GET IT TODAY! Your Dashboard obama

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Boy Howdy!!!!!!

From PJJJJJ"S post back on page 1 to now...What does any of that have to do with the title of "Your Dashboard Obama"???????

Talk about attacking a poster...Gezzz!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What has OBama really done in 100 days? Besides the bailouts?

Aren't the bailouts enough? Why should the American taxpayer bail out businesses that are failing because of a faulty business model and incompetent management? Why should the govt. get involved in the management of a private enterprise the size of GM? If these bailouts aren't enough, he's proposing to accumulate a deficit that amounts to more than those of all the other presidents and administrations of our country combined. Even the most elementary student of econimics knows that you can't run up a tab like that with borrowed money. The tax burden on our future generations will be enormous, and the resulting inflation rate from all this printed money could be as stifling as the misery index of the Carter years. This is bad economic policy and most everyone knows it. However, with the Dems in control of congress there seems to be nothing the Republicans can do to stop it. It's amazing to see how little complaining about the proposed deficits there is in the media right now, compared to the past howling about the Bush deficits that were a fraction of Obama's proposals. We're looking at a short term solution to a major problem that will have long term adverse ramifications.


Expert Expediter
Boy Howdy!!!!!!

From PJJJJJ"S post back on page 1 to now...What does any of that have to do with the title of "Your Dashboard Obama"???????

Talk about attacking a poster...Gezzz!

EXACTLY!!!!!! Seems like they have been laying and waiting for the attack. Talk about being disrespectful. This thread was about a link to something else and the poster is attacked because they take issues about his other posts.

If you don't like what he has to say then just put him on your ignore list. They can do the same if they so chose. Link all you want, I could care less. Cut and paste all you want I could care less. Its all about the content that Chef puts on here that gets them upset.

It does make a difference that we are in USA. Its called freedom of speech. So the owner of this site is from Canada? Does he still live there?

This sounds alot like sensorship to me.


Veteran Expediter
Aren't the bailouts enough? Why should the American taxpayer bail out businesses that are failing because of a faulty business model and incompetent management? Why should the govt. get involved in the management of a private enterprise the size of GM? If these bailouts aren't enough, he's proposing to accumulate a deficit that amounts to more than those of all the other presidents and administrations of our country combined. Even the most elementary student of econimics knows that you can't run up a tab like that with borrowed money. The tax burden on our future generations will be enormous, and the resulting inflation rate from all this printed money could be as stifling as the misery index of the Carter years. This is bad economic policy and most everyone knows it. However, with the Dems in control of congress there seems to be nothing the Republicans can do to stop it. It's amazing to see how little complaining about the proposed deficits there is in the media right now, compared to the past howling about the Bush deficits that were a fraction of Obama's proposals. We're looking at a short term solution to a major problem that will have long term adverse ramifications.

I actually agree with the Pilgrim on this one. Alot of you scream about Obama being a socialist. I don't agree with that premis most of the time, but it is definitely the case on this one. If he gives GM money and then begins to dictate who can run the company, well, I don't what you call that, but it is not what we do in a free market. I personally feel this is being done to appease the UAW who supported him strongly in the campaign.


Retired Expediter
Aren't the bailouts enough? Why should the American taxpayer bail out businesses that are failing because of a faulty business model and incompetent management? Why should the govt. get involved in the management of a private enterprise the size of GM? If these bailouts aren't enough, he's proposing to accumulate a deficit that amounts to more than those of all the other presidents and administrations of our country combined. Even the most elementary student of econimics knows that you can't run up a tab like that with borrowed money. The tax burden on our future generations will be enormous, and the resulting inflation rate from all this printed money could be as stifling as the misery index of the Carter years. This is bad economic policy and most everyone knows it. However, with the Dems in control of congress there seems to be nothing the Republicans can do to stop it. It's amazing to see how little complaining about the proposed deficits there is in the media right now, compared to the past howling about the Bush deficits that were a fraction of Obama's proposals. We're looking at a short term solution to a major problem that will have long term adverse ramifications.

It was meant as a generization, not a statement. It was not meant to be taken out of context over the meaning of the whole post...Pilgrim....


Veteran Expediter
I actually agree with the Pilgrim on this one. Alot of you scream about Obama being a socialist. I don't agree with that premis most of the time, but it is definitely the case on this one. If he gives GM money and then begins to dictate who can run the company, well, I don't what you call that, but it is not what we do in a free market. I personally feel this is being done to appease the UAW who supported him strongly in the campaign.

Or it could be that's the way he thinks.