I think the only time people will get up in this country and organize is when we have to stand up and defend liberty. The people in America don't see government as the ultimate creator or ultimate power. Our military takes an oath to defend and protect the constitution. They don't take an oath to defend or protect a particular person or power....
Well the thing is they may defend liberty, MOST people don't understand what it is, many don't have anything to compare it to which leaves them not understanding it.
If the people here understood that the government is not the creator or the power, then we wouldn't have the mess we have today. It is simple, they just don't get the concepts we were founded on or get what it takes to make it move forward. A lot of them look for answers in Europe and Asia as what we should be and fixated on the European idea of freedoms - which are granted.
Yep the Oath is to protect the constitution, but the constitution is the country.
These socialist and anarchists are an extreme minority in this country. Piven said in that video she is scared of the tea party. She's only scared because the Tea Party supports small limited government.
Well socialist are not a minority, they are in both parties, they are all over the place, but anarchist are a true minority.
Piven's real problem is she is basing her idea of freedoms on the European mindset, not on reality. She like others don't have comprehension of how things work here.
What do you think will happen if these socialists call for the military to start shooting on Americans? I am pretty convinced it'll be the end of days for those socialists........
Actually I think some will. BUT it won't end anything for the socialist, read about the movement from 1908 to 1928 in the US.
In middle eastern countries there is a disconnect between the military's and the citizens...In America. The Citizens are the military...
Well there isn't as much of a disconnect as one would think. it depends on which country you are talking about, Egypt - no, Libya - somewhat, Yemen - yes for the most part.
AND as for the US, there is a military institution that has been round for a long time, this is a complete disconnect from the country and is a problem.
If this scenario were to happen under the watch and order of our current administration, simply put, it would be the end of the Democratic Party as a whole.
AND hopefully the republican party too. There isn't much difference between these two parties ... the name ... really.
The problem is there is no real difference between this administration, the last one or the last 12.
We have too many Veterans and retired experienced Military Leaders, as well as current Military Leaders in our Armed Services today, that fully believe in the Constitution, believe what our Founding Fathers had in mind for the future of America, and who believe in Americas Core Values, that could easily easily lead an uprising against the Socialist Idealogs that we currently have in the WH.
AND it is a dangerous thing to depend on people who have diverse ideas and ideologies on how we are supposed to run a country. Just watch Dr. Strangelove (for the madness), Seven Days in May or Paths of Glory to get what could happen, seriously.
I for one will join any Coup d'état that may come about in our future against this current administration without hesitation. And am quite sure there are millions out there with my same sentiment.
Yep and many more will fight against you. The problem is that we pretty much end up with something that is worse than we have.