Let's add another tier to the cake of disrespect


Moderator Emeritus
the j in whiteland in was real nice. they gave me and my wife a set of towels each(thats 4 towels total) and only charged us for 1 shower.

otoh i have found most pilots have counter personnel that are disinterested and generally just doing a job. there is always a line at the fuel desk if not 2 and sometimes 4-6 deep(like at lunch). beaverdam ohio and toledo alexis ave come to mind.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
We could spend 40 or 50 bucks for a motel room to shower. Other than that, what options would you suggest?
I'm shocked that we haven't yet seen a reply ripe with sage advice and brilliant alternatives. Shocked, I tell you. :D


Veteran Expediter
I grabbed a free shower on the Ohio Turnpike just last week, (bring your own stuff, including towels), near Vermilion, and found nothing to complain about. But then, what would I say if I had - I want my money back?!:p
Greg, urine is sterile only until it leaves the closed system of the body - once it's out, it's a biohazard, unless collected in a sterile manner.
Col, when last heard from, Moot was in Winnipeg, waiting for his alternator to be replaced, after it died in the -33 temps. Hope it didn't freeze his sense of humor.....;)

Fr8 Shaker

Veteran Expediter
I have taken a shower a couple of times at the Oh. service plazas the only problem I found was my teeth were chattering when I got out, water just doesn't get hot enough. I don't know if it's still that way it's been quite awhile since. But either way you need to applaud their effort to provide it for free for the drivers.


Veteran Expediter
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Retired Expediter
US Army
Cheri, I been in that kinda weather lots a times, an if a fella don't watch out, he'll freeze more'n his sense of humor.

Star, I suggest, like myself, after a hard day a fish'in, I head directly for one of them there beach showers. They be free. No fuel, no nuttin. Or, I wait till I get back, an toddle down to the GC showzer. Den of coures look for a tree.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
The Keys sound pretty good as I sit here in cold and dreary New Jersey. Maybe someone will need some Margarita salt expedited down there. I might even be willing to do that at a discounted rate.


Veteran Expediter
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Retired Expediter
US Army
Yazzir, it's living large. Had to move a bit Nord to Cocoa Beach, wuz gett'in a little warm in the Keys for my taste.

Back to the subject, when the digs get sooo unbearble, I figgure it must be time to spring and indulge myself. So it costs sixty-seventy bucks? So what, if you are that miserable.

However, if you get THAT miserable after each run, then there MAY be a problem.

If folks can't live with SOME discomfort, once in a while, I have no suggestions.


Veteran Expediter
I see the suggestion now where is the address? I agree, after spending 14 years in the cleaning business this will not wash out of (urine) the wash cloths. IT IS DISSCUSTING and should also have a copy of this letter sent to the local Health Dept: SERIOUS.

I do not believe they would be in violation of the towels but the face cloths give me a break total lazyness and disscust!

lets start writing.


Seasoned Expediter
I see the suggestion now where is the address? I agree, after spending 14 years in the cleaning business this will not wash out of (urine) the wash cloths. IT IS DISSCUSTING and should also have a copy of this letter sent to the local Health Dept: SERIOUS.

I do not believe they would be in violation of the towels but the face cloths give me a break total lazyness and disscust!

lets start writing.

What a great idea! Someone care to post a form letter we can print and send to the County Health Dept?
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Veteran Expediter
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Retired Expediter
US Navy
when i was with fedexcc was in rochester ny express center stop at sugar creek
and got a key for shower and went in to use it , a friend said i wouldn't take my dog in there, back to fuel desk and ask for my money back,
also took picture's of it and sent them to ambest head quarters and called sugar creek and said, would you like to see the pictures i took , in monday's paper, one of my nephew's is a newpaper reporter and was alway looking for a good story to write about
and they ask will you give us a chance, also called new york state health dept
and reported them
next time thru there was a major change, place was clean
and number to call to complain was gone
made a comment how clean they were
and clerk behind counter said he's person that cause all the trouble
and sugar creek sent me $50.00 dollars in a gift cert
for bring it to there them