Well, so are you ..... only difference is, he makes actually makes sense ....
I am SO happy to see you
have to make this PERSONAL AGAIN! I am not running, YOU want me to vote for a person that I don't like and REFUSE to discuss specifics, just ridicule. Typical for a person with a weak argument.
Let's try this AGAIN! Below you will find some questions, can you show me how Dr. Paul will respond or will you just make fun of me some more?
Dr. Paul CLAIMS to defend the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. How does he intend to do that? Will he be able to remove federal laws that are in conflict with the Constitution? Like shotgun barrel length restrictions? Shotgun magazine capacity restrictions? (I would bet that he has NO IDEA where those restrictions came from) What about federal background checks? Will he eliminate them or is he only sort of for the Constitution? I don't what example of his rhetoric, I want specific legislation he would ask to be passed. I want specific laws he would ask to be repealed.