Seasoned Expediter
There was history of spills in the Gulf, MUCH larger than the last one, not to mention the continuous leaking, to the tune of 2 Exxon Valdez spills every year, into the Gulf. That "leaking" is natural. The Gulf can handle more oil than many believe, not that ANY spill is good.
Nuke leaks are different, but we will survive. The price of blue fin may come down, which is good, there should not be any commercial blue fin fishing anyway.
Not to argue......but those seeping oil plumes which naturally occur, are much like the steam coming off a pot of boiling water. They actually contain good properties, and beneficial to marine life. The oil gushing up from the depths of DWH were full of what's boiling in that pot...which is volital organic compounds. (VOC's).
There's a reason fish don't need clean up suites for swimming around. The VOC's in crude oil can be deadly, to even breath. I know what your sayin....but just sayin.