Well suck it up Bubs....if you have to commute a distance to a lower paying job to even flip burgers find 2 part time hr jobs at 6 hrs a piece and make the drive worth it.....times are tough for everyone...
""how much do you need to drive 50 miles one way each day and still pay your bills"" is what i asked . NOT if you ever did it why would you take .50$ more for you to drive 30 more miles . as good as you are why not go 100 miles for 7.50/hr and still pay your bills toWell the job I took to get off of unemployment paid $8/hr and I was driving 70 miles round trip. If I needed to drive 100 miles round trip I would take a job paying $8.50/hr but I would only do it for so long then move closer.
yep i have only applied for just one place . because i am just lazy as you say . you most not have looked for a job in awhile . even constrution companies want you to appl online now . and have you every heard of the state career center PA has one and it is call PA careerlink .Well if I were unemployed I would have applications in at more than a few places and I likely wouldn't waste my time applying to places that advertised they are hiring. A lot of these people that are applying for these jobs already have a job they are just looking for a better situation, they are not going to just sit at their current job and be happy. They see an opportunity and are willing to take that risk to chase after the American Dream.
They may get behind on the bills for a little while but the house will not be foreclosed on in 3 months. As far as rent it can vary based on your location. The unemployed still need a house so they would still rent your house.
I think there is a move toward a one world government because of things like NAFTA, NATO, the UN, and things like the EU.
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Finally! Somebody said something senseable.
And it took a canuck to do it.![]()
u know this is a great job for the elderly, as we use it for recreation and such.imho![]()
i have been say that the whole time but most didnt want to read what i was saying . just wanted to judge me . and call me a whiner . and that i hate big busniness .
i have been say that the whole time but most didnt want to read what i was saying . just wanted to judge me . and call me a whiner . and that i hate big busniness .
Well suck it up Bubs....if you have to commute a distance to a lower paying job to even flip burgers find 2 part time hr jobs at 6 hrs a piece and make the drive worth it.....times are tough for everyone...
Well here is another reason why we need to limit the green card people, they need to get with the program and try these jobs out.
I would like to know how many of you see 45 -60 year olds working at McDonald or some other fast food place. It is the same issue, they don't want to hire 'tweeners because they don't want those types working there.
Well here is another reason why we need to limit the green card people, they need to get with the program and try these jobs out.
I would like to know how many of you see 45 -60 year olds working at McDonald or some other fast food place. It is the same issue, they don't want to hire 'tweeners because they don't want those types working there.
there has to be a joke in there somewhere?....LOL
""how much do you need to drive 50 miles one way each day and still pay your bills"" is what i asked . NOT if you ever did it why would you take .50$ more for you to drive 30 more miles . as good as you are why not go 100 miles for 7.50/hr and still pay your bills to
yep i have only applied for just one place . because i am just lazy as you say . you most not have looked for a job in awhile . even constrution companies want you to appl online now . and have you every heard of the state career center PA has one and it is call PA careerlink .
yes you cant read and understand what you have read
"" i asked how are they to pay for both places even for a few months on 10 dollor a hour . and how much do you think they are going to get for rent . when most that are looking are already unemployed and dont have extra money either ""
so how do they pay for a house and rent at the same time ?? on a 10$ hour pay . i guess they should work 24 hours a day and do it 7 days a week .
kind of stupid then to have a house or any other bills then . even slaves had time off
how much do you think a unemployed person can affoed to by you rent for your house ??
are you going to rent to somebody who is already behind on their bills .
why would somebody unemployed be with out a place to live to start with .??
what are they doing that you think they are moveing toward that . would it be the laws and regultions they are pasing that is taking away our freedoms and that are helping the other countries more then they do the USA .
or is it because we had a congressman named weiner show his weiner .
Well here is another reason why we need to limit the green card people, they need to get with the program and try these jobs out.
I would like to know how many of you see 45 -60 year olds working at McDonald or some other fast food place. It is the same issue, they don't want to hire 'tweeners because they don't want those types working there.
No most 45-60 year olds have put themselves in a better position than to get forced into working at McDonald's.
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You have been complaining that the entire governmental structure is nothing but one big conspriacy to keep the population in slavery.
That is quite different to what OVM wrote.
You might want to reread the whole post.
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do you think it is the work people who got us in the trouble we are in today
or do you think it was something the government has done
so who to you blame .
I suppose if the purpose of the work visit was to learn our culture they got a first hand look at how corporate America works......LOL