The way you judge people you shouldn't point fingers. I have an excuse being lawless scum after all.
sent from my Fisher Price - ABC123
I judge actions. I serve people. I do hope we can find a way to pull this off. I could be with people that I belong with.
Have a LOT of ground work to do before we move on to the "money" side of things. THAT could be the easy part, IF and ONLY IF, we do the ground work right. Raising that kind of money is not easy, but can be done, IF the group goes about it correctly.
We have identified the need, it is real. We have identified several ways to meet the need. NOW, putting it to paper, with a good mission statement, business plan etc. WHEW! Good thing I have such smart people to work with. Ideas I have, the rest I don't. As I told my nephew, I inspire, he perspires. GREAT team we are! Adding a third with a degree in business and the forth a masters in human development.