How many miles from a team can I expect to get? FedEx CC


Seasoned Expediter
I was wondering what kind of miles I can expect to get running a good team with FedEx CC with my straight truck? I was told between 3,200-3,400 on average.... how true is this?


Veteran Expediter
A lot of variables.
How picky are they ?
How many upsells will they have. D unit ? Liftgate ? DOD ?
Will the truck stay out of the shop ?
In my 25 th month running team here with my wife.
One week I was upset about low miles due to non personal issues. Seattle Washington. Lesson learned.
This month, two friends got out of Spokane within 24 hours.
If you have lots to offer you'll think money more than you'll think miles.


Veteran Expediter
I am not with the Fed , but what Zorry said is right on...forget about the miles, think about the money...


Seasoned Expediter
My truck was a Ryder truck, I installed a sleeper. Really good condition & low miles. My team is good, still a little to learn about expediting, but they know what they are doing. I know its not about miles... but at the same time, it is. Even at $2 a mile I'm not happy with 1,000 miles a week. Any advice would always be great.... Thanks


Veteran Expediter
East of mississippi if dry unit may be good advice.
In a refeer that can and will do it all we seldom are empty more than a few hours w/o a load. There seems to be freight almost anywhere I go.
Starting out,learning the system,and probably not ready to do everything, it won't be as exciting.
Probably a good time to be starting.
A few years back, new to expediting, in a surface D as a solo I easily surpassed what they told me was average.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I am not with the Fed , but what Zorry said is right on...forget about the miles, think about the money...

Are you sure? I seen a quote from a nameless carrier executive that said "it was all about the miles". ;)


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I believe, that in this business, miles and money are inexorably intertwined.


Seasoned Expediter
I was wondering what kind of miles I can expect to get running a good team with FedEx CC with my straight truck? I was told between 3,200-3,400 on average.... how true is this?

You can probably get as many miles as you can drive with FedEx....and you could go broke doing it, too, though you could also do very well. Having a truck with them for about 8 months, the thing I learned is that it really is important that the drivers know what they're doing as far as where to go, what loads to accept/reject. You can get loads at $2 a mile or you can get them at $.50 a mile...lowest one our guy turned down was $.37 a mile...true story. So, it's what you make of it...that's why so many leave and so many do well; those that do well know what they're doing and those that don't can easily be taken advantage of. It's that way probably with a lot of carriers, I don't know, but I know it's true there. So, good luck, hopefully you will be one that does well.


Veteran Expediter
At first I was insulted by some of the crazy load offers. Since there is so little personal communication they really never know what I'm thinking. So now I am kinda amused by them.
We want to see a load in city x next month. If I'm thinking of going on my own dime it MAY make sense to take one.
Hasn't happened yet. May never happen. It wouldn't be .37. I'd probably deadhead to city x than run for .90 to city x.
Crazy ? Maybe. I just don't believe in ever running cheap. NEVER


Veteran Expediter
To clarify: we aren't talking about low dollar freight. Typically these are offers that have an unususal amount of deadhead.
I was offered one in the western half of the country. They phoned me and we started negotiating.
When we got done I had a very nice load and they serviced a valuable shipper.
If we can take one for the team then they can too.
We all have to do what's needed to service the customer.


Veteran Expediter
We've been with them since late August of last year, in a fleet owners truck. Our truck is TVAL, White Glove certified D unit with a lift gate and tag axle . About the only thing we aren't qualified to do is DOD loads. (Just haven't taken the time to get the DOD clearance.) We run to Canada and do the east coast, including running into NYC. We have stayed busy.

We just turned over putting 100,000 miles (actual not loaded paid) on the truck. That works out to about 10,000 actual a month. But we run mainly in the east where the loads tend to be shorter, but pay more per mile.

When we look at a load we look at total miles / total pay. Don't care about deadhead, as long as the rate per mile is where we want. We'll take loads for a lesser rate if the load is headed into a known good (to us) area. We'll settle for a lower rate on longer runs (over 1200 or so miles), especially if we think we can get a good load out.

We normally sit over the weekend, as most WG freight seems to be a mon-fri deal. (Not all, but most) We seldom haul surface freight, as we have been kept busy with the reefer and WG loads. Most surface loads pay less than WG, but sometimes we will get a surprise surface load paying near $2.00 a mile / all miles.

We have a goal of how much gross we want to bring into the truck each month. So far this year we missed the goal in January (home and TVAL testing), hit it in March and April, and greatly exceeded it in February and May. This month we'll miss it, but we were home for 9 days taking care of some things. So far, we're a little above average for the year. We normally stay out 6 - 8 weeks, then go home for a few days.
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Expert Expediter
There are times you can drive and drive only to realize. A few smaller loads are better that one big one. My thoughts.

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Active Expediter
Any one looking for a team driver please pm me.

Air break
Twic card
Goes pass with Canada

Sent from my PC36100 using EO Forums


Veteran Expediter
Never been with FECC but in this business al miles are not good miles.

Sent from my DROID RAZR

True enough. A low paying load, say $1.07/mile, all miles, to the middle of nowhere, not so great. But the one we just hauled at that rate, moved us 400 miles closer to our pre-dispatched load we have on Monday that pays well over $2.40 mile / all miles. Beats the $.20 / mile we would have gotten for the deadhead. :)


Veteran Expediter
Jimby,nobody gonna believe we can haul a load paying $2.40 all miles. Remember,we're supposed to be the low rate carrier.


Veteran Expediter
Its abbout how much is in my pocket at the end of the week after I pay the bills. Pay me what I want and Ill drive the wheels off my truck otherwise Ill keep it parked. I refuse to pay annother persons freight bill.
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