Im glad that people are starting to think like this, I have had this view of religious people for quite some time. Look at what they are saying, we are going to take back our country.MSNBC had a meltdown last night after the Trump victory in Iowa. Of course their ratings are always at rock bottom and it's easy to see why, but spewing this kind of racist, radical hatred reaches the far end of the political spectrum and establishes zero credibility. They must have a target market of extreme Marxist liberals who thrive on this kind of pathological vituperation. As Trump continues to win primaries this insane rhetoric from the liberal media will only get worse.
"MSNBC host Joy Reid led this effort by declaring that “White Christians” are racists who want minorities to “bow down” to them...
“All the things that we think about, about electability, about what are people gaming out, but none of that matters when you believe that God has given you this country, that it is yours, and that everyone who is not a White, conservative Christian is a fraudulent American, is a less real American. Then you don’t care about electability. You care about what God has given you.”
“It is religion And I think what we have to actually confront – and this is what the Democrats are going to face – is this is now what White evangelicalism is. It is Christian nationalism. That’s the name of it, right?” It is all part of “White evangelical Christians of a certain mindset … that they own this country, that immigrants, that Brown people, that Hindus like Vivek Ramaswamy and his wife are illegitimate Americans. They are less legitimate Americans than they are…They’re not trying to convince people and win people over through politics. What they’re saying is, ‘We own this country, and everyone will bow down to us.’”...
Reid’s colleague MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow censored Trump’s victory speech and said that the network would not allow viewers to hear him because he said “untrue things.”"
MSNBC Hosts Denounce White Christians as Racist and Pledge to Censor Trump After Iowa Win
In an early glimpse of what to expect from coverage of this election, MSNBC and CNN hosts went into full rage mode with the Iowa caucus results. MSNBC host Joy Reid led this effort by declaring th…
Jesus will forgive me, nobody else matters.
I stay away from the holy rollers, they treat everyone else like garbage.
What gets me is that they are attracted to someone like Trump who is nothing like them.