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So many "hiding' their ugliness [though not as well as they think] behind the Christian label that it's in danger of becoming a code word for "intolerant bigot".
I've always thought the Golden Rule is sufficient unto the day, but maybe it ought to have one teensy disclaimer: does not apply to masochists!![]()
So if I read this right, I am an intolerant bigot? If erring on the side of caution involving children, I guess I should get the T-shirt. Called a couple of my gay friends to validate my position BTW. I am now a bigot, masochist, redneck, homophobe and soon to be labeled misogynist.
I am none of the above. I am a southern boy that thinks kids should go out and play, that little girls should be encouraged to dance, that boys should learn to play baseball, that we should all give grace when momma prepares dinner, I believe in Disney, Beach days and long lasting hugs that validate our station in life. I believe in Hunting, Fishing and talking to your mom when you have female stuff going on with your body. I want to be the 1'st dance at your wedding, your Rock and the guy you call when all others have let you down. Note I left son out (he has been and will always be momma's boy, that is of course till he hits the minor leagues. This is my America, worked pretty damn good till hope and change made it to the scene.
What if I told you that I don't have a problem with any gay person? What if I told you I had a problem with children being able to fit into the new America? When Bob and Dick show up to Parents night (tongue and cheek) or Barb and Twila for that matter. The New Merica is well, not mainstream, not yet anyway. So here kid go out and tell your friends you are the new Merica, accept me and BTW can I play with you. This is my point and my opposition to your new world order.
What if I told you that, I don't like your Government? What if I told you I abhor your "Hope and Change" and the ideology that your personal feelings should infringe on mine. Not because I don't like Gays, *******, *****, effing Mormons, Natural Indians (got a list here hold on). Never mind. Your so far left you will never see I am right.
In the end, I get sick and effing tired trying to validate my and your position. This Government that is sworn to protect and serve the America we are privileged to live in, sold us out years ago. We move forward on any and all agendas that guarantee the next elective vote.
In the end, I have loved and admired many different people, and although I don't go to church I love all mankind in their time of need. That is all that was ever asked of me.
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