I used to run for Conway and I loved it. The things about Conway that I loved was first and formost, they were a true NON-FORCED DISPATCH company. If you were first out on a board and turned down 1 or 10 loads, you were still first out!! No penalties, No dention!
I ran for them for 2 years B-4 the sale of the company and couldn't be happier. In that 2 years I only had 3 runs of 230 miles or less. (This is in a Cargo van by the way)
I'd have to say most averaged 300+ miles. One of those being a mini.
and minis paid 74.00 - 95.00 depending on the company we were hauling for. Also I was never offered runs like D/H 90 miles to go 120 miles.
If you were offered a load that had alot of D/H on the front end they usually offered you more money for D/H without even asking for it. If it took you to a non-freight area, they would pay to empty move you to a better area. 9 times out of 10 after delivering you were 1st out! Once in a while 2nd out unless in Detroit then maybe 5th to 8th. You didn't have an acceptance percentage to worry about so you didn't need to worry about them dispatching around you because of it. I also know of a few drivers that were dispatched around by mistake and those drivers were then also paid for that run. If you did turn down a run for any reason they didn't get all p issy about it. they would just say ok, we'll try to find you something else. I'm not saying they were the perfect company, but they were great to work with and stress free. At orientation they told you right up front if you don't want to go to Canada no problem, That they had Canadian drivers also, and you can transfer the load so they could get home.
You never got a call at 3 in the morning for a load picking up at noon the next day.
Now you know why some ex-Conway drivers are not as happy as you think they should be !