Kamala Harris


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Biden Out, Harris In

On July 21, 2024, President Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

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Harris Momentum

Kamala Harris has done something Joe Biden could not do. She has electrified and united Democrats who are now enthused about winning the 2024 presidential election, the US House, and the US Senate. In the nine days since she became the Biden-endorsed Democratic candidate, Harris has:
  • Raised more money ($81 million) in a single day than any presidential candidate in US history, with 66% of those being first-time donors.
  • Secured the endorsements of every Democratic governor in the US.
  • Secured endorsements of nearly all Democratic US Senators.
  • Secured the endorsements of nearly all Democratic US Representatives.
  • Secured the endorsements of numerous labor unions.
  • Secured the endorsements of over 40 former Justice Department officials who served under presidents of both parties.
  • Secured the endorsements of notable Democratic names, including the Obama's, the Clinton's, and numerous celebrities.
  • Enjoys the support of millions of Taylor Swift's army of fiercely loyal "Swifties," who have rallied to Harris even without Swift's endorsement, which is expected to come.
  • Has raised over $200 million in her first week as a candidate.
  • Has recruited over 170,000 volunteers in her first week as a candidate.
  • Set a Zoom call record in which she rallied 150,000 supporters and raised millions.
  • Has had several similar Zoom calls with various groups, also rallying thousands and raising millions.
  • Totally blunted any bump Trump might have otherwise have received from the GOP convention and the assassination attempt.
  • Immediately closed the gap in the polls that Trump enjoyed over Biden. It's a real contest for Trump now.
  • Quickly secured the support of enough delegates to lock in the Democratic Party nomination.
  • Became the sole "presumptive nominee" when the nomination filing deadline passed with no other candidate filing.
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Harris Intimidates Trump

Trump previously said he wold debate Biden anywhere, anytime. So far, he has backed away from a debate between him and Harris. Trump is genuinely frightened by Harris and he lacks the courage and skill to face her one-on-one in a public debate.
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Harris/Trump Candidate Contrast
  • Young vs. Old
  • Happy laughter vs. grumpy old man
  • Optimistic view of America vs. pessimistic view of America
  • Excites large numbers of young voters vs. excites a small number of young voters.
  • Prosecutor vs. convicted felon (bona fide crime fighter vs. bona fide criminal)
  • Mentally sharp vs. cognitive decline
  • Physically fit vs. obese
  • Empathetic vs. self-centered
  • Rule of law vs. authoritarian
  • Pro abortion rights vs. anti abortion rights
  • Positive on women vs. negative on women
  • Positive on people of color vs. racist
  • Forward looking vs. backward looking
  • Supported the bipartisan border deal vs. sabotaged the bipartisan border deal
  • Tax the rich vs. lower taxes on the rich
  • Opposes the harsh 2025 plan vs. irrevocably tied to the harsh 2025 plan
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The Ground Game

Another area of contrast between Harris and Trump is their respective campaign ground games. Biden poured millions of dollars and thousands of local campaign leadership hours into organizing his ground game; that is volunteers who knock on doors, make calls, talk to their neighbors, drive people to the polls, run voter registration drives, and team up with local and state candidates to win the down-ballot races too.

Trump has a different campaign style. He plays golf almost daily and flies to a rally or two a week. The Trump campaign has nothing like the organized ground force Biden had. Harris inherited that ground-game force and there has been virtually no leadership changes in it after she did. With hundreds of thousands of new volunteers now rising for Harris, she is seamlessly plugging them into her existing organization; This will be a massive advantage on election day and in the early voting before. Harris is phenomenally positioned to get out the vote.


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Candidate Stamina

Since becoming the Democratic candidate for president, Harris has been working non-stop to raise money and support. She is busy attending events and making fundraising calls. In her first week or two, she will likely have completed more campaign events than Trump has completed in the last month or two.

Trump will have no choice but to increase his campaign event schedule, especially in the swing states where Harris will appear again and again. The problem for Trump is he is an old man in cognitive decline. He does not have the physical capacity to stay out on the trail like Harris will We've seen this already. Trump rarely spends the night on the road. He goes to an event and returns to Mar-a-Lago, his New Jersey property, or another Trump property to play golf and watch TV.

The more Trump tries to keep up with young, energetic, optimistic, Harris, the more tired he will become. And the more tired he becomes, the more his cognitive decline will show.

Regarding candidate stamina, advantage Harris.
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The Polls

Since it has been just over a week since Harris entered the presidential race, it's a bit early to put a lot of stock in the polls. I have said before that early polls are meaningless and I still believe that. They become more meaningful when we're 60 days or less from Election Day.

That said, Harris has clearly closed the polling gap that existed between Trump and Biden. Trump no longer leads the race. At present it is a dead heat.

In the following weeks, the massive influx of funds and volunteers Harris has earned will be deployed. It will take some time for the effects of these to be seen, but I believe we'll see them in a few short weeks. As local organizers meet the volunteers, assign neighborhoods for coverage, equip these enthusiastic people with literature and talking points, etc. Their impact will be seen. Also, as the news of Harris's electrifying surge sinks in with the general public, minds will change. One example of that already evident is Kennedy's collapse. With Harris now viable, significant numbers of people are cooling toward Kennedy and warming toward Harris.

Such effects are already coming into view.


Again, early polls are meaningless, but the day is coming soon when the polling will be early no more.
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A Profound Ground-Game Difference

If you look at the websites for the Harris campaign, the Democratic Party, the Trump Campaign and the Republican Party, you will immediately see a huge difference in the volunteer opportunities being offered.

The Trump/GOP sites display just a couple of events that can be attended and very few ways for an eager volunteer to get involved. In contrast, the Harris/Democratic Party sites offer numerous ways for an eager volunteer to get involved. Harris volunteers can instantly connect with local leadership and like-minded Harris supporters. And local leadership can instantly connect with them.

From day one, the Biden, now Harris campaign organization has been organizing a ground-game infrastructure. The Trump campaign offers little beyond the opportunity to donate money (as Harris does) and attend the occasional Trump rally at a particular location.

Long before Harris entered the race, the campaign had an infrastructure in place with local leaders on the ground. Now, with literally hundreds of thousands of new volunteers eagerly rising to support Harris, they will be able to organize and deploy volunteers to canvass neighborhoods, provide transportation to the polls, make phone calls, activate their social media networks, attend local meetings, participate in Zoom calls, receive online engagement training, host a local event or house meetings, and more.

The difference is like night and day. With Trump, volunteers can get involved by sending him money and idolizing him. With Harris, volunteers can get involved by by sending her money and getting effectively involved at the local level, in the ways listed above.

Harris recently said they are running a campaign of the people. She and the campaign leadership mean exactly that. For them, it's about the people rallying to make a difference in their neighborhoods. For Trump, it's about the people focusing on him. He and the Republican party have not even tried to organize the kind of ground game Harris now has.


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Making Inroads With Ease

With their finely tuned ground-game machine, the Harris campaign is finding it easy to capitalize on the surge of grass-roots Harris support now underway. Zoom calls targeting every conceivable identity group are being organized with ease. Some of these draw (instantly) millions of dollars in financial support and 100,000 to 200,000 eager supporters.

These calls are coming together in rapid-fire fashion. Groups include black women, black men, white women, white men, rural Americans, LGBQ, Asians, and even the unlikely group of people who identify as "cat ladies." Identify an interested local or national group. The Harris campaign is likely to instantly organize a Zoom call that draws them together, signs up volunteers and raises funds.


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Republican Attempts to Cast Harris in a Negative Light are Failing

"The latest Morning Consult survey gives Harris a 50 percent approval rating, which is significantly higher than the one conducted a week before, when her favorability was 43 percent and 51 percent had an unfavorable perception of her."



Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Crystal Balls can get one in trouble along with ouija boards, the FBI uses them for security..just saying ,word salad people are dangerous.....they laugh a lot and say nothing. May the less crooked party win:moto3:


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Harris Crushes Trump With Record-Breaking Fundraising Haul

The momentum continues.

"Vice President Kamala Harris has shattered campaign fundraising expectations, bringing in a whopping $310 million in July, more than double Donald Trump’s $137 million." (Source)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Obviously these outrageous campaign donations given to a candidate who had the worst VP favorability rating in history don't pass the smell test. But this bounce is no surprise since there are so many donors who will support anyone running against Trump, even if they're more dislikeable than Hilary Clinton.

However, this spike in enthusiasm won't last because Kamala can't run away from her well-documented radical left-wing ideology, her Senate voting record, and her abysmal failure as Border Czar. Once she's forced to account for her stance on critical issues, the independents and moderates will remember why Harris's favorability has been so low; she's still a loser, just like she was in the 2020 primary.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Obviously these outrageous campaign donations given to a candidate who had the worst VP favorability rating in history don't pass the smell test. But this bounce is no surprise since there are so many donors who will support anyone running against Trump, even if they're more dislikeable than Hilary Clinton.

However, this spike in enthusiasm won't last because Kamala can't run away from her well-documented radical left-wing ideology, her Senate voting record, and her abysmal failure as Border Czar. Once she's forced to account for her stance on critical issues, the independents and moderates will the Harris favorability has been so low; she's a loser.

The “spike” was mostly due to the rising from rock bottom of Biden. Historically low numbers.
Mostly astroturf enthusiasm. The vast amount of the donations are likely from the very wealthy and possibly laundered through unwitting supporters as well. Also begs the question: how much is that foreign money?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The “spike” was mostly due to the rising from rock bottom of Biden. Historically low numbers.
Mostly astroturf enthusiasm. The vast amount of the donations are likely from the very wealthy and possibly laundered through unwitting supporters as well. Also begs the question: how much is that foreign money?
She also had her own rock bottom, and nowhere to go but up. Also, there's the massive gaslighting effort by the Democrat party and the mainstream media to remake her image. Before Biden quit or was forced out, most people outside of CA knew nothing about her positions on the issues. They might have seen video of her goofy word salads and her annoying cackle, otherwise she's been an empty pants suit.
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Veteran Expediter
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She also had her own rock bottom, and nowhere to go but up. Also, there's the massive gaslighting effort by the Democrat party and the mainstream media to remake her image. Before Biden quit or was forced out, most people outside of CA knew nothing about her positions on the issues. They might have seen video of her goofy word salads and her annoying cackle, otherwise she's been an empty pants suit.
She doesn’t have to do much. Just read a statement off the teleprompter and leave without taking questions. No sit down interviews with real journalists that will ask her hard questions. Trump works at least 10 times as hard. Campaigns with two stops a day sometimes and shows up for interviews with antagonistic “journalists” that ask him loaded questions with false premises.
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Candidate Stamina

Since becoming the Democratic candidate for president, Harris has been working non-stop to raise money and support. She is busy attending events and making fundraising calls. In her first week or two, she will likely have completed more campaign events than Trump has completed in the last month or two.

Trump will have no choice but to increase his campaign event schedule, especially in the swing states where Harris will appear again and again. The problem for Trump is he is an old man in cognitive decline. He does not have the physical capacity to stay out on the trail like Harris will We've seen this already. Trump rarely spends the night on the road. He goes to an event and returns to Mar-a-Lago, his New Jersey property, or another Trump property to play golf and watch TV.

The more Trump tries to keep up with young, energetic, optimistic, Harris, the more tired he will become. And the more tired he becomes, the more his cognitive decline will show.

Regarding candidate stamina, advantage Harris.
The stamina difference between Harris and Trump is becoming increasingly obvious. Poor old, tired, Trump. Vastly outmatched by a capable candidate who has more energy to campaign. "Low energy." I remember when Trump tagged Jeb Bush with that label some time ago. Now Trump is making it his own.

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