Let me tell you about the time I was so tired I went into the womens bathroom at a rest area in Georgia. I went into the restroom and sat down on a toilet and I was like "this is a very clean restroom with no pee on the seats and a nice perfume smell; this ain't normal." Then I heard some females walk into the restroom and begin talking and I finally realized that the reason why the toilet was so clean is because I was in the women's restroom. I then began to plan my escape without being spotted - of which never happened. I opened the door and stormed out as some colored ladies jaws dropped. I apologized to them and said I had to go so bad I went into the wrong restroom. I then proceeded to drive out of there before the cops were called! lol
Now on the jug situation - I am guilty of using pee jugs - I am also guilty of peeing on my semi tire and off the side step on freeway onramps. I was much younger in my trucking days and much more careless. I have never behaved like this in my cargo van because there simply isn't enough truck to hide behind. But when I did do this in my trucking days, it was done on an onramp in the middle of the night.
As stated by a few other posters, you can dump yor jugs out on the grass or in the bathroom when you take a shower. I tend to use pee jugs very sparingly these days because it's just not my thing anymore. I only use them in extremen situations - like the time that I was on a run and I didn not have time to take a pee or I would have been a minute late. I had to go in a cup and then dispose of it laster on - had to do this while I was driving. I'm not proud of it, but the load got there just on the dot; although I did have 15 minutes to spare, I did have time ,I knew that my window of time would have been eaten up looking for the building at the rail yard. I ended up pulling into to the GE yard about a minute before the scheduled delivery time. Needless to say no one cared, but I was on time.
My mother thinks we are all crazy for using pee jugs. I like to mess with her and say that i'm going to use them in the house because i'm too lazy to get up at night to go to the bathroom. She calls us crazy. I told her not everyone does this but the publics perception of drivers is pretty bad. But i'll tell you this much, when I pulled into California and saw all of the jugs lining the on and off-ramps, I thought to myself "this is the truckers way of telling california to shove it" and I thought that was a pretty good message to send to the whacky Liberals in this state. With that i'll let this topic evaporate! lol