While the religious extremists at the AmFamAssn would like everyone to believe that their efforts are soley responsible for the decline in FoMoCo's fortunes, I think the reality of the situation is more likely to be a combination labor costs, top heavy management, vague market focus and lack of strategic foresight.
These problems are hardly unique to FoMoCo, GM and MOPAR are in the same boat.
I'm curious to know how FoMoCo "rabidly promotes" homosexuality. Do you get a flyer in the mail to stop by your local dealership for a "conversion"? Or is it more subtle, like subliminal messages in their TV commercials?
I was under the impression that Rev. Wildmon had his shorts in a bunch because FoMoCo was advertising in magazines that were aimed at a predominantly Gay/Lesbian demographic. I can't help but wonder why the Rev. was reading these publications in the first place.
>There has been a call by the American Family Association to
>boycott Ford due to Ford's rabid promotion of homosexuality.
>Results are sales down 5% in March, 7% in April and another
>2% in May. Ford stock sold for $7.86 a share on March 13
>when the boycott was called. It closed Tuesday 6/13 at
>$6.68, a 13% decline in 3 months.
>Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
>Owner, Panther trucks 4958, 5447
>Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
>EO Forum Moderator
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