Hi all, just got to Franklin Ky.
Went from NC to Buffalo. Met up with Eula to swap the load going to Canada. She got there about 4AM yesterday morning. BOL said 75#, I think it was a bit more. It was 11 deg out, wind chill -1. Poor Eula just had a sweater on and was freezing. SCOTT, buy your wife some warm cloths!
By the way, I think she wants a Sprinter too.
Picked up over by Pembroke NY yesterday afternoon.
From just south of Cleveland on I271, hit the freezing rain. Ended up with half inch thick ice over the whole van. The check engine light came on just south of Columbus. Pulled into a gas station, could barely get the hood open. The whole front end had almost an inch of ice and the 2 intakes on top of the hood were completely iced over.
After reading thru the manual, everything checked out ok. South of Louisville, temp got above 34 and rain. Ice started coming off. Sounded like someone ripping the sheet metal apart. Delivered in Bowling Green bout 4am, went and fueled up, check engine light went off. Just about all the ice was gone. 43 deg out. The roads when I came thru weren't really that bad. SB I71 north of Columbus was the worse stretch. Still had plenty of spray coming off the vehicles in front and passing me. The biggest problem was keeping the ice off the windshield and wipers. Went thru about a gallon of washer fluid.
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