If Cash For Clunkers Is Successful, Freight Should Increase


Retired Expediter
Trickle Down Economics at its best!!

Hey when I was in University 63 yrs ago taking an undergraduate course...my professor taught the theory he had on Trickle down economics....like a leaky facet..it is water wasted down the drain....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I am wearing long pants and they already have a button, at the top front of the waistband, just above the zipper. It is the only one needed. :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
The point should be made that when we are offered a run, we are not privy to exactly what the freight is. If I understand the implications correctly, if the freight is somehow connected to a government program that we disagree with, upon arrival at the shipper and the contents of the freight revealed, we should then contact our company and refuse to carry that freight....I wonder how much of that Fed Ex would put up with before they cancelled our lease?


Retired Expediter
The point should be made that when we are offered a run, we are not privy to exactly what the freight is. If I understand the implications correctly, if the freight is somehow connected to a government program that we disagree with, upon arrival at the shipper and the contents of the freight revealed, we should then contact our company and refuse to carry that freight....I wonder how much of that Fed Ex would put up with before they cancelled our lease?

Aww that is where the rubber meets the road so to speak....

How much or what are you willing to sacrifice for ones beliefs/convictions?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
They would NOT put up with it long, that is why I ONLY reserve the right to ONLY refuse illegal or freight that I find morally wrong. It is NOT a step I would take lightly.


Veteran Expediter
Aww that is where the rubber meets the road so to speak....

How much or what are you willing to sacrifice for ones beliefs/convictions?

The rubber doesn't meet the road here at all. I SAID, we would not be privy to too much information, even AT the shipper. Who's to say that any automotive freight being carried at any one time is in any way connected to the Cash for Clunkers program?

It's a hypothetical question and one that I don't see as an accurate gauge of whether or not I'm willing to stand by my convictions.

If I have a family member that is taking advantage of this program or any other that I oppose, am I supposed to, in your opinion discourage them in some way?

The examples could go on and on.....


Veteran Expediter
When have I ever said different? This is business. I will operate it as long as I can or am allowed. I DO however, belong to that sub-set that will NOT haul known illegal freight or freight that I am morally opposed to. Other than that, load it up!! Besides the better I do the more the Libs hate it!! :D Libs HATE self-reliance!! :p

Who said anything about hauling illegal freight?


Retired Expediter
If I have a family member that is taking advantage of this program or any other that I oppose, am I supposed to, in your opinion discourage them in some way?

All you could do is tell them your position on the program, it doesn't have to be a nasty discussion...then the balls is in their court...you done your job...


Veteran Expediter
The point should be made that when we are offered a run, we are not privy to exactly what the freight is. If I understand the implications correctly, if the freight is somehow connected to a government program that we disagree with, upon arrival at the shipper and the contents of the freight revealed, we should then contact our company and refuse to carry that freight....I wonder how much of that Fed Ex would put up with before they cancelled our lease?

I understand. I am just gathering "acorns" for the winter traps... ;)


Veteran Expediter
They would NOT put up with it long, that is why I ONLY reserve the right to ONLY refuse illegal or freight that I find morally wrong. It is NOT a step I would take lightly.

So you are saying Fed Ex procures what you define as "illegal freight"? or "morally wrong" freight? I wonder what that is...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That part slipped by him Mutty. Hey Rocket, want a good sorce of acorns? Go visit John Dingell's office in Dearborn, MI. LOTS of ACORNS there!! IN the White House too!! HEY!! Acorns are NUTS!! That REALLY explains a lot.


Veteran Expediter
That part slipped by him Mutty. Hey Rocket, want a good sorce of acorns? Go visit John Dingell's office in Dearborn, MI. LOTS of ACORNS there!! IN the White House too!! HEY!! Acorns are NUTS!! That REALLY explains a lot.

Yuck Yuck...you really crack yourself up don't you?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes I do!! NO, I did NOT say that Fedex was procuring illegal freight. I find it VERY unlikly that they would ever do that. As to immoral, that is a slim possibilty since what I would find immoral is personal and what I might find imorral MIGHT not be ILLEGAL. There IS a BIG difference between the two.


Veteran Expediter
All you could do is tell them your position on the program, it doesn't have to be a nasty discussion...then the balls is in their court...you done your job...

Nope, not my job......no need to even enter into a discussion about it with them. Why would I discourage a family member from taking some of "my" hard earned tax dollars and save just that much more for strangers to do the same? If the government is giving my money away ANYWAY....why shouldn't some of that money go to my family? (For the record, I don't know anyone that's used this program)