Let's add another tier to the cake of disrespect


Seasoned Expediter
Two times in as many weeks I have watched the shower attendants at two different Pilots clean the showers. This seems to be the accepted routine per Pilot Headquarters in Knoxville, or, they really stand up behind their employees word.

Pick up the used washcloth and wipe the toilet rim and seat.

Pick up the used towel and wipe the vanity, mirror, shower door and walls.

Drop the towel on the floor of the shower, place your foot on it and clean the floor.

Kick the towel out of the shower and onto the shower room floor and repeat the foot action using the towel as a mop.

Put the towel and washcloth in the hamper, (to be used by the next driver after a swift trip to the laundry, probably cold water and no detergent) grab the spray bottle of disnfectant, hold your arm inside the door and give it a quick squirt.

Lock the door.

Return the key to the desk for the next victim.

Repeat as necessary.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
They only repeat after filling a propane bottle out front, checking the license plate of a fueling truck and picking up a couple of urine bottless on the way back to fold the laundy


Expert Expediter
Two times in as many weeks I have watched the shower attendants at two different Pilots clean the showers. This seems to be the accepted routine per Pilot Headquarters in Knoxville, or, they really stand up behind their employees word.

Pick up the used washcloth and wipe the toilet rim and seat.

Pick up the used towel and wipe the vanity, mirror, shower door and walls.

Drop the towel on the floor of the shower, place your foot on it and clean the floor.

Kick the towel out of the shower and onto the shower room floor and repeat the foot action using the towel as a mop.

Put the towel and washcloth in the hamper, (to be used by the next driver after a swift trip to the laundry, probably cold water and no detergent) grab the spray bottle of disnfectant, hold your arm inside the door and give it a quick squirt.

Lock the door.

Return the key to the desk for the next victim.

Repeat as necessary.

We all know the Pilot it self needs a good house keeping in the management dept. I would send the upper mgt a nice letter telling them it's pretty bad when the core of their business is disrespected with dirty bathroom's etc, after filling up with fuel and spending lots of other misc money, along with other fellow truckers to frequent their ##### hole.

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Expert Expediter
"most" truck stops don't seem to give a crap about anything but money. It's a buisness. Who cares about the trucker these days. I've seen many a disgusting truck stops. Especially at the J's. Bathroom stalls with crap on the walls and maintenance is standing around doing nothing. Washcloths that look like they were from the 1920's. Leaky shower heads that will spray all different directions but where you need the water. A lot of times it also just takes a little responsibilyt by the driver to keep places neat for other drivers as well. Something definitely has to be done about this b/c I've seen in many cases that this can create a health hazard and some of these places should be shut down. Someone must be paying that health official good money to keep some of these places open. There are a couple of good clean stops out there but they are far and few between. I am at a truck stop now where there has been trash on the floor by the cashier's counter for the better part of the day.


Veteran Expediter
Just be sure to wear flip flops in the shower. Something I always thought abut was if these guys will take a leak on the truck stop parking lot what's to say they won't take a whiz while showering? I never let my feet touch the shower or bathroom floors, and I always advised my wife to bring a set of flip flops with her when she was with me.


Expert Expediter
I think about the worst shower I ever saw was some place on the New York toll road. I went in there and walked right back to the fuel desk and asked for my shower money back. I think this place was fairly close to Albany if I remember right, but I don't run in that area too often.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
Some of the cleanest showers available are located in the service plazas of the Ohio Turnpike, and they're free. This seem to be litttle known but they are in the rear of the truckers lounge at the rear entrance to all the new plazas. The laundry is usually pretty clean also and well equipped.


Expert Expediter
Coco, you are right. We have seen this also while waiting for showers. We are home right now and I saw a piece on TV the other night about hotels.

The news group put hidden cameras in the motel rooms to observe the maids cleaning the rooms. It was pretty shocking! One of the maids actually picked up a dirty towel on the floor, wiped down the sink/mirror with it, WIPED HER NOSE on it, then dried the glasses and cups with it. She had simply rinsed the dirty cups and glasses in the sink. She then put little paper caps on the glasses and cups and put them right back out in the room. This was at a nice/expensive resort type hotel.

I guess it isn't JUST truck stop showers. Must be time to get out our Lysol spray and use it everywhere we go. Now we know why some truck stops can get the showers ready so fast, huh?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Where is Moot when you need him??? Here we have the truck stop dwellers complaining about their digs. It's funny enough, but, he could make it a more enjoyable read.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
We could spend 40 or 50 bucks for a motel room to shower. Other than that, what options would you suggest?


Expert Expediter
Be sure to take your own flip flops, wipe the commode down before u sit on it.. don't touch the shower walls. etc. Some are just disgusting.. some are nice. Its the risk
you have to take if you don't want to stink.


Seasoned Expediter
We have also come across some really horrible shower stalls in our time on the road. Pilots seem to be the worst, in our opinion. I was given a shower key at a Pilot once and was horrified when I opened the door. The last truckers towels were still on the floor, their soap in the dish, everything. There was feces on the toilet seat and the sink was filthy. Of course, I complained, got my money back and went on my way. But, they must have just taken the key back from the previous driver and stuck it right back in the box. No cleaning at all. The woman that I talked to didn't even seem phased by my complaint. She just said sorry and gave me my money. Not even a 'Have a nice day, please give us another chance'. I guess she gets paid either way, what does she care?

I just can't believe that truck stops aren't treating the drivers better ... after all, we are the primary source of income for these establishments. It just stinks that we have no other real options for showering, etc.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I have to disagree with Terry about the Ohio Tpk. The showers I have seen there had tiles falling off the walls,mold on the floor,hair in the sinks etc. The best T/S showers I have ever seen is at the Little America in Flagstaff AZ.


Seasoned Expediter
I watched a program on the History Channel recently about truckstops of today and how they cater to truckers needs from showers, wi-fi access, good food, etc.
The truckstops they profiled were all T/A stops.
It did'nt show the sleazy side of truckstops that you have described on this thread which I
am sure there are more of than the general public realizes.


Veteran Expediter
I watched a program on the History Channel recently about truckstops of today and how they cater to truckers needs from showers, wi-fi access, good food, etc.
The truckstops they profiled were all T/A stops.
It did'nt show the sleazy side of truckstops that you have described on this thread which I
am sure there are more of than the general public realizes.

They probably profiled the TA in Lodi, OH, it seems to be the exception and not the rule. IMO, the TA's are the worst ones out there!


Expert Expediter
I just like to wipe it before I sit on it... or I put paper around the seat.. just
funny about sitting my butt where someone else has had theirs..


Veteran Expediter
I have to disagree with Terry about the Ohio Tpk. The showers I have seen there had tiles falling off the walls,mold on the floor,hair in the sinks etc. The best T/S showers I have ever seen is at the Little America in Flagstaff AZ.

yes little america I agree.