Keep it fair at CBS,John. I know you won't.
CBS Political Director John Dickerson Calls on Obama to 'Declare War on the Republican Party'
From the linked article:
Readers with strong stomachs should read the whole thing to comprehend the visceral disdain Dickerson has for Americans who have the nerve to point out that the nation can't possibly continue as it is if it continues to run trillion-dollar annual deficits and pile up debt at an even greater rate.
If that's true, it's because the only ones to point it out are the Republicans, especially the Tea Party version. But they didn't mention it until the last election - never a peep when Bush was running the deficits up with tax cuts. Then, they were all about "Family Values", remember? But they found their ideas of 'family values' don't coincide with most people's, because we think nontraditional families are families too, so they stopped trumpeting that platform loudly.
The deficit is important, no question, but it's not THE most important issue facing us right now, it's just the one the Republicans can use to impose budget cuts on those they don't favor [the old and sick and poor] while giving breaks to the corporations that fund their campaigns [under the heading "job creators"].
Most Americans believe that the deficits will be handled when the economy improves, if Congress can't find the will to stop giving breaks to Wall Street & the banks. And the economy will improve when more people have jobs that pay a decent wage, so they can spend some money, create the demand for goods & services that keeps the economy on a sound footing.
Most Americans believe that major profitable corporations [GE, Verizon, et al] have been playing fast & loose with the responsibility to support one's country via taxes, and we don't like that, either - but the Republicans are fine with it.