Fedex wart

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Retired Expediter
With regular say surface freight say auto or even machinery and such need for all that checking and rechecking...toss it on check the count and condition and away ya go....

But I see you guys that do Tval/WG and your specialty loads with the sensitivety and value...say for instance the Dead Sea Scrolls....the need to dot all your I's and cross your T's is imperative....and your compensated usual in your dollar per mile rate to perform such actions...where down here in the dregs we are not....


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
That's another thread though. This one is departure calls and why the satellite is better for that than the cell phone.

Thinking about this a bit further and returning to the original topic, it occurred to me that we are talking about the differences new eyes can see. Leo is new to the FedEx Custom Critical system. Diane and I have grown accustomed to it.

It is analogous to us using a rotary phone while Leo is accustomed to a touch tone. Our old phone works just fine for us and we use it without complaint or outcries for improvements. But if you are used to a touch tone phone, a rotary phone will seem like a throwback to the last century.

In the five years we have been with FedEx Custom Critical, we have seen numerous changes, most for the better. FedEx is a world-class company and not one that is criticized for being stuck in old ways. It is my understanding that a new system is being tested now that will totally replace Qualcomm units in trucks. When it is in place, Qualcomm users will be the ones feeling like they have the rotary phones.

And so it will go until the end of days. One system will leapfrog the other as the battle between the old and new continues on.


Retired Expediter
E-1 is installing the new system on all trucks now...gone are the bulk roof top unit and the "BOX"

When you get an answer to a " It is industry standard."
They are only sheep, NOT leaders.....Leaders don't follow, they lead....They set the standards for others to follow....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
FedEx is a world-class company...

That is true and that is the reason for my post. In most respects Fedex is ahead of or even with anyone else. In this one particular system they are at the back of the pack as far as user friendliness and respect for their operators is concerned. I agree fully that Tval, high value etc. should be phoned in. The single 160# iron pipe flange I'm currently transporting doesn't need a conversation with a dispatcher or button pushing on the phone. I could just as easily have filled in a macro saying 2 to # of load bars and 1 to # of straps and y to addresses match and filled in the shipper bol number, all at no cost in cellular minutes to me. If that were macro 3 of sequence 1-5 to complete a job it would be even better. That would be a system so simple a caveman could do it rather than the current system so simple a caveman must have designed it.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
That is true and that is the reason for my post. In most respects Fedex is ahead of or even with anyone else. In this one particular system they are at the back of the pack as far as user friendliness and respect for their operators is concerned. I agree fully that Tval, high value etc. should be phoned in. The single 160# iron pipe flange I'm currently transporting doesn't need a conversation with a dispatcher or button pushing on the phone. I could just as easily have filled in a macro saying 2 to # of load bars and 1 to # of straps and y to addresses match and filled in the shipper bol number, all at no cost in cellular minutes to me. If that were macro 3 of sequence 1-5 to complete a job it would be even better. That would be a system so simple a caveman could do it rather than the current system so simple a caveman must have designed it.

I would have to Disagree with you on that as far as FedEx being ahead of everyone else. They have had the same QC' setup for the last 15 years. They have been saying they are testing a new system since I moved to Seville, Ohio. That was in 2005. They rasied the cost of the QC for the owners but still have units that are 20 years old. They still use Trip Pack which is a joke and paperwork always gets lost. If they was ahead of everyone else then they would let their owners broker loads and keep people there 24/7.
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Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I would say on this issue, Panther is ahead of the pack.
Why? Basically because of paperless logs, integrated GPS, scanning abilities, and ECM hook up. The latter does incur a minimum monthly charge if someone wants it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I said in most respects they are even with or ahead of anyone. This isn't one of them. Phil's analogy of the rotary phone is a good one. Panther is definitely far ahead as far as satellite systems go. Theirs is more robust and also more sensibly set up, a win/win. They charge too much for it but that's a different thread so if you want to expand on that comment go start a new thread. Fedex needs to eliminate all the stupid check in/out stuff, get a system the computer can ping and locate you with, and put all load functions into macros unless it's a special handling or special needs load. It's not rocket science and I'd gladly help put it right if asked.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Certainly agree on that one point. ALL of them charge too much, and YES they do make money off of them contrary to any song and dance they may tell you.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
I said in most respects they are even with or ahead of anyone. This isn't one of them. Phil's analogy of the rotary phone is a good one. Panther is definitely far ahead as far as satellite systems go. Theirs is more robust and also more sensibly set up, a win/win. They charge too much for it but that's a different thread so if you want to expand on that comment go start a new thread. Fedex needs to eliminate all the stupid check in/out stuff, get a system the computer can ping and locate you with, and put all load functions into macros unless it's a special handling or special needs load. It's not rocket science and I'd gladly help put it right if asked.


You knew what FedEx was like before you went there from being on here as a Mod. That's like me going to Panther telling them they need to change all the macro in Panther system because I don't like it. FedEx does things that works for them and Panther does things that works for Panther. To be honest I like FedEx system on some things better than Panthers. But I don't work for FedEx I work for Panther. I have to deal with it. If you don't like the way FedEx does things then leave and go back to Panther. FedEx is a Good Company and so is Panther they both have warts as you say.


Not a Member
If you don't like the way FedEx does things then leave and go back to Panther.

Leo wasn't saying anything about replacing their entire system.
He simply stated there were some elements of the software
that needed tweaking.[the stupid check in/out stuff]

The audacity to suggest Leo move his equipment was probably
one of the most ignorant statements i've seen you make.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I have read where ALL companies have warts.
The Fed has been the only place I've expedited for so I am not aware of or possibly not qualified to make a comparison.
But, I was wondering,
Do all threads have warts as well?


Veteran Expediter
Leo said:

They charge too much for it but that's a different thread so if you want to expand on that comment go start a new thread.

Jimbo says: go to the who cares what you talk about thread.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Leo wasn't saying anything about replacing their entire system.
He simply stated there were some elements of the software
that needed tweaking.[the stupid check in/out stuff]

The audacity to suggest Leo move his equipment was probably
one of the most ignorant statements i've seen you make.

All I was saying if you don't like it. Leave and go back to Panther. I don't tip toe around things. I tell it like I see them. I have been told that many times on EO. Lakeside For someone who is a drive by poster of only negative post's everytime. I don't care about what you think. For someone that has been on here as you said in your one post for 3 1/2 years with only 25 post. That was one of the most ignorant statements i've seen you make.
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Not a Member
For someone that has been on here as you said in your one post for 3 1/2 years with only 25 post that was one of the most ignorant statements i've seen you make.


Holy Cow !! Your sentence structure has me totally baffled.
Have you given consideration to possibly proof-reading your
comments ?


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines

Holy Cow !! Your sentence structure has me totally baffled.
Have you given consideration to possibly proof-reading your
comments ?

Hey do I care what you think? Nope. You never have nothing good to say about anything. I forgot your prefect. I fixed it because we don't want you to get upset anymore.
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Not a Member
I fixed it because we don't want you to get upset anymore.

Good Grief Bruno !!

It still makes no sense. Go back and work on it some more.

And you might want to re-work your backpedaling response
to Dale. That thing's totally butchered.
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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Good Grief Bruno !!

It still makes no sense. Go back and work on it some more.

And you might want to re-work your backpedaling response
to Dale. That thing's totally butchered.

Hey shoot me I'm not prefect. I'm sleepy and I really need to take my lard butt to bed. Oh, wait I need to take the sign off my butt that say's wide load. Yea when I was younger all the girls loved how big my arms and chest was. Now it's all behind me. lol
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Expert Expediter
I would say on this issue, Panther is ahead of the pack.
Why? Basically because of paperless logs, integrated GPS, scanning abilities, and ECM hook up. The latter does incur a minimum monthly charge if someone wants it.

Dave are there some "new" charges for these latter things you mention? I have all of the above including the new GPS on the qc and am unaware of any new charges...or did I just misread your post? cause if I am paying for the GPS ..they can have it back its crap in my opinion.


Staff member
Mayfield shall we go back and read all of your posts since you left FedEx and how you want to change Panther to have FedEx macros, have FedEx less than 75 status and list goes on from there. You seem to be the one wanting to change Panther to meet FedEx standards on many items.
Leo brings up one point that he does not like having to call in and he believes the QC setup is better at Panther. Now since he made that comparison you think he should go back to Panther?
I also have to wonder about some of your other comments you have made. You say Trip Pak is a joke? In ten years of using Trip Pak our paperwork has been lost twice and we had no problem getting that item fixed. I might add we do our paperwork right and we do the front of the envelopes right maybe that has something to do with it. I would much rather have Trip Pak then mail in my paperwork which would be our options right now.
You mention keep People their 24/7? Maybe I am reading that wrong but you can call 24/7 and talk to a dispatcher, facilitator and on up. You can call any time, it does not matter if you are on a load or not on a load and you can expect your questions to be answered promptly or you will get a phone call as soon as that person comes in.
As Leo and many others have said both companies have their warts and if you cannot live with them you move on. When you move on and no longer have trucks at your old company leave your old company alone. You do not have to justify why you left we all know the fit was not a good fit anymore. Leo still has two trucks at Panther so he is up on policies at both companies. The day you leave a company is the day you are no longer are up on what is happening as policies change daily and you are now out of the loop. Just because you mention what is a wart to you does not give everyone the right to jump on a company like a bunch of sharks who have found blood. We have been here 4 years and calling in to us it not a deal breaker, an inconvenience yes. One of the things we really like here is we do not have to be on a run we can be at our layover and we want to get an empty move or any other question we need help on are able to call in and talk to person 24/7 and we are not put on hold forever.
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