Idiot in Austin dead



what scares me is that this country is a real pressure cooker with all the bad things going on that I am surprised that this kind of thing hasn't happened more often,

read about all the people on wall street that jumped out of windows when the great depression hit, back then they didn't have the tools to cause massive destruction like people do today so they couldn't do much more than hurt themselves, now days its a very different story.

our government had better wake up real fast and start working for the people that they govern instead of helping the groups with deep pockets that can pay big bucks to put our representatives in THEIR pockets.

this country is being torn apart and if the government continues the path it is on we are going to see a lot more of this crap.


Veteran Expediter
What he did was pretty drastic but people are getting fed up w/ the crooks in the IRS. This one just happened to lash out some. He was probably fed up w/ being ripped off by those crooks.

I hope no one who was filing their taxes or what have ya was hurt.

I've dealt w/ the IRS twice. Both times I did nothing wrong. Both times dealing w/ those cheats was a PITA. I can't honestly say I'm sorry for whatever may have happened to an IRS worker in that building.

Over the years the IRS has stolen trillions of dollars from people. So they lose a life or 2. Big deal.


Veteran Expediter
Read the CBS article very carefully to see what seems to be the real problem with the guy.

The other thing is this is being considered a terrorist act, makes you wonder where it qualifies as one.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
The other thing is this is being considered a terrorist act, makes you wonder where it qualifies as one.
Going Postal, like this guy, or really, doing anything bad to people, hurting other people's feelings, being a Republican... it doesn't take much to be a terrorist these days. Being a terrorist is all the rage.


Retired Expediter
Kind of reminds me off the 60's rage..anyone with hair over the ears was labeled a Hippie.
Any crime of violence and provokes fear and terror the perps could be called in a stretch is really getting over used/misused.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This government has been doing all it can to divide this nation for years. It appears that all their work is finally coming home to roost. As I have been saying all along, government is the cause of our problems, not the solution.

They had better wake up. Right now it is only the odd nut or two. People still are hanging onto the idea that this mess will straighten out. If this government continues down this path, well, I am glad I am not a young man anymore. We are rapidly reaching that point of no return.


Veteran Expediter
the governer of NY ......... is talking about
holding bk ....on on state income tax returns

i live in Buffalo. file my taxs there....... GGRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Veteran Expediter
This government has been doing all it can to divide this nation for years. It appears that all their work is finally coming home to roost. As I have been saying all along, government is the cause of our problems, not the solution.

But Layout, we forget the past. Didn't we have in the late 60s and 70s a number of bombings and killings that are or should have been considered domestic terrorism?

I know that our great president's bff is one of them.

We have a few incidents a year, like this, the guy who drove his car into a bunch of people because they were not Muslim and so on which is not a reason to tighten up security at airports, screen pilots for mental instability over tax issues or what ever.

I honestly think this guy, like a few others (very few) had a screw or two loose for a long time and it may have been his "falling down" moment which he hit the easiest target he could find.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No, I don't forget the past. That is exactly why I said that our useless government is trying to divide us as a people. Things like affimative action, etc. They pretend that they are helping and the sheeple fall for it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not too long ago I re-read James Michener's book about Kent State. A very good book, especially if read from the perspective of having been a college student during that time. For anyone who hasn't read it, I would highly recommend it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You should try to read some of the "official" stuff leading up to that mess. It is funny how many of the same names showed up in most places where these "grass roots" things took place.

Nothing was how it seemed in the '60's. There was much Soviet involvement in the "Peace Movement" College kids are easy to "lead" almost like they had rings in their noses. (they do today).

The "Cold War" was fought on many fronts and not all were fought on the battlefields of Korea or 'Nam. They were fought in back alleys, colleges, churches, in this country. They were fought in buildings with no windows, in places like Japan, Germany, and a few most have never heard of. Many fine men (sorry ladies, men only) were lost, kidnapped, murdered in back allies and thrown down elevator shafts. Both in far away countries like Thailand and places closer like Boston.

We lost far more than was gained in the '60's. It was not a good time for this nation. We threw out the baby with the bath water.

It is very easy to place blame for something like Kent State. Too bad the reality will most likely never come out. Like most of the "stuff" that went on during that war, it is stranger than anything that any movie director could ever make up, even Mr. Moore.


Veteran Expediter
Isn't that where a bunch of young people went with rocks and bottles to a gunfight?
It was certainly where four unarmed students were gunned down in cold blood by a bunch of retarded goobers with guns, whose own inept leadership was incapable of controlling them and maintaining discipline within the ranks.

The four were:

Jeffrey Miller - had taken an active part in the protests that day and was apparently initially unarmed, however, he used a tear-gas canister as a weapon by throwing it toward the Ohio National Guardsmen at some point. When he was shot, he was facing the Guardsmen while standing in an access road leading into the Prentice Hall parking lot at a distance of approximately 265 ft. A single bullet entered his open mouth and exited at the base of his posterior skull, killing him instantly.

Allison Krause - an honors student at Kent State University, Ohio, she had been an active participant in the protests that day (her father had been a Holocaust survivor from Germany) Krause was shot in the left side of her body at about 330 ft (from the Guardsmen) fatally wounding her. A subsequent autopsy found that a single rifle bullet entered and exited her upper left arm, and entered her left lateral chest fragmenting on impact causing massive internal injuries. She died from her injuries later that same day.

Sandra Scheuer - an honors student in speech therapy. She did not take part in the Vietnam War protests that preceded the shootings. According to the account of Bruce Burkland, a close family friend, Scheuer "was walking with one of her speech and hearing therapy students across the green. Neither Sandra nor the young man had anything to do with the assembly of students on the green." She was shot through the throat with an M-1 rifle from a distance of 130 yards while walking between classes and died within five or six minutes from loss of blood.

William Schroeder - an Eagle Scout, had graduated from Lorain High School where he was an honors student. He had received the Academic Achievement award from both the Colorado School of Mines and from Kent State University, where he was a psychology student. He also earned the Association of the United States Army award for excellence in History.

At age 17 Schroeder applied for the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Scholarship (he was actually in the ROTC at the time he was murdered)

According to reports, he was not taking part in the Vietnam War protests that preceded the shootings, but simply walking between classes. His college roommate, Lou Cusella, stated that he believed Schroeder was trying to flee when shot. "Bill was 332 feet away from the nearest National Guardsman, not much of a threat. He was shot with a folder in his hand." Official reports stated that Schroeder was actually 382 feet from the National Guard at the time he was shot, while lying on the ground facing away from the Guardsmen. He was shot in the back. (which, of course, is the act of a coward)

Here's some excerpts from a few the of the letters of condolences his parents received:

"Mr and Mrs Schroeder,

There's nothing better than a dead destructive, riot making communist, and that's what your son was, if not he would have stayed away like a good American would do. Now you know what a goody-goody son you had. They should all be shot, then we'd have a better U.S.A. to live in. Be thankful he is gone, Just another communist."

"Mrs. Schroeder,

I heard you on T.V. and if I were a policeman I would kill a lot more of these kids. Keep your kids home then they do not get in trouble. My boys and girls do not get in trouble. Sure looks bad for you parents.

Kids belong in Your home, entertain them in your home like we still do here. hope the police and Army kill a lot more kids. It has to be stopped now as it is getting so you can not go out on the street.

We do not feel sorry for none of you parents. Keep your kids at home."

And who says Boobus Americanus wasn't alive and well back in 1970 ?

(Boobus Americanus, def. - Complacent, lazy & stupid US citizen who votes for politicians based upon information proffered by government shills in the mainstream media, or for other vacuous reasons. This dolt not only doesn't understand the concept of "limited government", but has never read The Constitution nor The Bill of Rights. He also believes his vote counts and that politicians are honest.)
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Kent State was a dark day in our history, of that there is no doubt. Were all of those students there totally innocent? Not likely.

What I find amazing is how the outrage and sympathy is so one sided. I have never heard the same outpouring for those sailors that were thrown down an elevator shaft in Boston. The were killed by "Peace Movement" types, loosely tied to William Ayres group. Remember him? Barry's buddy?

I did not here the national outrage when two UNARMED soldiers were gunned down in front of a recruiting office just last year. Were their useless deaths less wrong? I guess it's ok to kill UNARMED sailors and soldiers, just not students? I guess students lives are worth more than those UNARMED soldiers and sailors lives were.

I suppose that ignoring what was going on behind the scenes is ok too? It makes no difference that the Soviets were infiltrating this nation big time during those years. It makes no difference that many, if not all, of those "Peace Rallies" were at the very least "egged on" by Soviet agents that were in place in most of our colleges during that time.

I do not condone the loss of innocent life, no matter who is killed. What happened at Kent State should not have happened. I do find the one sided outlook on what took place in the '60's just as wrong. Every cop who was killed in the '60's should be mourned to the same degree as those students. Every member of the military killed by "Peace Lovers" should be mourned to the same degree as those students.


Veteran Expediter
RLENT said:
It was certainly where four unarmed
If you mean they had no firearms I would agree that it appears they (the protesters) had none.
RLENT said:
At the time they were at least protesters, and at most rioters
RLENT said:
were gunned down in cold blood
If you are saying that they were ruthlessly shot I don't see where there is any proof of that. If you mean they were shot while not armed with a firearm I will agree to a point
RLENT said:
.by a bunch of retarded goobers with guns,
Got to watch the use of the "R" Word:D (Palin might be watching) But the truth is that these guys received little to no training on how to handle a bunch of knuckleheads. Most joined the National guard either to get their College paid for, or to avoid going to Vietnam.
RLENT said:
whose own inept leadership was incapable of controlling them and maintaining discipline within the ranks.
Well can't really disagree , but how far up the Chain of Command do you want to place blame?

The four were:

RLENT said:
Jeffrey Miller - had taken an active part in the protests that day
He put himself in harms way. He, in my mind is not without blame for his own death.

RLENT said:
Allison Krause - an honors student at Kent State University, Ohio, she had been an active participant in the protests
At least a protester and possible a rioter, same as above.
RLENT said:
(her father had been a Holocaust survivor from Germany) Krause was shot in the left side of her body at about 330 ft (from the Guardsmen) fatally wounding her. A subsequent autopsy found that a single rifle bullet entered and exited her upper left arm, and entered her left lateral chest fragmenting on impact causing massive internal injuries. She died from her injuries later that same day.
This is mentioned for what reason?

RLENT said:
B]Sandra Scheuer[/B] - an honors student in speech therapy. She did not take part in the Vietnam War protests that preceded the shootings. According to the account of Bruce Burkland, a close family friend, Scheuer "was walking with one of her speech and hearing therapy students across the green. Neither Sandra nor the young man had anything to do with the assembly of students on the green." She was shot through the throat with an M-1 rifle from a distance of 130 yards while walking between classes and died within five or six minutes from loss of blood.

William Schroeder - an Eagle Scout, had graduated from Lorain High School where he was an honors student. He had received the Academic Achievement award from both the Colorado School of Mines and from Kent State University, where he was a psychology student. He also earned the Association of the United States Army award for excellence in History.

At age 17 Schroeder applied for the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Scholarship (he was actually in the ROTC at the time he was murdered)

According to reports, he was not taking part in the Vietnam War protests that preceded the shootings, but simply walking between classes. His college roommate, Lou Cusella, stated that he believed Schroeder was trying to flee when shot. "Bill was 332 feet away from the nearest National Guardsman, not much of a threat. He was shot with a folder in his hand." Official reports stated that Schroeder was actually 382 feet from the National Guard at the time he was shot, while lying on the ground facing away from the Guardsmen. He was shot in the back. (which, of course, is the act of a coward)
It appears that these two were not in anyway involved in the protests/riots. their deaths are truly a shame. I wonder if the rioters and protesters share some of the blame for those two innocent peoples deaths.

RLENT said:
Here's some excerpts from a few the of the letters of condolences his parents received:

"Mr and Mrs Schroeder,

There's nothing better than a dead destructive, riot making communist, and that's what your son was, if not he would have stayed away like a good American would do. Now you know what a goody-goody son you had. They should all be shot, then we'd have a better U.S.A. to live in. Be thankful he is gone, Just another communist."

"Mrs. Schroeder,

I heard you on T.V. and if I were a policeman I would kill a lot more of these kids. Keep your kids home then they do not get in trouble. My boys and girls do not get in trouble. Sure looks bad for you parents.

Kids belong in Your home, entertain them in your home like we still do here. hope the police and Army kill a lot more kids. It has to be stopped now as it is getting so you can not go out on the street.

We do not feel sorry for none of you parents. Keep your kids at home."
Just goes to show how stupid people can be.

RLENT said:
And who says Boobus Americanus wasn't alive and well back in 1970 ?
Never heard that word before, but by your provided definition I can't disagree.


Not a Member
Protesting (the right to assemble) is protected, Even if a dirty commie in the shadows put them up to it.

Ahhh comrade hippie dude, don't you think this war is horrible hehehe...we need to gather and stir up the masses. I already have Neil Young ready to write song if things get bloody.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Protesting (the right to assemble) is protected, Even if a dirty commie in the shadows put them up to it.

Ahhh comrade hippie dude, don't you think this war is horrible hehehe...we need to gather and stir up the masses. I already have Neil Young ready to write song if things get bloody.

Our freedoms were won by the deaths of many. I have always defended those rights and wish to insure that they never go away. Those "dirty commies" you are speaking of only wished to destroy our freedoms. There was far more to that so called "Cold War" than most know about. I did not take that threat lightly as some did.