Yes in total numbers, but in 1918 the total population was 1/3rd what it is today. But can you imagine what the death toll would be if it wasnt for modern medical technology?The COVID-19 death toll has now surpassed the 1918 flu epidemic.
They rank 18th in vaccinations. 32 states are worse. Plus, he focused early on in vaccinating the most vulnerable and the elderly. He has the right approach.
Very dishonest lot are those Neo lib leftists...
Asymptomatic spread is rare and kids that are asymptomatic, the spread is even rarer.
I just dont know what to say anymore.
But they got tons on hunter Biden lol even a steamy video of him and a hooker.They got nothing on DeSantis ...
Asymptomatic spread is rare and kids that are asymptomatic, the spread is even rarer.
Because it's rare. Follow the science.
But, but, the "Intelligence" Community said that was Russian disinformation.But they got tons on hunter Biden lol even a steamy video of him and a hooker.
You're being overly generous with your use of the word "fact."Doesn't change the fact that you do get less oxygen when wearing a mask because it traps carbon dioxide.
The doctors at CIDRAP, including famed epidemologist Dr. Osterholm may agree with you, at least regarding masks of certain types.At the end of the day masks are not effective in stopping the spread of or catching in airborne virus...
Check again. It's a good idea to keep up on your oil changes, but that idea does not sell itself. So too with tire inflation, signaling your turns, driving only when fully awake, and eating healthy. All good ideas, but they do not sell themselves. Millions of people do the opposite. Millions of people make millions of choices every day that are not in their best interests. Smokers will tell you smoking is bad for you, yet the light up.Tell me something smart guy.. if the vaccination is so effective and it's so required..... Why does the government have to bribe, coerce, bulky, and mandate them?
Last time I checked if a product is needed.. it sells itself. Especially if a product is actually going to save someone's life.....
If I asked you if you are you someone who is able to think for yourself, would you say yes? I presume you would.You act like it's still an issue of being able to access the vaccine. You literally can walk into any Walmart right now which is everywhere and get one for free. They are going around the country in some places and doing pop-up vaccination sites where they're only getting maybe a handful a day.
It's not a problem of access.. it's the fact that people are able to think for themselves and do not want it!
If that's the case, why are Florida's virus numbers (case count, hospitalizations, deaths) per 100,000 people consistently higher than most other states?
False regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. They do not have live virus in the dose.The vaccines have live virus in the dose....your body makes antibodies from killing the virus.
Vaccinated or not, a citizen kept alive by the antibody treatment will pay more in taxes than the cost of the treatment.We the taxpayers are paying for both the vaccine and the antibodies, $30 per dose of the vaccine or $1500 per dose of the antibodies. Im sorry, the government should not be paying for anyone who didnt get the vaccine to get the antibodies, before the vaccine was available, I get it, but now there is a choice and because you didnt make the correct one, we shouldnt have to pay for your stupidity.