Active Expediter
I'm sorry, I'm having computer problems posting and editing my posts on here. I meant to say earlier that I don't run more and make less, I don't run less and make more, I run more and make even more! Yu guys have to think aout all of the time you spend on the road. It has got to be worth more than 80 or 90 something cents per mile. How many of you guys are paying into social security for your retirement? What are you guys going to do if you become disaRbled and do not have any credits in SSDI? How many of you are investing in an RRRRRI forRRRRRRRRRR your retirement? How many of you guys actually have health insurance on your own and not jus through a spouse who is working a regular nine to five job? You have to have all of these things and I couldn't imagine getting all of these benefits on 80 cents per mile. There is no penion in this job, and if you're not thinking about retirement, you're really gambling with your financial future. You're not a working Joe. You can't just work for 30 years in a menial job like most American's and then have Social Security retirement income of 1300 a month because the government forced you into a retirement system. You have to put money into SSA on your own, or you have to invest into your own retrment account. You're not going to be able to drive your van forever. bet most f you guys don't even think about the future. I do, and regardless of the fact that I own my own van out right, and that my cost per mile to operate my van is relative low, I have my future to th