Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite Few?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

The EO Field Editor was allowed the opportunity to share his story related to the topics in this thread on the home page of this site, and voice his views there. As forum members cannot instantly do that or openly comment about the story on the home page, he has that advantage and used it. Now the day is done, he told his story, and I hope he is finished.
As he is "Field" editor, while out in the field hopefully he can meet and share some of the stories of the people he speaks of and have some solid examples. Without actual examples of these people and real success stories or profiles, the well written story of his is little more than his personal feelings, or just another forum post. I am finsihed now:)



Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Just to clarify, without taking sides.. the story on the front page was written several weeks ago, not in response to this thread.

We are doing our best to keep neutral in this, and moderate in the best interest of the whole forum, including new members who have no clue what's going on.

As Terry said, let's let this thread end this entire discussion, and get back to the business of discussing Expediting... not other posters. We've devoted entirely too much space to this.

Thanks everyone,



Expert Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Fabulous thread Diane!! I have been a member for a while, but only made a small handful of posts. When I am home, I like to read the new threads and maybe search some old ones in hopes for an answer on something. This is of course just my opinion, but the overall feeling I get when I read posts, is that if you are not a self proclaimed professional with so many years of experience (as stated in your signature line) you are not worthy to respond. Thats a little intimidating, and I would wager I am not the only person to think so. I will end my response by asking one question: Where do some of you guys get time to respond with some of these 6 page responses? lol. I ask that jokingly, but as an expediter, I am gone all week usually, and most of the time get home on the weekend. I get a little bit of time to check out the web if I am by a Flying J, but most of the time, my major internet surfing occurs at home. I must be working for the wrong company.



Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F


Many of our members have laptops in their trucks with either a wireless air card such as Sprint or Verizon, or WIFI hookup. That makes those layovers go easier, when you can surf from your sleeper!

With the way prices are dropping nowadays on computers, my thought is, it won't be long before MOST drivers will have them onboard.

Indeed, many have said they are a necessity for todays driver!


ps... you are indeed "Worthy" :)


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

i think i will add my 2 cents worth
i think it nice to know what kind of exprience everybody has and
where they came from as there are a few expediters out there who have
done a few neat things before coming to expediting
one person that i know of was in cuba rev and fell out of grace and
got out cuba with only the cloth's on his back
one other person that i know of was in a black sea country and also got out of country by one car lenght if he lost the race he wouldn't
been able to share this with people who know him
myself retired from us navy in 89 as skc, sw
navy cargo handle and rigger
and truck driver
cdl sents 1970, drove school bus , pass bus, forklifts 30lbs
10 wheeler's, small boats to
was on 9 ship's in 21 year's 14 year's of sea duty
sailor belong on ships and ship belong at sea
and navy expediters ship parts world wide by any way i could
and doing this sents 1992 and 4 trucks later


Expert Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

To those who responded to my post, thank you. Dreamer, I agree with you, I had hoped that your post last week would have settled this "credentials" issue, but the continued references to it made me decide to write my post. I think woobergoober expressed it well. Whether or not the individuals who started this whole "credentials" thing intended it or not, the side effect can be intimidation, rather than education. That is a side effect that I find very troubling.

No one may explicitly have said that someone should not post, but to even suggest that qualifiers or disclaimers are necessary for a posting on a forum like this, is in effect saying that the poster should warn everyone that they are not qualified to answer the question.

My point is the reader can decide for themselves if a post has worth or not. It does not take much review of this site to find some great debates and variations of opinions. There should be little chance that someone will take one post as gospel on a subject.

Thank you to those who wanted this thread left open for my response. Please note that neither I nor Phil can always respond quickly because we do like to keep the wheels rolling and the income flowing. I have not posted on this forum for over 18 months, I may post again in hours, or not until months from now. Rest assured, any posts under FreeSpirit are from Diane. ATeam is Phil. FreeSpirit is me.

I think enough has been said on the credentials topic (as well as a few unrelated topics). I've responded as some requested. Moderators, if you lock this thread, I'll take no offense. Thank you.

Tom Robertson

Veteran Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F


You posted the original argument to which I posted the counter.
At this time the members have expressed themselves as follows.

Three have posted in your favor.
Six have posted a neutral position.
Fourteen have posted in my favor.

You have now made your closing argument, and suggested that it is NOW ok with you for the moderators to close this thread.

I think perhaps my closing arguments need to be heard.

I find your closing argument to be weak. I believe that the majority of the readers will see that your closing remarks do not address the real reason for this controversy. You have failed to address the fact that some of the members of this forum speak to others with such authority, that they “appear” to have experience on a specific topic when in fact, I have shown the opposite. Furthermore, you have failed to show how any member has or would be harmed from the suggestion of posting their credentials.

Your summation takes a direction not introduced in your original argument, but (to use a favorite word of one of our members) “embraces” the suggestion of one of the three who have supported you in this argument. You state that “ the side effect can be intimidation, rather than education”. I suggest to you again that no one in support of posting credentials intends or promotes the concept of an elitist membership, or feels that a newcomers comments are not welcome. What we do believe however, is that those who give impressions of having specific knowledge of this industry have the courage and honesty to inform the reader of their precise role and the time spent in this industry.

You also state that “ My point is the reader can decide for themselves if a post has worth or not.
I counter that with an observation. The originators of this site placed a system by which to value the contributions of any member. I have noticed that neither you nor our husband, have allowed the members of this forum to rate your involvement. In my opinion, you have managed to bypass the original intentions of the site, and now are arguing that it is unfair for another system, a voluntary one at that, may offend some members. Perhaps if the option of not participating in the present "point system" were no longer an option, and ALL members were sujected to the same, this entire issue would be moot.

Furthermore, I have stated that some entering the field have been financialy injured by "pie in the sky" posting of encouragement to enter as an owner/operator when the member posting that encouragement was and remains at the present time a "driver".

I reached an agreement with a gentleman today to purchase his vehicle. This man is rightfully offended by those who suggested purchasing a vehicle without the knowledge that the those giving the advice did not enter this industry in the same manner. This person will be taking a loss of thousands of dollars, and like others before him is very angry with the disinformation he received. Again in my opinion, it is misleading, dishonest and irresponsible for anyone to post in this manner.

While this is certainly not a court of law, it is in fact an open forum. We shall let the members decide on the validity of this issue.

Moderators... I and many other members will take offense if this thread is locked or removed. Please allow this thread to continue so that you, the moderators and editors can view the opinions of your readers.

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

tom i am going to keep this as short and unoffensive as possible,because i don't want this thread to dissapear either.but i will say that raymond burr would be proud of you.DD. p.s.,hoping to run into you at MATS.:)


Expert Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Geo wrote "and truck driver
cdl sents 1970, drove school bus , pass bus, forklifts 30lbs"

Congratulations, you have had a cdl 20 some years longer then anyone else.:+


Veteran Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Before entering the expediting business, Phil Madsen worked in the securities and financial planning arenas as well as the computer field. Active in politics since 1992, Madsen founded the Independence Party of Minnesota that same year. In 1998 the party won a major victory with the election of Jesse Ventura as Minnesota governor.

In 2003, Madsen and his wife Diane - a former RN and administrative law attorney - entered expediting to, "increase their income, spend more time together, simplify their lives, share a joint business project, and see the country."[/i]

This is an excellent example of posting credentials - taken from an EO magazine article.

The publishing of ones credentials are quite common and are generally written as a courtesy, and generally reference the author’s expertise in relation to the subject matter, as demonstrated above.

The thing is, credentials, as demonstrated above, are primarily for the benefit of the readers as it affords the reader an opportunity to judge the validity of the author’s exposure to the subject.

As Tom has posted, EO has afforded all posters the opportunity of activating a credentialing system by which other EO members can rate the each other via the points link under our names. This feature is there precisely for the benefit of all who read these forums, and if all members were forced to participate in this rating system, credential posting would be unnecessary.


Expert Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Hey All,

My thinking is, in an town hall meeting atmosphere
like we have here. It is just good manners
to introduce yourself, because some people will not know you.

Manners are always optional, that is why they are
manners not rules.



Expert Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Man, I just got back home from a nice jaunt to VA and back, and thought I would check the forums. Ive got such a bad taste in my mouth, I think Ill just stick with trade publications. One very pleasant and well spoken lady in our business, posted a very clear and concise "letter" stating her OPINION. For that she gets attacked by the usual suspects. What a load of crap!! Credentials, fine....I guess......I mean, I could list my experience in the US Army, and every one of the 50 miscellaneous tanks, trucks, humvees, etc. that I was licensed to operate; I could go on and talk about my experience as a Fed Ex Ground contractor, then a contractor for the USPS and now to Expediting.......Theres only one problem though, all this has taken place since 1994. I had 4 years experience in the Military, 3 years experience at Fed Ex, a year with the post office gig, and the past couple years doing this. This hardly makes me an expert on anything. Maybe somebody with a valid opinion, but thats about it. Moreover, I could list any of this stuff and be a complete pharse! I talked to some old "veteran" of the trucking industry in Detroit the other day, and this guy had been doing this job for 30 something years now..........this guy was the biggest pieced of excremant I had ever come across. Did nothing but talk bad about the industry; every other word out of his mouth was the "f" word.......was telling everybody, actually boasting about how many speeding tickets he has gotten, and how he does not care. I could go on, but it was the most un pleasant 15 minutes I had ever spent waiting in line for paperwork. My point you ask? List your credentials......Whoopie!

P.S. Sorry if this is offensive to anybody, but I tend to get a little passionate with my thoughts.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Scott, you might be missing something. Read post #31 again please. That very nice lady is the wife of the person in the credentials example taken from the magazine articles. But that aside, like I said, the credentials thing is OPTIONAL on the forums.


Staff member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

>The EO Field Editor was allowed the opportunity to share his
>story related to the topics in this thread on the home page
>of this site, and voice his views there. As forum members
>cannot instantly do that or openly comment about the story
>on the home page, he has that advantage and used it. Now the
>day is done, he told his story, and I hope he is finished.
>As he is "Field" editor, while out in the field hopefully he
>can meet and share some of the stories of the people he
>speaks of and have some solid examples. Without actual
>examples of these people and real success stories or
>profiles, the well written story of his is little more than
>his personal feelings, or just another forum post. I am
>finsihed now:)


You have been invited many times over the years to share an article with the users and visitors to our site - on each occasion you declined our request. Please do not make our editorials sound like an "exclusive club" reserved for only a few.


Education is the best defense against the media.

The Lord's Prayer is 66 words, the Gettysburg Address is 286 words, there are 1,322 words in the Declaration of Independence, but government regulations on the sale of cabbage total 26,911 words.

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Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Diane, Jen, Freespirit,

>>Recently a few individuals have taken it upon themselves to declare who is or is not eligibleor qualified to post responses to inquiries or to share information. This bothers me greatly. Excuse me, but for those of you who believe credentialing is in order, by whose authorityare you acting? In my research of this Forum, I can find NOTHING that says individuals must be credentialed before they can post information, thoughts, beliefs or opinions. <<

Where is this? I have looked and can not find any posts that state any declarations are necessary.

>>It saddens me to see a small group of individuals try to take this Forum and turn it into something that only a perceived elite few are qualified to use in its' full capacity. If this small group succeeded, I believe it would be the beginning of the end for this Forum as newbies and individuals who do not ascribe to elitism left to find or create a site that welcomed everyone. <<

It saddens me as well that one individual successfully disrupted this forum a year ago or so and is once again at the heart of another dilemma. To top it off, this individual has also been a source of controversy while posting on at least three other web sites because of an inability to accept criticisms without inferring liable litigation would/could be pending anyone daring to pose a challenge to his statements or scenarios.

I’ll tell you what else saddens me...the wealth of knowledge that the members of this site have is being quashed. It saddens me that this site has been the leader in expediter forums and now members don’t feel free to post anymore. It REALLY saddens me that this cite is losing credibility, originality and diversity because we all have to be in lock step or we are perceived as ganging up on one person, carrier, or company.

>>No one may explicitly have said that someone should not post, but to even suggest that qualifiers ordisclaimers are necessary for a posting on a forum like this, is in effect saying that the poster should warn everyone that they are not qualified to answer the question. <<

I now add a disclaimer to my posts because I do not wish to fall prey to a pompous whacko’s law suit. I know even expressions of opinion based on disclosed facts that are true can spark a libel suit, regardless of whether one could ultimately sustain one and I don’t wish to find out. As far as qualifiers, they to were not part of anyone’s posts until just recently...what could have spurred this? (Hmm, I do wonder.)

>>Whether or not the individuals who started this whole "credentials" thing intended it or not, the side effect can be intimidation, rather than education. That is a side effect that I find very troubling.<<

Do you not think two moderators leaving a forum after years and subsequently posting public apologies is not a direct result of some intimidation or was this education? How about charter members no longer posting on this site since they left? These are some of the “side effects” from last years discourse on this site. In addition, take a look at how many posts have been “edited” or locked recently. I would point you to specific past posts that also relate to the “side effect” but they have been REMOVED.

All I have left to say is....I WANT THE OLD FORUM BACK!! Where there could be disagreement without threats of law suits, where actual ad hominem attacks were non-existent, where ALL members/guests felt welcome and non-threatened, where there was no such thing as a stupid question, where there was more than one right answer to a question, WHERE WE HAD RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER AND OUR DIFFERENCES!!

O/O-Super D unit-Team-6yrs
--What goes around comes around--
LEGAL NOTICE: The views and opinions expressed in this post are those held by the posting author and do not represent the views or opinions of Expediters, On Time Media, LLC, it's agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertisers or sponsors.


Staff member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

>All I have left to say is....I WANT THE OLD FORUM BACK!!
>Where there could be disagreement without threats of law
>suits, where actual ad hominem attacks were non-existent,
>where ALL members/guests felt welcome and non-threatened,
>where there was no such thing as a stupid question, where
>there was more than one right answer to a question, WHERE WE

I'm not aware of any pending lawsuits. This is news to me. Also, you are a Charter Member - we have many Charter Members who post on occasion.


Education is the best defense against the media.

The Lord's Prayer is 66 words, the Gettysburg Address is 286 words, there are 1,322 words in the Declaration of Independence, but government regulations on the sale of cabbage total 26,911 words.

Thanks For Visiting EO!

Please Help Us Get The Word
Out About Expediters!



Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

The idea of someone listing credentials to my knowledge is not a required item to post. It is purely an optional thing. The only reason I think it came up was because someone refused to be part of the rating system already in place. I think either one is fine just for the purpose of knowing where information is being derived. Most of the time one can tell who is new and so on. I agree that these folks should feel more than welcome whether new or experienced. As far as new folks entering the forums, I have looked at many posts and haven't found anyone discouraging them from posting or answering questions. Under no circumstances should anyone be discouraged or intimidated from posting, especially someone new. Only misleading information or personal attacks should be scrutinized or removed.
It was sad that some from the past were intimidated by lawsuits ect. I clearly am not. I as well would like to see the forums without some of the b.s. on them as they were in the past. Hopefully we will see that in the near future.
Just my opinion and observation
Are you going to Louisville for the truck show?
20 years


Veteran Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

I don’t know if I should say anything or not about this ongoing battle of who is right or not but, a lot of the disagreement seems to be spilling over from some other sites on the net. If things start getting heated at a different web site, Please, so as to not confuse me finish all of the argument there and don’t let it spill over onto this one. I only read this site so I am not aware of what has been said at the other forums. That said, I read most of the posts here and was able to see early on that Ateam was new to this business, and from what I could tell is fairly smart, but lacking experience in this field of endeavor. This in my opinion does not disqualify him from giving advise. And most people are not saying that he cannot give that advise, but rather to say he knows little or nothing about what he is saying. (When it comes to being an O/O ) Now I will agree that on most things relating to that subject, I will give Dave and Weave’s thoughts more weight than someone who has done research, with no practical experience. But I think that Ateam has some well thought out ideas, some I agree with, some I don’t.

I do not know how, but I missed the big fight that caused some long time members to leave. It must have been when I was busy trying to go broke with the company I was with before Panther II. I wish that I knew more about that period so that it would help me understand the emotions that are still raging today.

I do not like to use the power that I seem to have over these boards but I will use it this one time for the good of all mankind and what you may ask is that power......... When I post, it seems to kill that thread. Just don’t make me do it very often. Have a good day!