Keep an eye on China


Veteran Expediter
In the vain of Greg's WW2 story i find the silence from several groups a bit disturbing as well. NOW among others.

I have said for years the only part of the equation that the ultra left had missing,for being just like the fascist of Germany was an ultra charismatic leader to fall behind.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You are correct and our "so-called" Free Press manufactured Obama in thier own sick image and likeness and Hitler is re-born. As to the dissetant voices not being heard, there is no longer a venue. With no free and independant press to allow for opposing views they will no longer be heard. That is the case in most every issue now. Global Warming and Gun Control just to name two. You will NEVER hear a free and OPEN debate. Just wait till the debate on a National Un-Healthy systems starts. You can bet your bottom dollar that it will NOT be a free debate and that NO desenting voices will be heard. This administration has only one goal in mind, ram as much socialist garbage down your throat as possible as quickly as possible. That way you won't know just how bad you have been gagged before it is too late. Layoutshooter