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Cruzer looks at highway and says, you sure had them figured out,they were working with the mexican drivers from the start but they sure under estimated you.Not for a minute did they suspect a thing while you were having your airstream remodeled but actualy having it converted into a submarine and to have the fuel pump attendants stowed away to act as our crew and to send your gourmet chef to take poisoned Dom Perion on to the cruise ship and having him ad exlax to all of there food there is no way mypie could ever replace you in any roll unless the star just remained in a braindead coma from start to finish of the movie. Now lets see how these mechanical arms work getting these rocks off of the sub.......several hours pass and the airstream sub is under way with just a few minor scratches...meanwhile mypie and inki continue to consume the food with exlax and drink the poison Don Parion until they both collapse in the floor in a big brown puddle and the cruise ship staff wearing masks over there faces to help protect them from the odor use fire hoses to rinse them and the stinky brown puddle over the side were the oder attracts a school of sharks and mypie and inki are quickly consumed and the sharks swim off were marine biologist witness for the first time sharks licking there butts to get a fowl taste from there mouths.......