GET IT TODAY! Your Dashboard obama


Veteran Expediter
OK, Chef, just keep insisting that what you're doing is fine because you haven't broken any rules, or been told to stop by the Admin, and when the Soapbox becomes strictly YOUR forum, you'll have accomplished what? ( A hostile takeover, IMO.) A DEAD ZONE
Others besides myself have politely asked you to refrain from wallpapering the Soapbox with the cut & paste, but you continue to violate the spirit of the rules, while insisting that you're following them.
It's a shame that a forum for discussion has become a platform for you (and a few of your followers), IMO. Telling us all to just ignore you is not a thoughtful response - it's a selfish one.
And it's exactly the response I expected, given your past replies.
I didn't ask Greg back to do battle with you, I asked because he has a lot of knowledge to offer on many subjects, which makes him a positive contributor here. Something that you can be too, but apparently choose to bludgeon us instead. Yes, we can 'ignore' your posts, but that would effectively cross the Soapbox off the list of Forums in which we can participate - or is that your intention?


Veteran Expediter
You are right and there are more then 4 if you go back a few weeks!! You know what, i don't post them for response, they are posted as information, nothing more, nothing less. If others respond, great, if not, thats fine too. If post count from others was my desire, i'd have changed topics alongggg time ago....

And Cheri, if you don't start threads, then the forum doesn't grow, start threads, it really is that simple. Change topics, I'll still post mine, but your topics will get just as much exposure as mine, and I am sure will draw more responses.... since they aren't "counter to the norm".....

You might try visiting other forums where news articles are posted as a norm so that other can gather info from all over the world and share'd be amazed at the differing points of views then just what we are feed here in the states by our media.....

As for the "followers" (your wirds not mine), I bet they appreciate being told they can't think for themselves and need to be "Lead" to a topic...........

As for if no one comes into the soapbox, as i said, i don't post to garner your responces, just to show the wait that the current occupant of the white house is......for the most part.

Like I said, i thinks its more the content and the poster that you have an issue with, not the #'s


Veteran Expediter
Chef: I consider your posting habits in general and your telling me to "start my own threads" in particular highly offensive. Having been a member of EO for years, (and having been the Mod in charge of the Soapbox, along with Leo, when it originated), I am aware that the option of starting threads is available, and I certainly use it when it seems appropriate.
I find it even more offensive that you justify your wallpaper by suggesting that we don't have access to the same articles, blogs, and viewpoints as you do, and therefore appreciate your sharing them with us. As is self evident, we all have internet access and can find plenty of the content you continually slap up here. Until you appeared, I don't recall anyone ever using the Napalm technique - it's annoying when one member does it, but what if the tactic becomes popular? What if others decide to fight fire with fire, and inundate the Soapbox with opposing viewpoints? I can see someone deciding to do that, given your attitude, and then what are we left with?
The Soapbox was never intended to become a bulletin board for one zealous member (or small group) to take over, to the detriment of so many who might like to participate otherwise.
And you're correct in that if you choose to continue, no one will stop you - we'll just have to shake our heads at how easy it is for the one bad apple to spoil it all, as always.



Veteran Expediter
Well as a ex-mod then I would wonder why you would not post? You say that you do when you deem it necessary, so from that I should take it that you don't find the sharing of info necessary,,,,hmmm oh well. As for think that others don't have access to the same info as i do, no where will you find that statement from me...but i am pretty sure i visit more news sights a day then the avg person does in a week, so chances are i'll hit on something that others might not, but the fact is as
i said, i post it to share the info..

You haqve made it clear that this isn't about the # of post, its about content and topic with you, but you certainly are entitled to your feelings, they just don't match mine and others here.

You have chose to take this on as your crusade, so be it. But while you are attacking me, you are also doing the same and inferring that the "small group" and their posting habits when they respond or post "like" articles doesn't matter to you either...their voicing of their opinions on a topic no matter if I post it or they post it just isn't important to you, they are simply working to the deteriment of the board. I am sorry, if the borad owner or mods felt that the board was in danger , i am sure they would be "chatting" with me since you have deemed me the "evil of the board"

As to what you find offensive, if it made you feel better to tell me, fine but I don't give a **** one way or another, I am not here to make friends, enemies or to find companionship....none of you will never set foot in my home and chances are I''ll never do the same in any of yours, i have no desire to know any of you personally. If by chance any of us were to meet, fine, but i certainly don't walk across the parking lot to ask how anyone is doing, i don't care.....Those that I have met from here have been nice and fun to spend some time with, but i wouldn't have lost a bit of sleep worrying f they liked me or not....

When i share info on business here it is simply to help, not to endear myself to anyone, and yes i do get PM's calls, and e-mails from members here on a regular basis, some of them LONG time members. That is business, the soapbox is the spreading of info, from my angle, point of view, and that is what bothers you.. Maybe I should start being a "barry baby" abd fawn all over him and talk only about the good things he is telling us he is doing..........sorry, 1st i'd have nothing to say and 2nd, i have no use for him or his ideals and 3 i hope he fails.....

So again, when the owners or mods tell me i broke the rules and i need to do things different, I'll then make the change.....until then, bye bye:D


Veteran Expediter
So Dennis you like swatting hornet’s nests with a tennis racket?

Just kidding

Seeing my name is brought into this, I have stopped on the side of the road somewhere in the sticks to post the following.

Everyone has some sort of opinion about what to post and how often, that’s actually great and is what the forum is supposed to be about, right? In the past I have screamed at others who wanted to control things, one is our great leader, Phil. He wanted to stifle posts, which took away from the experience and his reasoning was obvious.

See I don’t see a problem with Chef posting this stuff, I welcome it and everyone else should because this is a political forum and we all learn from other’s point of view or from the material they ‘properly’ reference and post. If we saw the same old same old, then we would get board and move onto other things, like a 9 to 5 job – you know what I mean?

Cheri made a valid point, “What if others decide to fight fire with fire, and inundate the Soapbox with opposing viewpoints?” which is valid when we are talking about other parts of the forum, there is already an issue with the mods allowing some non-subject posts being posted in the wrong forum – hint.

I digress,

The thing is Cheri is inundating the forum with realistic opposing points of view is what we should hope would happen. The problem I see is there is not opposing points of view like I would like to see or should be, of course Tallcal make up for ten people, OVM has a lot to say and others like Letzrock come in with worth while comments, like many others. It is a good thing, not a bad thing that allows us to learn from one another.

I would post a lot more but I decided when I came back to take time doing other things. I take more time now to read, formulate and write than I did before. Also I already chased Phil away but it wasn’t a political thing and don’t want to wear out my re-welcome.
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Veteran Expediter
Well, being a mod AND a contributor to this forum, I'd have to agree with what's being said, to a point. For a long time, your threads, Chef, have amounted to a link and a small comment. Nothing's been done by the mods because, you're right, it isn't against the rules. However, the spirit of this forum is debate.

Doing what you're used to, once in awhile, isn't a bad thing. I do it also, from time to time. But multiple times a day? That does two things: It stagnates the forum with monotony, thus driving down participation; and it pushes otherwise popular threads down, or off the front page, thus driving down participation.

No one is suggesting that you aren't contributing, Chef. You bring a good amount of opinion to most threads. However, just plopping in a link many times a day doesn't help your standing. Perhaps if you post the link, cut and paste a paragraph, and discuss, IN DEPTH, your thoughts on said topic, you would get taken more seriously. In the end, you'll start fewer threads that have more substance.

To keep it short, I think other posters are just asking you to QUIT BOGARTING THE FORUM! :D

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Veteran Expediter
To keep it short, I think other posters are just asking you to QUIT BOGARTING THE FORUM! :D


Is what I've been saying all along.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
But Chef is, actually, breaking the rules. He's following the letter of the law, but breaking the spirit of the law. He's breaking the Golden Rule.

But to put more of a fine point on it, it could very well be interpreted that he's violating the following rules of the Code of Conduct:

2. Be respectful of others at all times.

He doesn't respect anyone here. He doesn't care what anyone thinks, and has said so on many occasions, including in this thread. Otherwise he would at least consider the views of others in this matter, but he doesn't. He's only considering the strict letter of the law. Others have asked him to tone it down, but he repeatedly states that he doesn't care what others think. He doesn't respect the others here. Not at all.

The following quote makes it unquestionably clear that not only does he not respect anyone here, but that he also is not even here to be a part of a community, that he is here for his own reasons and perverse satisfactions. The quote is a slap in the face of every forum member.

As to what you find offensive, if it made you feel better to tell me, fine but I don't give a **** one way or another, I am not here to make friends, enemies or to find companionship....none of you will never set foot in my home and chances are I''ll never do the same in any of yours, i have no desire to know any of you personally. If by chance any of us were to meet, fine, but i certainly don't walk across the parking lot to ask how anyone is doing, i don't care.....Those that I have met from here have been nice and fun to spend some time with, but i wouldn't have lost a bit of sleep worrying f they liked me or not....
4. Ranting is prohibited.
A rant is a post which is long-winded, redundant and filled with angry, non-constructive comments. A free exchange of information is essential to building a strong sense of community and helpful in the development of ideas, but rants are
disruptive and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise, clear manner and avoid going off on rambling tangents.

I submit that the wholesale cutting and pasting of articles, rather than posting a relevant snippet and a link, and doing so over and over again on essentially the same subject, equates to a long-winded rant composed of non-constructive comments that incite flaming and trolling (see below).

5. Trolling is prohibited.
Trolling is the word used to describe a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting the members of the forum community.

Since many members have pointed out the resulting annoyance and anger of many of Chef's posts, and the fact that he freely acknowledges those viewpoints, yet continues to proudly post in the same manner, particularly in light of the quote above, the only conclusion that can be reached is that the posts are made for the deliberate purpose of angering and insulting the other members, regardless of what he claims his intentions to be. He knows the posts incite anger, but he doesn't respect the members enough to scale it back, which in and of itself is insulting.

8. Spamming is prohibited.
Spam is considered to be repetitive posting of the same topic again and again or nonsensical posts that have no
substance and are often designed to annoy other forum users. Posts of this nature are not conducive to the community and are unwelcome.

There ya go. The topic of "All Things Obama, Bad...All Things Anti-Obama, Good" is pure SPAM when combined with the method and sheer volume of his posts on the subject. The majority of his posts have no substance, as they generally consist of cut-n-paste from other sites with little or no substantive comments from him. Knowing that it's annoying, and continuing to post in the same manner constitutes SPAM.

Now, having said all that, I'm a free speech kinda guy, where anything goes. If he wants to post, let him post. And let him post whatever he wants. But I don't make the rules here, that's not my call. The only thing that really bothers me is that he sits there all smug and full of himself saying he's not breaking the rules, when he knows dаmn good and well he is, but doesn't care.

One thing about all this that really and truly astounds me is the fact that his posts, his outlandish and volatile comments, and his attitude towards the EO membership in general, are being made with the consent and full blessings of his carrier, Bolt Express. He proudly announces his carrier in every post. There are but two logical conclusions that can be reached here. One is, that not only does Bolt condone what he is doing and his opinions on the issues, they share the same opinions, as well. One could even infer that Bolt is specifically using Chef to get their own political viewpoints out there, and by extension, using the association to attract like-minded individuals to their company. At the very least, they see nothing wrong with what he is doing and in associating Bolt with it. The other possible conclusion is that Bolt is just oblivious to it all and have never recognized their association with what is happening here. Regardless of the conclusion, it is, nonetheless, astounding.
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Veteran Expediter
LOL, Thanks Turtle, you give me alot more credit then i deserve for things and ideals I never even thought of.... LOL, amazing....:D


Expert Expediter
Chef do what you need to do. I read prolly less then half of what you post in the soapbox but you are passionate about your views. Notice its the ones who disagree with your views that are trying to stiffle you. Unlike what turtle has posted you have NOT broken any rules. He has spun the actual meaning of each supposed rule violation.

The funny thing is they picked this particular thread to jump all over you. You didn't really cut and paste and that seems to be the most common thing mentioned about your posts. They started to gang up on you. Typical liberals have to run in packs. They know their views can't hold up on their own but they try to supress you with numbers. If you were posting things that they were in favor of they wouldn't say a word. As far as I can remember off the top of my head you have never cut past on other topics than in the Soapbox so you do put alot of content on this site that is relevent to expiditing. If it were me and I created this site I wouldn't have even created the topic of soapbox, but thats just me. 2 topics that can really get people upset are politics and religion.

Until Lawrence or Dreamer say you are in violation and they can site a particular rule violation just keep doing what you want and don't let the others keep you down. Last I checked we are STILL the United States of America.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
He has spun the actual meaning of each supposed rule violation.
Nothing gets by you, does it? <snort>

Typical liberals have to run in packs. They know their views can't hold up on their own but they try to supress you with numbers.
Not that it matters much, but I'm actually very conservative about most things. It's just that I'm not as as quick to dismiss others simply because they think differently than me, and will at least attempt to be pragmatic and be open to new ideas. Because, contrary to popular belief, I don't know it all, and someone out there just may have a better idea.

The problem with most liberals is, as you say, they know their views can't hold up on their own, so they use all kinds of tactics to to make you believe in what they believe, or to simply get their way. They lie, misrepresent, dismiss the truth if it doesn't support their beliefs, lots of things. When Chef or anyone else starts using the same lame tactics, that's wen I call him on it. He's giving good conservatives a bad name.

My only real problem with Chef and his posts, as is hopefully evident in my post above, is that I believe that he doesn't respect anyone here, and could care less about the feelings of others (which may explain why he's been married like 12 times). There have been several times where people have asked him not to cease his postings, but to merely modify it to a more tolerable level, and each time his response is the same.

If you were posting things that they were in favor of they wouldn't say a word.
File that one under "Duh".

Last I checked we are STILL the United States of America.
Yeah, WE are, but what about those living in Canada? Or that the site owner is from Canada? Or that the Internet is world wide? Now ya know why the world hates Americans, it's cause we're arrogant.


Veteran Expediter
As to what you find offensive, if it made you feel better to tell me, fine but I don't give a **** one way or another, I am not here to make friends, enemies or to find companionship....none of you will never set foot in my home and chances are I''ll never do the same in any of yours, i have no desire to know any of you personally. If by chance any of us were to meet, fine, but i certainly don't walk across the parking lot to ask how anyone is doing, i don't care.....Those that I have met from here have been nice and fun to spend some time with, but i wouldn't have lost a bit of sleep worrying f they liked me or not....

When i share info on business here it is simply to help, not to endear myself to anyone, and yes i do get PM's calls, and e-mails from members here on a regular basis, some of them LONG time members. That is business, the soapbox is the spreading of info, from my angle, point of view, and that is what bothers you.. Maybe I should start being a "barry baby" abd fawn all over him and talk only about the good things he is telling us he is doing..........sorry, 1st i'd have nothing to say and 2nd, i have no use for him or his ideals and 3 i hope he fails.....

So again, when the owners or mods tell me i broke the rules and i need to do things different, I'll then make the change.....until then, bye bye:D

I believe Chefdennis is what is referred to as a Megalomaniac...

meg⋅a⋅lo⋅ma⋅ni⋅a [meg-uh-loh-mey-nee-uh]

–noun 1.Psychiatry. a symptom of mental illness marked by

delusions of greatness, wealth, obsession with doing

extravagant or grand things.
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Veteran Expediter
chefdennis I only was asking that you take your multi-posts to the social groups so that those of us who do not wish to spend time wading through the same thing, day after day, are no longer required to do so.

My annoyance and my request have nothing to do with your content. I have no problem listening to your perspective on things, nor anyone else's. If you were multi posting pro-Obama posts, I would still have the same annoyance. If you were multi-posting every article you could find about seagulls, I would still have the same annoyance. It has everything to do with the sheer volume of posts, mostly on the same topic.

It has nothing to do with your posts getting more readership than mine or anyone else's. Trust me, this is not a jealousy thing, that you have more than someone else, or that yours is bigger or better or goes further. If I wanted to post new threads, I would do so, you are not preventing that.

I do believe I'm not the only one that finds your bombardment distasteful. Several members do not come to EO any more. I too, get messages. If I wanted to find daily anti-Obama news articles, or every news article on ANY topic, I would go to a news site, or an anti-Obama site, or a seagull site. Don't worry, people who want every article on any given topic WILL seek it out for themselves. I have no doubt we are all THAT intelligent and self sufficient here.

It was simply a polite and basic request, that's all. You choose instead to justify your behavior, believe that the majority appreciate it, and ignore my request. Oh well, at least I tried to make it more enjoyable for myself, and perhaps some others. Thanks for at least considering my perspective.


Veteran Expediter
Chef do what you need to do. I read prolly less then half of what you post in the soapbox but you are passionate about your views.
As is the wet brain who thinks he's Napoleon, so what's that 'prove'?
Notice its the ones who disagree with your views that are trying to stiffle you.
Nobody's trying to 'stiffle' him, or stifle him, either - just asking for the courtesy of refraining from using the Soapbox as a wall to paper incessantly.
Unlike what turtle has posted you have NOT broken any rules. He has spun the actual meaning of each supposed rule violation.
I disagree. When several members ask someone to stop papering the forum, and he says he doesn't giveadam for what anyone thinks, then he's disrespecting us all - a clear violation.

The funny thing is they picked this particular thread to jump all over you.
You didn't really cut and paste and that seems to be the most common thing mentioned about your posts.
The original post was yet another link pasted to yet another anti Obama site - and a pretty tasteless one at that.
They started to gang up on you.
Funny how we always hear that when several members agree on something that upsets the rightwingers here - you don't ever hear it from those whiny libs, though.
Typical liberals have to run in packs. They know their views can't hold up on their own but they try to supress you with numbers.
Utter garbage, not worthy of rebuttal.
If you were posting things that they were in favor of they wouldn't say a word. As far as I can remember off the top of my head you have never cut past on other topics than in the Soapbox so you do put alot of content on this site that is relevent to expiditing. If it were me and I created this site I wouldn't have even created the topic of soapbox, but thats just me. 2 topics that can really get people upset are politics and religion.
Like Turtle said, nothing gets by you, does it?
Until Lawrence or Dreamer say you are in violation and they can site a particular rule violation just keep doing what you want and don't let the others keep you down. Last I checked we are STILL the United States of America.
That this is the US is relevant exactly how?:rolleyes:



Veteran Expediter
“What if others decide to fight fire with fire, and inundate the Soapbox with opposing viewpoints?”

GOOD GOD OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS what's next thinking for one's self this can not be allowed. Soapbox is all about different views to hear only ons side is to stay a sheep. Why is it liberals always want to suppress others speech?


Retired Expediter
What has OBama really done in 100 days? Besides the bailouts?

I see nothing but old bills being re-introduced that prolly won't make it out of committee...

A heck of a lot of speculation....just because a lot on this site don't like him...

The US is still alive and breathing....

He's done nothing that any other President hasn't done or tried to do...

Dems have a history of cutting the defense budgets as the GOP has a record of overspending on theres nothing new there...and the US is still far superior!

Dems have a record of trying gun control....nothing new there...and the US is still here...


Veteran Expediter
this is still America, as far as i what ya want....if others dont like what you post!! they dont have to read it, its as simple as that....