is if this is a possible way for me to get into expediting and find a "nitche". THAT'S ALL. No more, no less. My real name is Mr. Carmen J. Donato. I live in Wilmington,De. If you want to know more about me or my family, I'd be happy to oblige. I'm sorry for any greif I've caused you.


Veteran Expediter
Thanks very much for the reply. I can say I jumped and typed with emotion before thinking. Slowhand contacted me in a private note and I thank them as well. I am very sensitive to this type of thing. I have lost nine close to me as a result of 911 and the war. I just flipped when I saw the post. I want to apoligize for my quick key board and Thank each of you who followed up to explain. Email and Internet are a great thing but it is very hard to take something back once you hit send. In this case I hit send too quickly. I guess maybe the fact that I am used to taking off at the blink of an eye to get where I am going, I am just as quick at sending a thoughtless message. I am sorry.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
It is good to know that drivers are concerned about information being posted which might be in the line of "aiding and abetting"; however, in my opinion there was some unnecessary "chastizing" going on, on all sides to the issue. If you really are concerned about information being dissiminated which would aid our current enemy, all you have to do is tune in to any newsbroadcast. You can hear for hours at a time, our major weak spots, prime targets that might be hit, areas that we are concerned about, troop stregenth's, problamatic areas which would lead to ease of attack etc. Therefor for those that are truely concerned conatct you news media and voice your opinion as I have done. Other than that, be safe.

PS: As to the comment "might be in line with "aiding and abetting"
in my opinion no one even came close to that, whether intentional or unintentional.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
This thread got me curious about what might happen if I went to Google and searched the phrase "Ammunition and Explosives Transport." It produced 44,000 hits with links to numerous companies and organizations discussing the topic. They included a number of well-known common carriers. The Department of Defense also publishes info about this on the Internet. Those that wish to hush the topic better get busy. You have 44,000 web sites and the U.S. Government to deal with! Once your work is done there, you'll need to visit every state in the union to convince officials to remove all references to expolsives transport from their CDL manuals.

Of course discretion is wise, especially by the drivers that haul the stuff. Perhaps a good place for improvement would be to abolish the U.S. Government requirement that trucks carrying A&E loads be placarded to advertise that fact.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Right now the TSA and the DOT are in a turf battle over the placard issue.TSA wants them off and DOT says no.TSA wants all haz/Mat placards off not just Explosives.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>Right now the TSA and the DOT are in a turf battle over the
>placard issue.TSA wants them off and DOT says no.TSA wants
>all haz/Mat placards off not just Explosives.

Dumb (Canadian) question time:
WHO is "the TSA"?
Why would they want to remove placards for Haz Mat?
Security is one thing, but public safety is more important. I thought the placards were there for emergency response information.
The chances of a "terrorist" gaining informtion from a Haz Mat placard is far lower than the placard being used for quick information in case of an emergency.
By the way, a permit is required to import explosives into Canada.


Staff member

There are no dumb Canadian questions on this forum, eh?

All questions are valid - no doot aboot it.;)

What's this I hear about Joe Canadian defecting to Coors?


Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine

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