Hey Anti Union Folks...


Seasoned Expediter
All you anti union folks out there....Since you hate unions so much and think Big Three workers are over paid, Do me a favor:

If you get an opportunity to get a good paying union job with health benefits and good pay. Please turn it down and put a word in for me. I'll take it on the spot. Thanx.


Veteran Expediter
Ahhh, I left a Union job when i was 19 and never looked back.... I am now over 50 and own several businesses. Now if you want a job, PM me, I'll see if you have the skill set for me to employ you...........:D

PS: since most (not all, but most) here are self employed and even employers themselves, i doubt too many of them will be taking a Union job anytime soon.....


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I'm a Union of one. I have great power.
Which I occasionally abuse, absolutely.

I can't fault anyone for taking a high paying job with great benefits. I can fault them for taking such a job and then not putting in an honest day's work for for an honest Dollar. That makes it a dishonest Dollar.


Veteran Expediter
Statistics show that union employees suffer far less work place fatalities than their non-union counterparts; so there are positive aspects of union employment. But unions need to be more flexible and also more practical. I know a guy who works at a union run machine shop and he can't even sweep under his machine when he is waiting for more parts to process. If he sweeps under his machine, he will get reprimanded for doing someone elses job. So, in some union shops, you can't work hard even if you wanted to do so.
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Seasoned Expediter
Ahhh, I left a Union job when i was 19 and never looked back.... I am now over 50 and own several businesses. Now if you want a job, PM me, I'll see if you have the skill set for me to employ you...........:D

PS: since most (not all, but most) here are self employed and even employers themselves, i doubt too many of them will be taking a Union job anytime soon.....

I must disagree...from what I've been reading and seeing out here, most here are loosing their butts and don't last long in expediting. Maybe because the rates keep going down because any scab is willing to work for food and under cut the next guy instead of showing some solidarity to keep rates up.. Also, if you left a union job at 19, you had no pension or vested interests why would you look back?


Veteran Expediter
You might want to track the union job down as fast as possible, its clear you aren't to well versed with this industry....


Retired Expediter
Actually Dennis he's kinda right....the customer is our management and we the labour....management wants cheaper rates and gets them knowing how many fish in the sea and are hungry....and we do undercut each other by many means and reasons(excuses to justify why you took that cheap load)....without solidarity we are like a astroid roaming unguided thru space looking for a place to crash.....
And there seems to be alot of crashing right now...


Veteran Expediter
sorry, i don't bid my loads so I can't take anything other then is what offered from the company i lease to. As for solidarity between o/o and or their drivers and turning down runs until rates go up, good luck... I work for me, don't care who goes broke and loses everything they have or who makes it, its that simple.

When you get even 50 drivers to band together and draw a line in the sand on cheap freight and refuse to haul it, then talk to me about solidarity......

As for most out here goin broke, thats bs also. I'll agree that no one is making what tey have in the past, but more are making money then not. More then anything it depends on your work ethic....and witha good work ethic, who needs a union...

Ive said in past post, i grew up in a union family, dad was a business agent with the teamsters, i fully understand unions, their day as come and gone......
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Retired Expediter
No, some are going broke and just haven't woke up yet...

I wouldn't want to be on the bad side of the dispatchers now...they have too much time on thier hands for the manual override function....

They can show you in a heartbeat just how "independent" you "think" you are....

Your only option then is to take your "independent" butt over to another carrier. or get your own authority...and be truly "independent" or the bank calls in the note for a show of more "independence"


Staff member
You do not have to worry about us as we would not even apply for such a dishonorable job in these times. Unions had a place but they no longer have a place. The reason getting hurt on the job is less at a union shop is because you first have to work. I am sure there are good union places out there but so far we have not seen one. All we see in the results of the unions the bitter people and the people who make pretty darn good money who cannot afford to pay their bills.

We are independent business owners and we make our own decisions we do not strike. If we get to the point we cannot make it being expediters we will move on we will not try and force our partners to pay us more.


Veteran Expediter
yes there are people that are going broke, but they are not MOST , they are tpose that either didn't plan well or had no plan at all.

I came into thos business at what everyone sayes is a down time. I came in with -0- expectations as to income other then the business had to support itself. I did a business plan and set myself up with -X- in the bank to cover expenses for months and knew no matter how much i made or lost i'd be here for at least a yr. I can tell you, I ave not touch any of the cash reserve i have in the bank and as far as i can see, i won't.

If you go into any business on a hope and prayer without a plan and the proper finanical backing, then chances are you ain't goin to make it, if you do consider yourself lucky, but i'd still bet those that are falling to the wayside don't even have 3 months truck payments in the bank............. they shouldn't be whining about not making it if they don't set themselves up to succeed to begin with....

And you are exactly right about handling the disaptchers with "kid gloves", you treat them in a "pita" way or continually turn runs diwn waiting for that home run, well you are making your own bed, enjoy it, then whine about not making it when things got slow...

As Team Caffee said, (to paraphase), I'll roll down the road, ill make money and not ask the company i lease to to "carry me"...

I have to ask a question, how many of you are taking advances for fuel? For what it is worth, I wouldn't know how to use that ComData card/check system, I have never used it and won't, the day that i need a advance for fuel so i can run my van, is the day i turn it into a landscape truck...........


Staff member
Oh how I would have agreed 100% with you on getting an advance on our fuel cards before we started this. We were very lucky a couple got hold of us and had a heart to heart talk with how you use a fuel card and why you use a fuel card. My opinion was an advance is a horrible thing and you never ever do that.
Our fuel card is used for fuel purchases only! We carry a balance on the fuel card as you would a debit card. In order to get our fuel discounts below cash price we have to use the T-Chek card. Our average savings each month by using our T-Chek card is in the hundreds. You cannot abuse the fuel card as it is a true debit card you do not have the money on the card you do not use the card. We are able to take an advance up to 45% of what the load pays after we pick the load up. You do not need this much as your fuel should not be 45% of a load. This is from and O/O speaking and so we can control our fuel cards.
I know when FCC used ComData that many owners paid using the ComData card as it could be used at many places besides buying fuel. The T-Chek card is not that flexible.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I must disagree...from what I've been reading and seeing out here, most here are loosing their butts and don't last long in expediting.
Many do lose their butts, and quickly. And it can usually be traced back to a couple of reasons why. One, they fail to fully research the industry, and instead see, on the surface, something that looks quick and easy. This is particularly true of former UAW employees who for years have seen expediters come and go, looks easy enough, seems to make good money, I can drive, I can do that.

And by failing to fully research the industry they make the cardinal mistake of failing to understand that each truck is an independent business, and thus fail to leave behind their employee mentality, and along with it the safe Utopian fantasy of a Union cocoon. The comfortable, cozy world of Union Socialism is a far different place than the uncomfortable, bitterly ruthless world of the Free Market Supply and Demand Capitalism of the self-employed.

Maybe because the rates keep going down because any scab is willing to work for food and under cut the next guy instead of showing some solidarity to keep rates up..
Solidarity and Free Market Capitalism are in direct opposition to each other. There are no scabs in Free Market Capitalism, there is no solidarity. The strong survive and the weak perish. The failure to understand that one simple fact is why so may fail out here.


Veteran Expediter
Team Caffee I totally understand the situation as you say it. I understand the "bigger" companies will provide a discount fo your fuel and for the bigger trucks I understand that. I also understnad using the comdate checks advances if a person is paying 20% interest on a Credit card for fuel. But to take a advance when the company is charging you 10-15% on each advance, not providing a discount on fuel and are making money off of those advances, is simply not good business. The Credit card i use is one of the lowest rate cards i have, it is in the single ditgit rate area. I make at least 4 payments a month and never carry a balance from one month to another. In the situation that most O/O of a van for a smaller company gets to tjhe point that they need advances to buy their fuel, i can only see problems. Maybe not for all, but for most......


Staff member
Ok I see what you are saying chefdennis. We get charged .50 when we use the card for fuel and that is easily made up in the discounts we get. I would rather see someone do that then to use a credit card and not pay off the balance.

I was so against advances it really took that couple some time to get me to see the light and they saved us a fortune. Heck ComData started charging 1.00 for all kinds of things and we switched to the TAB account at the J as the fees were too much. The TAB account is very easy to use and you gain a minimum of interest instead of paying any fees.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I am not Anti-Union, I am opposed to what they have become. I come from a family of coal miners, I know what happened and why. Unions today no longer look out for the "Rank and File" they are just another "Big Business" ripping you off. Let's see, I will go back in my life and Unions I have belonged too.

1969, UAW, Ford Motor. Ford learns after two weeks on the job that I have a 1A draft status and fires me. The UAW just said tough, you are not yet in the Union and maybe I should think about running away to Canada and working for Ford up there.

1973-76 United Steel Workers, Teamsters Local 299 and Michigan public school employees union. Not many problems except at the mill. We had many woman working there who were physically unable to handle the work. The union forced the company to pay them the same wages as those who could handle the work. The company could get rid of or move men who could not handle work to lower wage jobs that they could handle but not the women. The Union forced this.

1996-2000 ASCME (or whatever the initials are) PA State Park system. They allowed the State to use "Prison Labor" to do our jobs. They laid us off every fall claiming there was "no work for us over the winter" but had prison crews cutting brush, improving trails, doing inside painting, all jobs we did through the summer. They did NOT allow secret ballots at Union meetings for contracts etc. Talk about massive intimidation. The Dumbecrats want to make that a law nationwide.

Unions have become a joke. I do not want to be involed in one again. While I understand the consept, I understand that there has to be a way to control safety etc. Unions are now just a bunch of self -serving bullies with the main goal of lining thier own pockets.



Staff member
Retired Expediter
At Panther we get 55% of the load (not including FSC and assessorials) at POD. There is no percentage "hit" we have to pay in order to get this 55%. It's simpy a matter of getting 55% at POD, or leaving it all to be paid out two weeks later at settlement. I used to just leave it on the Comdata card and then at Settlement time I'd just transfer it all over to the bank, all the while running on my bank's debit card for everything. But with some of the (diesel) fuel discounts we get when using the Comdata card, it would be absolutely foolish to ignore the POD advances for fuel.

These discounts don't work for gas vans, as it's only for diesel. For gas vans the Flying J Frequent Fueler Card is still the best overall deal, as you'll get 1/2 a shower credit each time you buy 20 gallons of gas (or diesel) at the J. The credits are good for a week, so you can accumulate them to get free showers. Essentially, every time you accumulate one free shower, you get an instant $10 discount off the fuel you bought, as you get a free shower and a free cold drink. $2.25 a gallon at 40 gallons is $90, but that $10 discount makes it $80, making the same 40 gallons cost only $2.00 a gallon.

The same goes for gas purchases. If gas is $1.75 a gallon, 40 gallons is $70. Less $10 for the free shower and free cold drink, and it's $60, making gas only $1.50 a gallon.

And that's at the J using a debit card or a credit card. At the TA, for example, with Panther (and I think FedEx has the same discounts), and when using a Comdata card, the discounts are often equally significant. At the TA in Lodi, for example, pump price is $2.389. If you use a Comdata card (or T-Chek at FedEx) , it's $2.052. Not sure about T-Chek, but with Comdata it's $1.50 a pop every time you use it, so that has to be figured in, as well. If you get 20 gallons, it adds 7.5 cents per gallon. At 25 gallons it adds 6 cents. (not much of an issue with big and straight trucks, obviously, but us cargo vans with our puny tanks, it's an issue). But even at 20 gallons and an extra 7.5 cents, that makes the Lodi TA price today at $2.127, a 26 cent discount off the pump price. At some locations the discounts are less, but at some they are significantly more. I've gotten 50 and 60 cents off the pump price recently. Though not as significant as the TA, we also get discounts beyond the mere "cash discount" at other truck stops, like Pilot, Loves, Petro, etc.

Plus, all of these places give you points per gallon or $1 spent (usually one point per) that can add up, including purchases at the sit down and fast food restaurants at most locations, and be redeemed for food, WiFi access, whatever. Big and traight trucks can accumulate serious points in short order. Cargo vans, not so much. I think I've got a whopping 650 points on my Pilot Card. That's $6.50, I think. At the TA I've got like 1150 points (199 points gets you a day of WiFi, 500 gets you a week). I'll get $10 or $12 worth of coupons from the J each month. Not gonna break the bank in a cargo van, but it's free money, and it adds up.

So if your carrier has worked out a fuel discount program (for diesel), you might not want to be too quick to dismiss fuel advances and the use of a fuel card for those who can take advantage of it. For others, a Frequent Fueler Card at the J should be obtained, as it works for both gas and diesel.


Veteran Expediter
Turtle, as I said, i understand the use of comdata with a company that offers a fuel discount and with a bigger truck. Being with a smaller company and the "in house fee" for a van to use it make no sense at all.


Veteran Expediter
Excuse my ignorance and getting off the subject, but what is a comdata card and how does it work?