Getting ready


Seasoned Expediter
I’ve been digging deep in this forum and I have to say it’s really been a busy place for some time now. While I am still confused by all of the information and opinions, I am now confused at a higher level and about more important things.:confused:
I have also signed up for the workshop in Knoxville on Feb. 19.
I have some loose ends to tie up before I can get started but I want to start out with a fleet owner. Being an optimist, I believe that business will pick up in month or two and it will be a good time to go.
I have a past employment record of 23 years with a major airline based here in Atlanta as a field service tech and network engineer. After retiring early I ventured into several businesses and most recently in real estate investment and sales. I had dreams from childhood of being a soldier, a fireman, a railroad engineer and a truck driver. I did the soldier thing but I am too old to be a fireman. I investigated truck driving and ‘virtually’ met Pelicn, one of the expediters on this site, and her husband. They were driving for a company and via another message board I took sound advice from them and went to a company school and got a class A cdl and drove over the road. I learned about the rigors of being otr. The company that I drove for is probably one of the very best is but being a company driver is not really what I want. I have learned to be independent and enjoy running a business. I also really enjoy driving truck.
My nose and dmv record are squeaky clean and my health is good. I want to drive solo in a class 8 D unit if possible. My youngest daughter is going into the Air force this coming summer and we will be empty nesters then. My wife does not want to consider teaming because she does a lot to care for her mother now. Maybe I the future. I am located just south of the Atlanta airport and I believe that is a plus.
It’s beginning to look like I’m writing a resume so I’ll get to my questions.
Is it best to contact fleet owners directly about opportunities?
If not, do the companies refer? Do they refer you to the fleet owner or fleet owner to you?
Are fleet owners helpful in terms of coaching or mentoring? I don’t mean ‘hand holding’ while working, I mean learning the business.
Thanks in advance for your advice.


Staff member
Most of the companies when you ask about fleet owners will give you plenty of names to contact. Try to talk to other drivers for this fleet owner. Most though you are going to find do not want a solo driver they are looking for teams.

Keep trying the different companies though as some of the smaller companies run a lot of solo trips.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Bobby, just my 2 cents worth. Hang around on this board, read every post that you can, write down your questions and feel free to ask them. You will learn a lot here and may save you some headaches in the future. Obviously you have to evaluate each answer that you get, most of the guys and gals, even when disgruntled or having a bad day will always go out of their way to honestly advise another driver or help a newbie in their search for answers. First off, do you really want to start off with a Class A operation, my advice, start off with a van, it's cheaper, you will learn alot, hopefully you will be earning an income while learning. I see nothing wrong working for a fleet owner as long as it is the other guy that is doing it...... personally, can't see doing it myself But remember as an owner operator you are your boss 100%, what you make is yours 100%.....conversly what you loose, repairs, breakdowns and other factors to consider are yours .....100% also.

There are plenty of used vans on the board, maybe pick up one, try it out, if you like it then step up, if not you do not have a large investment. I started off in 97, wanted to go into a straight truck to begin with, my wife talked me into a van to try it out first..... I took her advice (for once) and never looked back or thought of stepping up. Anyway good luck,
and consider the current status of the economy before doing anything.


Not a Member
no, that is my freinds race truck in puts out something like 1,200 hp. pretty powerful twin-turbo detroit.