Do you mean get on their knees?Barring some yet unknown outcome-altering event, they will all bend the knee eventually ...
Do you mean get on their knees?Barring some yet unknown outcome-altering event, they will all bend the knee eventually ...
I find the ad to be repulsive, not the LP. Though the ad served as a straw that broke the camel's back and I now look on the Lincoln Project with disdain.Interesting that you find the LP repulsive and offensive for calling out the rhetoric and behaviors of The Orange One™ and his followers ... rather than their rhetoric and behaviors ...
Blasphemy is blasphemy. The blasphemous act of one does not free another to do the same.You wanna talk blasphemous ?
Perhaps if you were a little better informed, you'd understand the context in which this ad was delivered and what it was actually in response to:
The Lincoln Project ad provided it's own context. It was repulsive, offensive, groundless, blasphemous and counterproductive on its face. Again, the faulty actions one does not free another to be similarly faulty.Further context and a little background ... for those inclined to flying off the handle ... without having full knowledge of what they are commenting on ...
Like praying?Do you mean get on their knees?
GoodI am personally acquainted with some Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and atheists who will do the same. I like generally like them too.
You spelled acquitted and exonerated wrong.Ken Paxton: possibly one of the most corrupt AG's in US history, perhaps only second to The Coverup General ... and certainly the most corrupt of any currently serving.
A prolific liar, currently under state securities fraud felony indictment, which is currently scheduled for trial on 4/15/24.
Being sued by the State Bar of Texas for misconduct.
Mike Davis had an epic response to Joyless Reid’s rant:So you agree with Joy Reid's rant? Maybe you need to read it again, because she totally misrepresents the vast majority of "White Christians" in this country. In fact, her entire statement is an outrageous lie.
Who are the "holy rollers"? Does that term include anyone who goes to a Christian church?
To whom should they be attracted? Joe Biden?
I find the ad to be repulsive, not the LP. Though the ad served as a straw that broke the camel's back and I now look on the Lincoln Project with disdain.
Blasphemy is blasphemy. The blasphemous act of one does not free another to do the same.
The Lincoln Project ad provided it's own context. It was repulsive, offensive, groundless, blasphemous and counterproductive on its face.
Again, the faulty actions one does not free another to be similarly faulty.
You spelled acquitted and exonerated wrong.
We tried to tell him not to run this time. FWIW, Nikki Haley is equally, if not a worse candidate than DeSantis.DeSantis Campaign; the Worst Republican Campaign in History
Excerpts from this opinion piece:
At the beginning of 2023, Gov. Ron DeSantis was in first place, ahead of former President Donald Trump.
The DeSantis campaign and super PAC raised more money than any other campaign, including that of the former president.
What passed as their strategy, if we can call it that, was modeled after a weathervane.
The DeSantis campaign should have defined their candidate as Trump-plus, ... Instead, they offered the voters Trump-minus.
Polling showed DeSantis had a tremendous opportunity. No candidate had a better setup. But then, something bad happened: The campaign introduced the product.
In person, he was a diminutive politician.
The decision by the DeSantis team to have him travel to early states campaigning for president while pretending to not be a candidate was disastrous, giving Trump a chance to savage the governor while DeSantis ignored him, conveying weakness.
The message that “I’m just like Trump, but awkward, shorter and less interesting” did not seem to catch.
The campaign and super PAC spent millions on advertising that failed to move voters to their candidate.
The campaign, tried to sell two conflicting propositions: It argued that their guy was more electable than Trump, but also that he was just like Trump. There was no market for the Trump Who Wasn’t Trump but could not be himself.
Disney is perhaps the perfect example of big business gone dangerously “woke,” but even here DeSantis managed to overreach when he went after the company’s special tax status, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
The celebrity consultant known as Jeff Roe [who DeSantis hired] loses virtually every race he touches.
Many political reporters and donors treated DeSantis’ vaunted [door-knocking] “ground game” as if it were more than campaign hype. The only thing the DeSantis ground game built was second and third homes for the consultants who conned him out of millions.
Perhaps Trump’s vast lead could not be overcome and this was the wrong cycle for DeSantis to run. Perhaps, for someone so uncomfortable with people, this was the wrong decade — or century. Still, that’s no excuse for misspending over $130 million and running the Worst Presidential Campaign in History.
Did you also try to tell him to not be utterly incompetent and astoundingly arrogant as he built his campaign team and strategy? Did you also try to warn him that as he stepped out of his protected shell in FL and onto the national stage, he would be exposed as the self-serving, pretentious "leader" he truly is?We tried to tell him not to run this time.
This a few other things sunk his campaign.Reasons for Trump surge and DeSantis drop:
Trump’s perceived persecution from the partisan “investigations.”
DeSantis perceived weak responses about it.
His flip flop on his response about Ukraine being a border dispute.
(MAGA isn’t for sending billions to Ukraine and prolonging the conflict especially while domestically inflation is ravaging and the banks are teetering.)
DeSantis came in 2nd in Iowa. The media seem to ignore the fact that Haley came in 3rd. They love Haley the same way they loved John McCain, because as candidates they have a lot in common; mushy moderates that would be guaranteed losers in the general election. The only reason Haley is showing fairly well in NH is their screwed-up voting system that allows Democrats to switch parties at the voting stations and submit an anti-Trump vote. She's 30 points behind Trump in her home state of SC.We tried to tell him not to run this time. FWIW, Nikki Haley is equally, if not a worse candidate than DeSantis.
When DeSantis came in a distant 2nd, despite 9 months of all-out effort in Iowa, he became a dead man walking and the media treated him as such. Surging Haley became the new exciting candidate, and the media loves excitement.DeSantis came in 2nd in Iowa. The media seem to ignore the fact that Haley came in 3rd.