Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite Few?


Expert Expediter
Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite Few?

Hello again. It has been so long since I posted on this site, that I needed to rejoin. You know me better as the "silent" spouse of ATeam. Although I usually prefer to read posts and not reply, a recent trend on this board has made me decide a posting of my own was in order. I apologize in advance for the length of this post. Usually I am less verbose than my husband, but not this time.

Recently a few individuals have taken it upon themselves to declare who is or is not eligible or qualified to post responses to inquiries or to share information. This bothers me greatly. Excuse me, but for those of you who believe credentialing is in order, by whose authority are you acting? In my research of this Forum, I can find NOTHING that says individuals must be credentialed before they can post information, thoughts, beliefs or opinions.

As many of you know, truck driving is not my first career. I am currently licensed and in good standing in both of my prior professions as a Registered Nurse and as an attorney. Both of these professions taught me something about credentialing and qualifications.

As a nurse, most of the other health professionals I worked with were straightforward and did not consider themselves to be any better than anyone else. Two surgeons, one a cardiac surgeon and one a neurosurgeon belonged to what was known as the "God club." They seemed to believe that their training and experience made them "gods." The neurosurgeon was humbled when a patient threw him out of her room, after telling him he had the worst bedside manner of any person she had ever met. The second, thought he was too good to speak to nurses about anything other than the immediate medical question. But the day he learned that I was planning on going to law school, somehow I became "qualified" to speak to him about non-work related matters. Needless to say, neither my or my co-workers opinion of him changed.

My experience with the legal profession was different. As a law student, I had the opportunity to clerk for a judge one morning a week for 6 weeks. I observed him on "motion day." On those mornings he listened to motions from attorneys who had cases coming before him. Each motion would result in the judge issuing a ruling, usually after taking the matter under advisement (he would take time to research and write his opinion). On 4 occasions, the judge asked me to research and draft the opinion as I thought best. He would not tell me his thoughts on the case until I presented my results to him. The judge ultimately signed and issued 2 of my opinions without modification and the other 2 with minor modifications. He found the research and thoughts of a 2nd year law student to be worthy. Those "thoughts" became the law of the case for each case.

That judge was not unusual. Virtually every judge in this country has at least one law clerk assisting him or her. Most of the clerks are new attorneys with NO experience practicing law. It is common for the judges to ask the clerks to research and draft opinions. Those opinions may or may not be modified depending upon the judge and the skill of the law clerk in drafting the material to the style of the judge while incorporating both the relevant law and facts.

Even the U.S. Supreme Court justices use law clerks to research and draft opinions. The opinions that these lawyers who have NEVER practiced a day of law in their lives, may become the law of the case and of the land. These are NEWBIE attorneys.

If a U.S. Supreme Court justice can find worth in a newbie with no experience, why can't some people that post on this site find the thoughts, opinions and research of newbies to be at least worthy of open expression?

In each of my jobs as an attorney, the law firm would ask each of the attorneys to present educational seminars, either to the law firm itself, the clients, or to continuing education seminars for other attorneys practicing in the same field. A few months after joining my law firm as a new attorney, I found myself educating over a dozen attorneys on a small area of workers' compensation law.

These were attorneys that had been working in this field for 1 to 30+ years. Two were recognized as being amongst the top of the field for Minnesota. They did not take the attitude that I was an inexperienced newbie who should only ask questions but never volunteer information, or that I was someone who was incapable of researching an issue and responding with a credible answer. In other words, among distinguished and experienced professionals, I did NOT need to be credentialed to have something of worth to say.

I enjoyed my previous jobs. I was good at them, but I could never relate to some of my co-workers who talked about "loving their jobs" or how they couldn't wait to get up in the morning and go to work. As strange as it may seem, I have found that type of enthusiasm for expedited truck driving.

It saddens me to see a small group of individuals try to take this Forum and turn it into something that only a perceived elite few are qualified to use in its' full capacity. If this small group succeeded, I believe it would be the beginning of the end for this Forum as newbies and individuals who do not ascribe to elitism left to find or create a site that welcomed everyone.

I believe that there are many more individuals who simply read the postings on this Board than ever post. Most of these individuals have never become a member. They prefer to sit quietly, listen, learn and watch. Those individuals are wannabees, newbies, industry experts, drivers, owners, and simply interested persons.

Like my husband Phil (ATeam) and myself, many of these individuals have had careers prior to trucking. Instead of ridiculing those backgrounds, or dismissing the individuals as unqualified because they have not driven or owned a truck for X amount of time, how about embracing them and all the diversity, knowledge and interest they can bring?

If we take the credentialing idea to its logical steps, almost no one in this Forum would be qualified to speak about anything. For example, for questions regarding the rules or regs, including Hours of Service, only a attorney specializing in that field or a state or federal DOT/FMCSA official would be qualified to answer the question. Why? Because to answer it, you have to interpret the law. Anyone else doing so would be either practicing law without a license or would not have the years of expertise and training to answer.

If you have a question about selling a truck? Well, even the individuals who have been in trucking the longest have only sold a handful of trucks, so only a truck salesman with years of experience in the expediting industry can answer that question.

Do you have a question about solo versus team driving? Sorry, only someone who has been a solo driver for X years and also a team driver for X years would be qualified to respond. Because that person alone has the requisite experience. If you have only driven solo, you do not know enough about team driving to respond, similarly if you have only driven team, you do not know what the differences are for a solo driver so you are not qualified to respond.

My point is, this credentials and experience emphasis gets ridiculous very quickly.

The elite group that wants to credential individuals, have come up with criteria that are not the industry norm. I have yet to read on any other web site or in any industry document that a person is still considered to be a "newbie" after 1 year.

That is irrelevant though to my main point, the point is that everyone has something of worth to offer. The reader is the one who has to decide what that worth is.

Individuals posting on this site have a wealth of knowledge, experience, thoughts, opinions and ideas. Every one of them should be welcomed equally. The readers of the Forum can decide for themselves which postings are of worth and which hold no merit.

This site is not for the elite, it is for everyone. Let's keep it so.

Special K

Expert Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

BRAVO, DIANE!! There are MANY of us who enjoy and appreciate your and Phil's thoughtful and intelligent contributions, we just usually remain in the shadows.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Free Spirit, I am curious as too what prompted you to write this post, essentially saying only a few can post on this or other forums.
These forums are open to everyone who is a member.
There is no discrimination based on an individual's background or experience.
Very few topics get locked or removed on EO.Topics that literally bait members into so called FLAMING responses or are obscene or racial in nature get reviewed and are either removed or locked to
prevent additional difficulties.
Several weeks ago your Husband commended the moderators on EO for doing "an outstanding job", so I am simply curious as too what ever incident required you to generate your post about ELITE Status. Belive me NO ONE has elitist status on EO.
Rich M
18 years


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

I believe I understand, and it's what I was mentioning earler in another post. Everyone gets so passionate about their point of view, many people take it as they want to exclude others, to the point of making some feel unwelcome.

I believe after discussions this week, we've got more of a balance, and an understanding hopefully.

We've said it before.. as long as there are strong personalities, there will be disagreements.. the professionals are the ones who can get on thru it, and work together.

All are equally welcome to post here, and give their opinions, no matter the amount of their experience.

That's the way it's always been, and as far as I'm concerned, the way it always should, and will.. be.


Tom Robertson

Veteran Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Free Spirit...

Hello, and thanks for taking the time to express your opinion.

I will start with an objection. NO-ONE to my knowledge has ever suggested that the opinions of all are not welcome. I and others, who have endorsed the concept of credentials, have stated in several posts (and even named specific individuals participating) that some very solid information has been posted by some yet to drive commercially. My concern and that of others is that some of the advice given on this forum is based solely on “research”.

As you know, in your study of law, there are specific cases which can be cited as precedents for reaching an opinion or interpretation of law. Research for prior case law can be accomplished by anyone with a basic knowledge of law and an understanding of the criteria needed to reach an opinion. As a law student you had the privilege of doing the research for the judge. You however were not allowed to rule on the case. You were not qualified to do so. Your research was solid enough to be signed without modification on two of your opinions. Your research was modified on your other opinions. The point is that while you got it right twice, you also were a little off twice.

Your opinions were reviewed prior to the judge making them public. The judge qualified your opinion, making certain that whatever issues you were researching were handled in a fair and just manner. Then he signed his name, not yours...why?; because you were not qualified to make your opinion public.

You went to institutions of higher learning and you were credentialed as a nurse and a lawyer. A certain phrase is used in both of your prior professions. The term used is practicing. You practiced law, and you practiced medicine. No matter how long you are in either of these professions, the term remains.

While the same term is not used in our industry we too are practicing our chosen profession. Participants in this forum are here to learn, no matter how long we have been involved.

If a member of my family were faced with a life threatening surgery, I would seek out the surgeon for information regarding the surgery, not a nurse who “researched” the procedure.

Likewise if I had an issue that were of legal concern and had the opportunity to speak with a judge, or a second year law student, my choice would be the judge.

I have not, and to my knowledge no one on this forum has ridiculed yours or your husband’s backgrounds. Your husband has however posted information regarding what an owner operator faces in his first year and furthermore has advised that in the second and third year the owner operator will “face new challenges.”

His ideas may or not be true, however your husbands posts fail to mention that he has not experienced the first day, much less the second and third year of ownership. This kind of post in my OPINION, is misleading at best and potentially harmful to others who do not know that the advice given is based on “reasearch”...not experience. Post like these are an opinion and have no real world experience.

One of your husband’s post about his training in OCS talks about a guy wigging out when blindfolded and told to jump from the high dive into a swimming pool. The point he made with that story was that ... no-one knows what he will do until he is actually faced with that particular situation. Yet he continues to post as if he has faced the situation in question, offering advice based on “research” that is in my opinion masked as if the advice is from experience.

Phil is a talented man. He writes beautifully and descriptively. The two of you have been driving for owners for about one and one half years. Phil’s post and advice of a driver are more than welcomed by me and I think all others on this forum. His post advising which class of truck to buy and the advantages of one class over the other, when he has owned neither, are once again in my opinion misleading. The arguments over class 7 vs class 8 are an unsettled matter. In this post if he had just stated... Although I have not owned either a class 7 or class 8 truck, in my opinion... then we the readers would have respected his post.

I have enjoyed many of Phil’s post and have written to him personally to inform him that he is a talented writer. I also asked him to please consider the fact that he is also very influential, and that others may have been injured by his enthusiastic approach to our business.

Again, please understand that I have only one issue with your husband’s posts... the issue is honesty. If he simply states when he is advising on opinion, rather than experience, I would have no issues with him at all.

If I were running for public office, I would seek out Phil’s wealth of knowledge about how to run a successful campaign using the powers of the internet.
However, if I am seeking advice about entering the industry as an owner operator, it is my opinion that your husband should make the reader aware that he entered as a driver. Then his opinion is known to be exactly opinion. An experienced owner/operator then has the ability to point out where he may be mistaken, much in the same manner that the judge did, when he made minor corrections to your opinion.

Phil’s ideas of what an owner operator is faced with during his second and third year is based on “research”. A simple acknowledgement of that or better yet...his credentials showing up on the signature line, would resolve all of this controversy.

You can research many things. Your research can be spot on, require minor corrections, or be totally out to lunch. If you have nothing to compare your research to, and no judge to make the corrections, it is misleading to present this information as fact.
If your husband had actually entered the industry as an owner operator, invested his own money, taken all the risk and responsibilities of ownership and had in fact succeeded, then he would be in the position to advise others to follow his lead. To encourage others to make an investment which he himself was reluctant or unable to do, without disclosing that he is not an owner operator, is in my opinion irresponsible.

One can read everything written about driving an Indy car at speeds exceeding 200 miles an hour. They can visualize what it must feel like and how to properly handle the corners, they can read about how to shift, brake, and accelerate coming out of the turns.
While they may have a better knowledge of how the car will perform that the average guy, it is highly likely that they will hit the wall on the first lap.

I am certain there are many who entered this business as owner operators and who have succeeded. It is my guess that the majority of those who succeeded did so in a van. I am equally certain that their numbers are a fraction of those who tried and failed.

It remains my opinion that those who have entered this way are the only ones qualified to advise another on the benefits of doing so. It also remains my opinion that those of us with first hand knowledge of the difficulties of entering this business as an owner/operator have an obligation to advise those considering doing so, of the risks involved. Furthermoe in my opinion, it is our responsibility to ask those who advise others to take these risks, to make their credentials known.

If you had signed the opinions and presented them to the court as your own, would your credentials have been questioned?

I respect and admire your defending your husband’s posts. You know him better than any of us, and while I am certain that his heart is in the right place and that he only is attempting to help others, his posts can be misleading. I am certain that neither of you would want to cause another any hardship. So now I ask you publicly to post from your own experiences, or state that your posts are based on your research.

With these words I offer a truce and extend an offer to meet at MATS. It would be my honor to do so.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

>With these words I ...extend an offer to meet
>at MATS. It would be my honor to do so.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

I have read, with high hopes, that the exchanges expressed on this topic, would result in a compromise of positions. Happily, Tom has sought to extend an "olive branch", only to be rebuffed by a forum member whose motto seems to be: "My mind is made up; don't confuse me with facts."

O/O for 4 yrs.
Drove for someone for 2 yrs.
Currently trying to get my Orthopedist to let me drive again!


Expert Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Tom that was very well put. I'm not even a Newbie I'm a Wannabie..I'm finishing off a committment I made and hope to be entering this industry in the Spring. I've driven otr for three years and loved currently managing my brother's car wash / quick lube (never really liked it :)) but I've had a couple of expediters come through here and that's how I became aware of this industry. My research led me to this sight where I have lurked in the weeds for awhile reading posts ..I'm not sure how long I have been officially a member but I surely have learned a lot here and am most grateful for the time that the members have spent and to Lawrence and all for providing everything on this sight. I have beeen to 2 expediter expos and so far 2 seminars that EO has put on. I will be at MATS at the end of March and if you're not too busy I would surely enjoy meeting you. My experience on this sight has been nothing less than outstanding...Thanks to All..and with your suggestion I will sign off as follows:

Mortgage Banker 20+ years
Company otr driver 3 years
Carwash mgr 3+ years
Expediter Wannabie 3 years


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

The last time the gentleman in question initiated an offline (private e-mail) conversation with me, I later found my private replies broadcast all over EO without my foreknowledge or consent. And the broadcast content was not entirely accurate.

I'm not about to meet with him at a truck show without knowing more about why he wants to meet. In fact, I have little interest in meeting him at all. I seldom read his posts any more. If there was a way to block his posts from appearing on my screen, I would do so. His right to free speach does not negate my right to ignore him.

Several others people have arranged to meet us at the truck show. They did it privately and we're looking forward to the visits. In view of past experience and posts, I'm leery of the gentleman's grandstanding and public invitation.

Tom Robertson

Veteran Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F


>The last time the gentleman in question initiated an offline
>(private e-mail) conversation with me, I later found my
>private replies broadcast all over EO without my
>foreknowledge or consent. And the broadcast content was not
>entirely accurate.

I suggest to you that this statement is without foundation, and ask you to cite your sources.

I have of copy of my email to you and your reply and will happily post both of them, with your permission, of course.

>I'm not about to meet with him at a truck show without
>knowing more about why he wants to meet. In fact, I have
>little interest in meeting him at all.....

>In view of past experience and posts, I'm leery of
>the gentleman's grandstanding and public invitation.

I happen to live in Louisville, and it is southern tradition to offer to meet anyone who visits your hometown. I too have arranged to meet with several E/O members. I have no hidden agenda in making this offer. I asked in sincerity for a possible discussion to better understand one another. Sorry if I have offended you with my hospitality.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Very well put Tom. I noticed you addressed your post to Free Sprit (who started a great thread herself) and possibly reminded her of Mr. Ateam’s shortcomings (could one of them be --- pretending to be someone he is not? We all have one or two!). She may agree with you, but can’t reply.

You know doubt struck a nerve with Mr. Ateam so now he is going to throw a spin on it. BEWARE TOM!!! Notice of all the comments, remarks and concerns in Free Sprits post and yours that he picked the truce offer and the suggestion to meet him, to attack. Anyone with any common sense would realize a truce and an offer to meet at MATS would be to put a face with a name and to per se “bury the hatchet” but not Ateam.

I like how he doesn’t read your posts, but replied ASAP to it. Watch what you say and how you say it, so you aren’t accused of being liable for something.

AKA Tony C


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Well here we go again, Tom offered a truce twice,the other party was not willing to accept it,the original poster did not explain the reasoning behind her original post claiming that only Elite individuals could post,simply not true.Guys this stuff needs to STOP.

Tom Robertson

Veteran Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

2 dogs

It will be my plesure...

Stay in touch as MATS approaches and we will set a time and place

thanks for your post


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Just a note to Diane:

The credentials thing is purely OPTIONAL for those who wish to present them. I have three good reasons why I decided to present mine:

1. I am proud of them and the time I have successfully spent in the expediting industry. And this is a site devoted to the EXPEDITING industry! This site publishes stories that showcase the profiles of expediters all the time, and some members like to show their time of involvement in the industry with their credentials in their signature.

2. They allow the newbies who post to have a better picture of the people they are discussing topics with and what their qualifications and backgrounds might be.

3. By showing the credentials, the "Elite" or "God" concerns do NOT exist. What you SEE is the person you are communicating with and not a pretender or mystery person.

Mr. Robertson will tell you himself that at first I wasn't all gung-ho about posting credentials when the subject came up. Then after giving it some thought, I saw how it could be a big benefit to many.

Are these reasons still "rediculous" Diane? Just remember, the credentials are OPTIONAL:)



RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

I'm no expediter, not even a newbie anymore. Still a wannabe?..most of the time :).

I was active on the forum just a few months ago..asking a lot of dumb questions and getting ALOT of very good advice. I was one of those who chose to go against the conventional wisdom of driving for an owner first. Although cautioned against it, my decision to jump in as an O/O was supported by the very people who have been accused of not accepting the opinions of others.

I have also been a lurker, then and now, on other forums where these same issues have erupted time and again. I was never really sure who might be the most to blame..until one of those involved in all the bickering in the other forums came here and almost immediately began bickering with Tom. I was also amazed that the first thing Tom called him on was exactly what everyone else had called him on in the other forums. As far as I know, Tom was prompted by no one. To me, this simple fact alone justified what the others had said all along.

I have heard many stories of what went on here a couple of years ago...long before I knew EO existed.

It is really of no importance to me one way or the other, but if you really wish your forum to return to the 'good ole days' when there were no deleted threads and the bickering was non-existant for the most part, IMHO there really is only one option and it has been done before. During that time, this bickering did not exist.

Am I being vague?? bet!

Have a good one,


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

Moderators... I UZE2BEE1...
Please don't close this thread as I don't see that any, "attacks" were made, and I think Freespirit deserves and owes a rebuttal. She should be allowed a chance to finish what she started. ;)
Or.. on another level these same topics with some of these people can be discussed in person at MATS. No need to hide if you know what you are talking about, right?

If problems have an easy common denominator, why not face it?



Veteran Expediter
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

On a short point, it never seems to be a truce to Tom, but rather your terms of surrender.
Freespirit has a 100% valid point. Labels on this board do nothing but say "I am better than you", "I know more than you", "I have more trucks than you", etc. Ppl who come on and READ will know who can answer their questions. Besides, it's not always the "veteran" who is better than the "newbie"... Emmit Smith was replaced, afterall.

I like Frankenberry.
I like watching Telletubbies with my daughter.
My cats are cooler than yours.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

I don't think it is anyones intention to say they are better than anyone else. It is only a brief description of where the information is being derived. This practice is very common in many industries and professions.
I hope that explanation helps.
20 years


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

>Moderators... I UZE2BEE1...
>Please don't close this thread as I don't see that any,
>"attacks" were made, and I think Freespirit deserves and
>owes a rebuttal.

Out of respect for Weave and his request, I won't touch this thread, although I was tempted to do so.

This open forum was designed to allow an exchange of information. Information either directly or indirectly pertaining or related to the expediting industry, its companies, its resources and its people. The agreement or disagreement with one's opinion is certaintly appropriate or welcomed. Heck, I happen to be the world's leading expert on my opinion, but I don't expect any of you to subscribe to that which I believe. I do, however, expect all of the members to hold me harmless for having that opinion.

This is not a chat room, nor channel 19, designed for the use of individuals to "publicly" throw thinly veiled barbs at each other.

Agree or disagree, but in the future, My fellow Moderators and I will delete any thread or response to that thread that contains any negative content about an individual or his/her character. Like each other or not, let this thread be the last of it.

Respectfully, Terry O'Connell


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Is This Forum For Everyone, Or Just An Elite F

If I was misunderstood and someone offered the "olive branch" in order to restore peace and have a better understanding of my views and theirs,I do believe I would jump at the chance to do it.Most of us,here in the South,do still believe in "southern hospitality" and going the extra mile to sort things out.
When I was alot younger I believed I knew all the answers but now that I'm older I realize that everyday is a learning experience.Each and everyone on this forum has something to offer.Any experience I have ever had,someone else has also had..from running in snowstorms,to fog so dense that you just could not see but by listening to others sharing their experiences,I also learn to do things maybe a little different the next time.I want to learn,and the best place for me to learn is by listening to the ones who have the experience and the wisdom to share.
o/o OTR Caliber 2 yrs
driver Roberts/Fedex CC 4 1/2 yrs.
school teacher 15 yrs