January Banter and Location


Veteran Expediter
If your in Bmore and want that load out of Winchester, call dispatch and ask for them to watch for it. 115 mile dh so they don't usually watch for it.
When I was in the s/t, I would call Jeromy, he got it for me a few times.
Great load and loads on Sundays.

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Expert Expediter
When I'm home in Bmore, loads either come out of York Pa or DE. I did get lucky the last time on the 18th. Picked up one in Stevensville just on the other side of the bay bridge.

On the weekends for s/t, winchester va. Newspaper inserts. Usually multi stops.

I have DHd to Roanoke, need to be there before 3pm or you'll wait till the next day. Although the last time I was late getting there I got a load out of Greenville.

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Thanks Ron ! I'm up in Elkton and should be ok then. Turtle went to Roanoke so I didn't want to go south.


Veteran Expediter
Good Morning!! Dang go to bed and wakeup to someone getting "strongarmed", having some big driver showup with a "tire knocker"...for a minute I thought the Mafia was runnin the place!!...But then i seen John was in the plane again bangin on doors to get us more load opportunities and I knew he was still workin it!!...It was just the "sensitive" ones offering "help"....

Its another cold overcast morning down here in Laredo...I really don't mind bein down here over a weekend, its really not a big deal(except for the rates we are seeing) but i remember when Laredo was a pretty warm place to be...again, so much fir algore and the global warming group....

Oh well, 1st cup of coffee is in hand...the "J" has no propane and neither does the "TA" or "Pilot".....i knew i was low, so i tried to have the extra tank filled or exchanged last night around 2200...thats when i found out there was none close....Sooo..I ran the Big Buddy on low till about 0400...yeap it ran out....so i have something to do today....but Ill have heat without idling in an hour or so....;)

Oh and the lots ;)down here are filling up again.....:rolleyes:

Oh Oh...whille I don't have a problem with this weekend in Laredo, I'd trade it to be in Hagerstown....at least I'd no the words to the songs at Karaoke.....but thats another story...:D
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Veteran Expediter
Thanks Ron ! I'm up in Elkton and should be ok then. Turtle went to Roanoke so I didn't want to go south.

There is a load that comes out of that area, but only goes to Shippensport PA. (by carlisle). I don't know if that load runs on weekends. Only had it during the week.

You are closer to De. The port in De has taken over a lot of the business the port of Baltimore used to get. So more forwarders there. The port of Baltimore is mainly doing bulk, cars and containers. So a lot of the forwarders have gone under. Not much comes in BWI.

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Retired Expediter
There is a Best Buy in Benton Ar...I have to pass it....soooo talk on the phone....because...these buds were not made for me...LOL


Retired Expediter
Good Morning!! Dang go to bed and wakeup to someone getting "strongarmed", having some big driver showup with a "tire knocker"...for a minute I thought the Mafia was runnin the place!!...But then i seen John was in the plane again bangin on doors to get us more load opportunities and I knew he was still workin it!!...It was just the "sensitive" ones offering "help"....

Its another cold overcast morning down here in Laredo...I really don't mind bein down here over a weekend, its really not a big deal(except for the rates we are seeing) but i remember when Laredo was a pretty warm place to be...again, so much fir algore and the global warming group....

Oh well, 1st cup of coffee is in hand...the "J" has no propane and neither does the "TA" or "Pilot".....i knew i was low, so i tried to have the extra tank filled or exchanged last night around 2200...thats when i found out there was none close....Sooo..I ran the Big Buddy on low till about 0400...yeap it ran out....so i have something to do today....but Ill have heat without idling in an hour or so....;)

Oh and the lots ;)down here are filling up again.....:rolleyes:

Oh Oh...whille I don't have a problem with this weekend in Laredo, I'd trade it to be in Hagerstown....at least I'd no the words to the songs at Karaoke.....but thats another story...:D

Ya can hit the downtown Wally Mart on the way to Logans for dinner.....LOL


Veteran Expediter
Mornin Jason!! And OVM, Ill be gettin propane long before i go to dinner...its chili (well iam a wuss when it comes to cold) so ill be seeking it out asap, I ain't idlin the truck all day...


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Just happened to think. Are there Timmies in the Carolinas?

It could get fugly if John can't get his milkshake. :eek:

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Veteran Expediter
At the Petro in Knoxville still. Had breakfast and Nicks doing laundry. I am resting my butt :( definitely not going to be making it a habit of falling on it. not sure what we will do today. maybe the flea market, maybe gun range, maybe spend the day watching movies on Netflix. Really happy we have the unlimited data plan on the phones. as long as we are in a 4G area it streams quite nicely. just hook the hdmi cord to the tv and we are all set. watched 2 movies last night. much cheaper than the movie theater.