Keep an eye on China


Retired Expediter
Where does the money (principal and interest) come from to pay them ? :rolleyes:

easy...just print more...this admin seems to print at will....the dollar is so devalued now because of this....whats another trillion or 2?:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Ahhh .... Greg ..... let me ask you a question here .... let's just say, for the sake of arguement, the Chinese do hold that debt (private and public - but particularly public) until maturity ..... ok, ya with me here ?

Now, that public debt matures, and they can collect .....

Where does the money (principal and interest) come from to pay them ? :rolleyes:

I agree with what you are getting at, I don't know.

If I was in charge, it would be simple I would cut spending on a lot of unneeded domestic programs and increase military spending at the same time lower taxes in some brackets. The military spending would be two fold, to increase and maintain the body count at the same time doing a better job with transferable education programs and to increase our manufacturing base here with soft products stopping the practice of overseas suppliers.

The problem with entire deficit spending idea is flawed and based on the idea that there will be an increase in GDP/GDI to pay for all of this AND that the GDP can't include more than 8% government spending. I think we are at 20% of the GDP is government spending. I think Morgenthau wrote a bunch of stuff on this, he wanted not to go down the path FDR wanted to but rather work toward a balanced budget and debt reduction.


Veteran Expediter
Yes most defiantly we are responsible for who we elect.

but as a solider i have always noticed a very drastic difference between the enlist and officer oaths


"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).


"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)

Notice that the line " I will obey the orders of the President of the United States " is missing from the Officer Oath,I have always thought it was because of the first line we are bound to the Constitution first and a human second.So in this case if things did get that bad and the President was ready to sign over the county every Officers charge at the point would be to remove said threat to the constitution.Now if the joint chiefs decided that the top position was not the only direct threat and trimmed a little deeper I'm not sure i like the idea of gates as a president any more than Barack, but at lest he has a spine and is not looking for his missing 33 bones.(and i think a big problem with the current Administration is they don't even realize they are missing 33 bones.)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I like the idea of Gates as president. I tried to listen to his conformation hearings. He speaks plain, knows what he knows, believes what he knows and trusts those who work for him. He said many things that ring correct from my knowlege and backround. He understands our enemy, he has studied them, all of them. It shows when he speaks. What a shame that Barry and Co. won't listen to him. Gates is Way too far over thier heads with his backround, thinking and knowlege. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Yes shooter Gates as a man and leader would be good,much better than what we have,but what i meant and should have explained better was i hope he actually would then call for an election soon and not hold the office till the end of turn because that would look like a coup even if it was constitutionally charged to do so.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I agree there. I don't wish to see a coup either. I can, however, see how one might occur. I do think that all decient, honest and moral people SHOULD be mounting a VERY aggressive campain to un-seat this goober in 2012 and to get rid of as many incumbents in both the house and senate, reguardless of party, in 2010. If we do not act to stop these radicals soon, it will be too late to do it by peaceful means. layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Was it not Old uncle Benjamin who said "the reason we put impeachment into the Constitution was to cut own on political assassinations?"


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't know, might have been. Impeachment is difficult as it should be. Obama has not yet down anything to warrent impeachment, yet, I suspect that he will soon though. His hatred of our Constitution will come back to "bite him in the butt" soon. Too bad that most of the house and senate feel the same way about our constitution as 'Ole Barry does. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
What amazes me is this;

Wilson was the same as Obama is today, it comes out in Wilson's book Congressional Government.

You can actually see the rise of Obama, a man who hasn't done much except run for office and the rise of Wilson - both were thrust into offices that they were totally unprepared for and ineffective.


Veteran Expediter
What amazes me is this;

Wilson was the same as Obama is today, it comes out in Wilson's book Congressional Government.

You can actually see the rise of Obama, a man who hasn't done much except run for office and the rise of Wilson - both were thrust into offices that they were totally unprepared for and ineffective.

Wilson came from academia as does Obama to an extent. I am quite prepared to support a moratorium on electing academic types with no real life experience, no business experience and no military experience. Professional politicians are a problem.


Veteran Expediter
I have said this before here and other places and I repeat it again because it is one of the basic cornerstones of what has gone wrong in these United States and the rest of the western world as well ...

We have evolved to a sad point in history where our intellectual elite are neither.


Veteran Expediter
And the foolishness we have seen so far is ONLY the beginning. Layoutshooter

So true.

I remember a story about being in a small town in Germany around 1936. The family tried hard to do the patriotic thing but no matter they could not keep up with the madness. It started by the indoctrination through the children (he is the greatest thinker of our time and is sent to us to help all of us), then the indoctrination of adults through intimidation (you have to vote for him unless you are communist (racist). Are you a communist (racist)?), then went to reinforcing the indoctrination through embarrassment by the children (Mommy how can you question him look at all the great things he will do for us), then reinforcing the indoctrination through embarrassment by the friends of the family (questioning his motives is not the right thing to do, he came from our type of background, he has only good in him) and it will lead us to the point that we will have to shut up and live with it because we fear being reported by our friends and children (I heard my mommy say that he will ruin our country and he is the devil, what should I do teacher?).

Already this madness has started. For months our children had to face union teachers talk about Obama, just like the global warming mess. Some kids have already complained about their parents destroying the earth.

The other day the biggest indicated came when a Fox reporter said on the air "how dare someone speak up against Oprah". When a reporter starts defending an entertainer because of her background like this, it shows that there is a lot more coming. This may not mean much but it plays into the idea that we should be good little patriots and do what we are told to do.


Veteran Expediter
Wilson came from academia as does Obama to an extent. I am quite prepared to support a moratorium on electing academic types with no real life experience, no business experience and no military experience. Professional politicians are a problem.

Yes and i believe that is one of the reasons Washington left office when he did. He foresaw the festering formation of that parasite and wanted nothing to do with it


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well Greg, This Patriot will NEVER do what those in office now tell me to do. I believe in freedom, the Constitution, control of the government BY the people. I spent 20 years of my life defending just that. Old habbits die REAL hard. When Layoutshooter takes an oath, it MEANS something. Obama and his kind are out to destroy everything that is good and right about our Great Nation. They MUST be stopped before it is too late. It happened in Germany, just as it is here. Why do we put so much stock in the Opras of the world? We ridicule those who have done truley great things and admire the rest. Strange, very strange. Layoutshooter