How is post-buyout P2 for you?


Expert Expediter
"I follow several load boards, and monitor truck activity closely." What are the load boards that you use and how do you monitor the truck activity?
For those of us with limited tools, this may be of help to us in making decisions.
Thank you,


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
I will give you my take on your other items.

Not all trucks are authorized or can go to Canada. Are they penalized?
Not in run selection, but rather their rate. Those units I believe run at a .10 cent per mile reduction on loaded miles.

What is a cheap load depends on numerous factors. If it is a expedite load we will only run it at a expedited rate.
No, my trucks don't move for pennies.
If it is a single pallet going 1000 miles that is LTL, why would a customer pay expedited rates to ship it? Not going to happen.
As mentioned, they may be paying .90 cents per mile instead of $1.80 because they don't need specific time requirements or truck exclusitivity. So I can elect to take these shipments as they are to move a specific direction, or in some cases I will book two.
Other instances may require some decking. If so, then we haul that at a tractor rate. Not very often, but they pop up every so often. Most rates on those are 2 to 3 dollars a mile.
You as the driver, not Panther sets the rate, schedule of delivery ect. Our teams look as well if time permits and they aren't sleeping ect. It for us is a team effort in alot of cases. Does it mean they are always looking? No. Only when we know that plan A has failed or is likely to. Some loads that are brokered through Landstar, Fedex, and other expediters are usually in the 1.50 to 2.00 per mile range.
Some of these can be difficult to double on because those or the majority are expedite shipments. Air freight has alot of variables. Some pays excellent, and some of it is worthless.
Panther takes 15 percent. Why? Because I am using their authority, their load insurance, permits, and their collections. The latter saves me from using a factoring company and a guarantee on payment without having to wait if someone will pay me, short me, or delay paying for 30 or 90 days. Typical load insurance with your own authority is in a ball park of $10,000 a year depending on coverage and in what amounts. This is required by the largest portion of shippers and brokers.

As far as forced dispatch. I never look at it that way. If we don't like the run, we don't run it. Sometimes depending on circumstances they may provide a incentive, and sometimes they don't. If they don't, and it is a unproductive or unprofitable load, we go to plan "B". I think it would be better for people to post as you have. If no one does, then how will they know where to make adjustments?

Like any type of change, it will take some adjustments. I don't want to pretend that Panther is for everyone because it does take a certain knack to run within their system. Most of what I am talking about can be done with one truck and internet access.
I always think of something when I am
I don't think my trucks get favored over another as we get bogus offers just like the next guy. Sometimes, several losers in a row. The difference is how we react in those circumstances.

As far as load boards it depends on the part of the country in which I am looking. Sometimes I call specific agents directly so they look and then call if it is something I want ect.
Some boards that I do use are; (Not in any particular order of usage)
I don't use them all to obtain loads. Some is just to track freight.
Many of them have activity sections so you can see what is moving where and in what volume. They usually have a history section as well so you can look at different quarters or months.
Getloaded, internet truckstop, and have some or all of these features. I am sure there are others as well.
You can call Panther backhaul dept. and they can send or fax you a list.

National Logistic
Market Transport
CH Robinson
truckstop internet

22 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Not all trucks are authorized or can go to Canada. Are they penalized?
Not in run selection, but rather their rate. Those units I believe run at a .10 cent per mile reduction on loaded miles.

These trucks should at the very least loose their board position as we do or we should not loose our board position. I would gladly take the 10 cent cut in pay if that guaranteed I did not loose my board placement for not taking a load going into BumF* Canada.

This is not a fair or equitable rule/procedure in my opinion...this little factoid along with the selective dispatch, the crazy status/postion changes and not being able to move your truck for fear of losing your position...

AND, the fact I should subscribe to various load sites to arrange my own loads when I am already paying Panther their percentage defeats the purpose of even running under their authority. If any of us single owner/operators wanted to scan load boards all day and call agents...we would get our own authority or at the least, we would run for Landstar.

--What goes around comes around--


Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

Dave has been honest in saying panther isnt now or ever will be for everyone maybe all you con-way drivers that are unhappy there should get together and form your own company.To me it seems like your company left all of you in the dark as to what was going on till it was to late to make plans to switch to someone else.

as far as who to talk to at panther to get answers I have no idea anymore its been 6 years since I was there.I called panther 3 times last week and was on hold for 20 minutes each time and all I get when they answer is let me transfer you to the right person and another 20 min on hold.

if your that unhappy why waist anymore time or money waiting on them
move on.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
KW Express,

You are absolutely right. LOL

Debating this issue is little like wrestling a greased soon find the pig is enjoying it. IE. Nothing productive will come of this discussion, whether constructive, or not, Panther will not agree that there is anything wrong with their system and they have the best proof----almost 2,000 vehicles are under contract with them.

We are just shocked that so many drivers/owners find these practices acceptable and/or think they are the norm. To think that the lives and incomes of almost 2,000 vehicles are involved....oh well, the pig is now laughing at me.


--What goes around comes around--


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
I guess the thought is that they are essentially penalized on ever load. As mentioned, I don't really dwell on it as its affect on what I am doing is minumal.
I track freight movements but my drivers don't. Do they look for loads? Yes, but not all of the time. Is it every day? No
Some months we do very little. During the slow months, alittle more.
Do we even have to look? No
But it does generate considerable income and drops DH and wait times significantly.
We also have little contact with dispatch doing our own loads since we set all the perameters.
Yes you could go to Landstar, and essentially do the same thing.
Should Panther book us nothing but gravy runs? Absolutely, but not likely. If that company existed, we would all be there.
I think every company has plus and minuses depending on what you are looking for. Another smaller company may be of a better fit for you?
I don't like to be micromanaged, and for that reason, we are a good fit for Panther or someone like Landstar.
If I have a team in Chicago that needs to go home and lives in FL, I want to know that they can get there without deadheading half of the country.
I don't want to advocate that this is this best or only way, but it has been the best for how we operate.
If your ideals are different, then you should pursue those companies that fit.
As far as Conways sale.....that writing was on the wall when they went for a flat FSC. They had to do that to determine the value of the company prior to selling it. Many at that time didn't give them a year. Those folks were right. Where is Friscomike?

22 years
EO moderator


Expert Expediter
Wow. I was in Dallas on the 8th. Dropped at STT (international) We left the next day tih a load to Nashville. I was 8th out, fifth team when I dropped. We left the next morning. I guess I got out just in time. The run to nashville led to a paid move to Lexington. That gave us the Canada load from hell. A 490 mile run that was on board my truck for over 36 hours. Paperwork problems, a facility that was abandoned, and various other examples of the rectal-crainial inversion that I often see when hauling for General Electric. But, Panther does remeber a good turn. For our ordeal, and the fact that the load was a swap they'd been trying to book for 6 hours, they gave us a nice follow-up. We loaded near Detroit, bound for Nogales AZ. 2160 paid miles. We're happy. I'm sure there will be some d/h at the end of the trip, but nothing I cannot handle.


Expert Expediter
DaveKc let ask you,If someone Is leased on with PantherII It says on there website a "D" gets paid $1.20 per mile.Is any load or loads they dispatch to you or anyone that pays more per mile I guess not they don't pay percentage right?????


Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

well the thing is they have 2,000 vehicles today but it will rise and fall every week.there is not one company that will ever keep 100% happy.

myself included even though im independant and only run 1 truck im not happy with myself 100% of the time but Im sure happy I gave up running for every tom,##### and harry that blew smoke up my ##### just to find myself further behind the 8 ball


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
DaveKc let ask you,If someone Is leased on with PantherII It says on there website a "D" gets paid $1.20 per mile.Is any load or loads they dispatch to you or anyone that pays more per mile I guess not they don't pay percentage right?????
The base contracted rate is what they pay on their dispatch loads. Variances other places are tied to FSC, DH, empty moves, layover, border crossing ect.
There are exceptions in that they will flat rate a load in certain circumstances which will pay above your milage rate. Tend to see this more on east coast loads
Percentages have their good and bad points as a flat rate does.
If you are obtaining your own freight, you are setting the milage rate not Panther.
I hope that answered your question

22 years
EO moderator


Expert Expediter
Location is the total key to this industry. We never set in Dallas for more than 24 hrs. We always move over to Little Rock or Memphis on our own no money. Also we don't set in Atlanta for more than 24 hrs. We always move up to ChooChoo area on our own no money. We just don't have any luck getting out of these 2 areas so we save ourselves the headache and get out. Sometimes we feel you get on the wrong circuit, and we are just missing the day everything went nuts. Like we had 5 loads yesterday out of that area but none today. Dispatch is another beast all of there own and the big problem there is that no one ever knows what another is doing. Like it a big secret or something. To many hands in the pot i think. Lack of exerience is another. So with that said just be kind to them because they are just trying to do a job.


Expert Expediter
Dave, in all due respect to you, I have read thru all the messages on the above question and here is my take. I run team in a bobtail for a major carrier (not the 2 in question here) and if we had someone sitting at home or sitting in our truck and their sole job was to monitor the load boards 24/7 and find us the best run, the best layover, the best dh location, the places where there are a bunch of trucks sitting and the closest place where no one is sitting, ect. - then SURE we would be able to move our team and truck around the nation and by and larger do super well for ourselves. BUT, the fact is we don't have that person working for us and we, as a team, sure don't have the time between runs and sleeping to make a good stab at it, and 99% of the people out here running themselves don't have that person or the time to do it either. Dave, you have the time to look at the chess board 24/7 and move your pieces in response to all the information you receive, and that's how you have set up your business. Our heart goes out to both groups, Conway people and the Panther people cause this is a knotted ball of string and sometimes knots get tighter (the) harder you pull. Keep your dobbers up and God's blessings to all.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner

You are correct on alot of your observations. A single team on a single truck could do alot of the same things, but with some restrictions as you mentioned because of the time involved.
But, if someone is sitting for days, then I would argue that they do have many options available to them.
You are correct also in that I do have an advantage over other operators because I do look at alot of information.
We have several long term experienced teams driving for us just for that very reason. Their income is higher with me than if they were running their own truck in most instances.
That is why we have essentially no turnover.
Our only one this year was from a couple that could no longer team because of family obligations.
And to be fair, I don't sit and monitor loads all day and my drivers don't either. Only when I know in advance that it will be needed or is highly probable.
Ok...more self promotion

22 years
EO moderator