"Old Timers?"
Gee, have you looked in the mirror this morning?
You ain't no spring chicken yourself.
Health care?
Oh, like the Socialist Republic to the north, where those who have worked hard, as opposed to those on the public handouts, and have saved their hard-earned money are coming to the good "old" USA to get medical treatment. They are coming in droves! Why? Because under the socialist health care systems you would be dead by the time you were scheduled for heart surgery and a plethora of other life-threatening conditions.
Interesting how everyone thinks the USA needs such a great deal of reform, but they are standing in line to come here. If America is so lacking in reform then it would seem logical for non-Americans to just stay in their own countries.
And for those who have become citizens, or who are here on work and student visas, if you are not happy with our system of government, or health care, or religion...you are free to leave. I'll be more than glad to move your household across the boarder or provide you with transportation to the nearest airport.
Actually, psychologists will tell you that folks really do not like change. They feel more secure in an unchanging environment. What the "media made for TV" Barackie is proposing are freebies for everyone...well, except for those of us who will be paying for more government handouts and entitlement programs. He is not for change...he is for doing the bidding of those who have elevated his status to messiah.
You think folks would remember the failed policies and programs of "The Great Society" under President Johnson's leadership. Public housing that was given to folks and a few years later it had to be torn down because people do not take care of those things which are handed to them. Food stamp programs that have produced an obese nation. "Guvment" jobs that have spawned a generation of lazy workers because no one can seem to hold them accountable for a lack of interest in their duties. One visit to any Post Office is proof enough! Free money for college students who are so poorly educated they couldn't even complete a Freshman English Composition course. Moreover, the drop out rate for these "work fair" recipients is over 75%, because da rule is..."if u be going to take du guvments welfare dough..u gots to work or goes to school." Gee, work a real job or sit in class and sleep. Hmmmm…that’s a no brainer! Oh, the gym and recreation rooms were packed with this of student, but the library was empty.
With Barackie expect more of the same! Barackie goes to Harvard, but those on the public dole go to a local community college with a revolving door. It has to be revolving, because they won’t stay more than a few months and then be recycled through the system again and again and again…ad infinitum. They know how to play the money game and the rest of poor saps are paying for their laziness.
My uncle owned a small business in London back in the 60’s. He eventually returned to the U.S. I asked him why he didn’t stay in Great Britain. His reply was, “The taxes were too high!” Under their socialist system two-thirds of the people are on some form of government assistance and the remaining one-third work to pay for all of those government programs.
And dats da change Barackie will bring to America.