Expert Expediter
Everyone breathes a sigh of relief as Doug manages to turn the big wheel and safely miss the trees. As he gets it turned around and is heading back to where everyone is standing, the engine suddenly runs out of fuel and the big wheel rolls to a stop right in front of the director, who is impatiently tapping his foot on the ground.
"Is everyone done goofing off now or do you need more time?" he asks sarcastically. When no one replies he says "Good. It's time to get down to business. Highway star will be taking over the lead role and his work day is only 6 hours long with a 2 hour lunch and a fluff and primp stuck in there, so cut the crap and lets get this film made! Someone set the scene and lets get things rolling!!"
With that the director shuffled back to his chair, mumbling under his breath about egotistical "big stars" and their weaselly little agents whose only mission was to make his job more difficult and his life miserable. He should have listened to his mother and became an accountant.
"Is everyone done goofing off now or do you need more time?" he asks sarcastically. When no one replies he says "Good. It's time to get down to business. Highway star will be taking over the lead role and his work day is only 6 hours long with a 2 hour lunch and a fluff and primp stuck in there, so cut the crap and lets get this film made! Someone set the scene and lets get things rolling!!"
With that the director shuffled back to his chair, mumbling under his breath about egotistical "big stars" and their weaselly little agents whose only mission was to make his job more difficult and his life miserable. He should have listened to his mother and became an accountant.