Ford's better idea?


Expert Expediter
have you saw the latest ford ad on tv where the tree is across the road and the mexicans are in the pickup and the mustang, i guess theyre even going to replace the actors.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'd rather not. Parts of Michigan are very nice to visit, and I still want to visit Hillsdale someday, but I don't want to live there or be regulated by their business climate. Thanks for the offer though. :p

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
Stanlley I agree ..all good points made by everyone .. when it boils down to it money has no loyalty. The world is catching up with us no doubt about it ..they can do what we can "almost" and do it cheaper thanks to their governments disreguard for their people. Mexico is reguarded as one of the most affluent of the third worlders Yes Stanley they are demanding more pay and better benifits .Economist think china will be next ... their people will demand more because they see and hear from their relatives here what they have. Itis a world economy no turning back. I am a free market kind of guy. I own my own truck. I am subject to the ebb and flow of money. Ford has every right to do that crap..But the UAW has responsibility also to be flexable and challenge the world with a attitude of helping their company instead of a" what have you done for me latly "attitude but the consumer has every right to make them pay and by eliminating the tax breaks they get for going over seas. I will quit buying cars from ford gm in protest of the whole mess that became our car manufactoring industry Ford,Gm Delphi, Dana, And mostly the UAW who are not hungry anymore. Mexicans crossing the bordr barefoot (which I appose) THATS HUNGER>


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I have one thing to say to a person who worked for an American owned auto company such as Ford,GM,Chrysler before Daimler. That is retired and receiving a pention,hospitalization,a discount on vehicles and they buy a foreign car. SELFISH!!!

How can a union man that for many years said that they must support their brothers in other unions to show Solidarity buy a car from a plant that is most likely non union. He expects Ford to send him a check every month but he does not have the spine to support them or his brothers in the union plants now who would like to retire and have the same benefits he has now.

Ford gave this person a good paying job for many years and he has the nerve to say that his union brothers do not make a quality vehicle. Remember the workers produce the car not the management.

I have no time or respect for such a person.