Gays can now marry..


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Glad my daughter and her girlfriend broke up. i was dreading figuring out who was supposed to pay for what, for the wedding.
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The only real argument I could see is if they demand every church marry them. I could see some problems there.
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Senior Moderator
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Not because they ruled in favor of same sex marriages, but how they did it. It is hard telling on how they would rule on something like that.


Veteran Expediter
If you read Chief Justice Roberts' dissenting opinion, he is outraged this court ruled favorably for homosexual marriage. Roberts clearly states what happened in this ruling had no basis in the Constitution. Pure politics and social engineering based on the whims of five liberal associate justices. Very sad day in American history. When the SCOTUS is detached from law and morality, everything is up for grabs. We aren't the same nation of ten years ago.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Roberts should have applied that Constitutional reasoning with Obamacare.


Veteran Expediter
Roberts should have applied that Constitutional reasoning with Obamacare.
He was too invested in Obamacare from prior rulings. Scalia is now calling the ACA "SCOTUSCARE". We must admit radical Leftists are having their way right now. 18 more months of Obama madness.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Far more than 18 months unless a plague devastates the correct portion of the court in 24 months combined with a chief executive who's actually a fairly decent executive. Absent that, we've got years and years and years and years of Obama to go.


Veteran Expediter
Far more than 18 months unless a plague devastates the correct portion of the court in 24 months combined with a chief executive who's actually a fairly decent executive. Absent that, we've got years and years and years and years of Obama to go.
Conservatives will need to reconsider whether the GOP is worth future support. Reverend Franklin Graham announced today he has left the GOP and has registered as an independent. A party which cannot defeat a radical socialist in national elections nor stop his radical social agenda has lost its way.


Not a Member
Personally, I don't give a damn if Paul loves Peter, have at it and let your chips fall where they may. What I do take issue with is same sex couples raising kids. This country is screwed enough without cultivating gender "WTF" adults.
Yeah I know, let me have it, give me the orphans deserve a family argument, tell me there is no God (if there was obviously there would be no orphans). At the end of the day a child doesn't need pseudo love anymore than they need heroin, cigarettes or beer. A child doesn't benefit other than a roof, from a same sex couple that feels the need to "complete" their union with an innocent. Sorry not sorry.

My granddaughter, informed me the other week, whilst showing me her Honor Roll report that they are no longer taught to write script. ?????
She can sign her little name, but cannot write for me a short story on paper. She can spat one out on a printer in Sans Serif, yet she sadly cannot write. I thought to myself, wow the end is here already. How can we expect ours to document history, when they do not know how?

When a cyber worm like Stuxnet destroys our data forever, and artificial intelligence becomes aware of itself, there will be "no history" of mankind and of this age. (Food for thought)
Will the soul survivors be Betty, Bonnie and some kid named Ralph?
What if Betty and Bonnie cycle at the same time and kill poor little Ralph?
The world will surely perish with the dinosaurs.
I submit, that there should be an amendment to this ruling from our demigod wanna bee's. For the sake of humanity, require every same sex union that wants to adopt, to introduce a third and opposite sex member, for purposes of procreation and balancing the scales. A Jack tripper/ Three's company scenario if you will.
I am Mike and I am throwing my hat in the ring for 2016 (hell everyone else has).


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So I saw on F.B. that ISIS celebrated the U.S. passing the gay marriage thing by throwing 2 gays off a roof.
Wow I have always wanted to do that to a lawyer.
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Veteran Expediter
Personally, if I was a young, soon-to-be married woman in this year and future, I would be talking to my fiancé about
his inclinations of NOT bringing children into this world. It would be a battle I'm sure, fighting one's paternal/maternal yearnings.
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