Colin Powell Endorses......


Retired Expediter
I don't see enough people wanting to bring it back to the right...Seems the majority of Americans want some sort of healthcare like the rest of the world...they want thier government involved..they are tired of doing for themselves..they want the government to work for the taxes they collect....The U.S is changing but not in the direction the ole conservatives protectors of all that is old are going to like...


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
This is all DESIGNED to bring down USA< to an "ALL" EQUAL "GET EVEN WITH THE GREAT SATAN" !! and of course the left will BUCKLE TO ALL after that-- JUST LIKE THAT RACIST GENERAL DID!! AS FAR AS THE ABOVE-- WE WHO PAY ATTENTION AND WATCH how the left wing media operates- are disqusted that the IGNORANT "un-decided" are the one's spoon fed with left's media bias attack everything BUSH's fault period-- to DECIDE the future of this GREAT COUNTRY! Where's pelousy- reik 2 yrs oil market bomb== dBb barney fannie BUTT WALL STREET EXPLOSION? HIDE the facts--FROM "UN--DECIDED" group whom are so swayed with a so called $1,000 kick back!! listen to the world who hate DMV healthcare gov't !! WE DEMAND TRUTH-NOT BIAS!
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Veteran Expediter
"Old Timers?"

Gee, have you looked in the mirror this morning?

You ain't no spring chicken yourself.

Health care?

Oh, like the Socialist Republic to the north, where those who have worked hard, as opposed to those on the public handouts, and have saved their hard-earned money are coming to the good "old" USA to get medical treatment. They are coming in droves! Why? Because under the socialist health care systems you would be dead by the time you were scheduled for heart surgery and a plethora of other life-threatening conditions.

Interesting how everyone thinks the USA needs such a great deal of reform, but they are standing in line to come here. If America is so lacking in reform then it would seem logical for non-Americans to just stay in their own countries.

And for those who have become citizens, or who are here on work and student visas, if you are not happy with our system of government, or health care, or are free to leave. I'll be more than glad to move your household across the boarder or provide you with transportation to the nearest airport.


Actually, psychologists will tell you that folks really do not like change. They feel more secure in an unchanging environment. What the "media made for TV" Barackie is proposing are freebies for everyone...well, except for those of us who will be paying for more government handouts and entitlement programs. He is not for change...he is for doing the bidding of those who have elevated his status to messiah.

You think folks would remember the failed policies and programs of "The Great Society" under President Johnson's leadership. Public housing that was given to folks and a few years later it had to be torn down because people do not take care of those things which are handed to them. Food stamp programs that have produced an obese nation. "Guvment" jobs that have spawned a generation of lazy workers because no one can seem to hold them accountable for a lack of interest in their duties. One visit to any Post Office is proof enough! Free money for college students who are so poorly educated they couldn't even complete a Freshman English Composition course. Moreover, the drop out rate for these "work fair" recipients is over 75%, because da rule is..."if u be going to take du guvments welfare dough..u gots to work or goes to school." Gee, work a real job or sit in class and sleep. Hmmmm…that’s a no brainer! Oh, the gym and recreation rooms were packed with this of student, but the library was empty.

With Barackie expect more of the same! Barackie goes to Harvard, but those on the public dole go to a local community college with a revolving door. It has to be revolving, because they won’t stay more than a few months and then be recycled through the system again and again and again…ad infinitum. They know how to play the money game and the rest of poor saps are paying for their laziness.

My uncle owned a small business in London back in the 60’s. He eventually returned to the U.S. I asked him why he didn’t stay in Great Britain. His reply was, “The taxes were too high!” Under their socialist system two-thirds of the people are on some form of government assistance and the remaining one-third work to pay for all of those government programs.

And dats da change Barackie will bring to America.


Retired Expediter
The line-ups are dwindling due to Provincial rule changes to allow private clinics to service those who work hard and can afford it to go private services thus allievating the line-ups and allowing those who can't afford it better service..still a work in progress...This is move more to the center...a tough balancing act as it is on this side of the border.

David said.."And for those who have become citizens, or who are here on work and student visas, if you are not happy with our system of government, or health care, or are free to leave. I'll be more than glad to move your household across the boarder or provide you with transportation to the nearest airport."

Did I say I was unhappy? Why so caustic?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
In spite of the advantages given his career by Republicans, Powell has always been liberal in his politics; he has always been in favor of abortion and he has always been very supportive of Affirmative Action. His state dept. was always at odds with the Republican congress and the Bush administration. This endorsement shouldn't come as a suprise to anyone.


Veteran Expediter
Well so be it Powell endorses Obamma

So what ya all know the Next President of the United States is going to be Black so get over it.

I have and dont care.

Move on talk about somthing else this is not healthy

2012 will be evern unhealthyer get my drift.

have a nice day.

By the way pilgram and turtle I dont want to here jack about the Myan Calander.

That dont have nothing to do with it.



Seasoned Expediter
My God people turn off the right wing radio !!!!!!!!!!!! You sound like the lady with the bad hair at McSames rally " I am scared of Obama, hes an Arab".
I guess beloved Bush crying out to the public to bail out, and buy up banks.. that isn't socialism? Oh it's okay cause thats who you voted for, the head of your party!!
Change is coming, and you can sit on your bum for the next 4 years and whine about it, and complain, can you be honest with yourself for just once? What if lets just say- that our country got healthy again? I believe out of your HATRED for Dems, or if you prefer liberals.... you still would not be persuaded to let it go and move on for the betterment of our country. I understand, just like some catholics I know- I've been told even when they have been disillusioned with their faith, that they were born a catholic, and they will die a catholic.
We can endorse who we want to. Colin Powell took his time, won't be campaigning at rallys for Obama- but I believe he did like alot of us did, we watched, we listened. I share his belief, we need a calm steady hand at the realm. McCain has shown himself somewhat sketchy in areas, and impulsive, I believe his pick of Sarah Palin is what will do him in.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No, the bailout was not ok and I said so and called both senators and congressman to vote against it. There's no hatred of dems or liberals or anything else. If there's any hatred it's for anything that goes against my Constitution. You can't say Palin is unqualified on one hand and call a candidate with no more experience qualified, unless you count voting a useless and cowardly present well over 100 times as qualifying experience. No, there have been a number of things wrong with the current administration. There will be a number of things wrong with a McCain presidency. There will be a greater number of things wrong with an Obama presidency.

Oh, and lest you have to wonder, yes things will improve if Obama is elected. There always is improvement with a change in administration and power due to the tendency of people to believe the koolaid actually worked. The question is how lasting will the improvement be and what will the long term ramifications be.

I desperately hope to be wrong about how damaging Obama will be. I don't care if it's rep/dem, con/lib, b/w or anything else as long as it's good for the country. That's the difference between most of the dem/lib/b voters. They won't vote outside their group regardless.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well OVM, I am just not as lazy as the rest of the world and cannot be controlled. I lived in England for 5 years. I saw the results. Multi-year waiting lists for simple opreations. No care for major illness for non-working people, I.E. the old and the very young. High un-employment. Low rates of home ownership. Lazy people. Why? Once they made so much per week they got to keep nothing, so they quit for the week. Crippling taxes. Class envy. A small VERY rich high class, tiny middle class and hugh lower class with no chance of advancment. Besides, it is about freedom, not health care. They will use that as an excuse to outlaw guns, hunting, fishing and kill babies. They will control everything you say and do. Good luck to all you fools who vote for the Marxists. I won't worry too long. I will be out of business in two years and in jail or dead in 4. Thanks for wasting my life. 20 years I could have been hunting and doing all the family stuff I missed to protect you sorrry so and so's from exactly this. Thanks for the kick in the teeth. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
The 10,000 who are being foreclesed today by the FOB's (friends of bush) don't give a rats *** about your high minded race baited antics and mis directed anger an angest.They are to busy loading the car,or the pick up or the camper and fleeing to a motel to set up home with their 3 kids.

Your hero's have left a rotting corpes after 8 years of apathy,greed and "the American way". Your a loathsome bunch of loosers and winers who until 12 hours ago proclaimed Powell as proof you were not racially motivated in your mutual acknowledgment that you would vote for him if he were running. The only dignifed staffer to emerge from the first miserable term. The mighty white terrorists who threw him under the bus at the UN are headed for deep holes in which to bury themselves (with their sic friends).For those of you who read material other then your brand of small minded hate rags,I suggest reading his autobiography.He served three tours in Vietnam,saw a great deal of action as a young officer and has never proclaimed himeslf a Repub or Dem.He felt as a public servant in the Military he represented all Americans. His choice of Obama has to do with his heart,not his big fat mouth or the color of the mans skin. This guy is for real and your comments about him and the dog catcher comment in paticular are further evidence of the mob mentality that is so purvasive on this forum. God forbid you should ever be mistaken for an individual.
Some of the Christians amongest you need to return to your scriptures and to Jesus's message of tolorance and forgivness and the lessons of the lion and the lamb.Get over yourselves and figure out you can be part of the solution and not part of the old and decaying past. It's over.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Well, keeping in mind that it was Bill Clinton that set us up for this mess (Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - New York Times) I don't know if you can really lay it all on Bush. Well, I do know - you can't. At least not legitimately. Yet you do, anyway. That you're so blinded by hate for Bush is fine, but don't berate those who are equally blinded by hate for Obama. You both might be right.

As for Colin Powell and, "His choice of Obama has to do with his heart,not his big fat mouth or the color of the mans skin," well, you don't know that for sure, it's merely a guess. My guess is that his choice for Obama has to do with his heart, his big fat mouth, and the color of his skin, and likely several other things. We are what we are.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Cal, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt yet again in that you may not know that saying you wouldn't vote for someone for dog catcher is another way of saying you wouldn't vote for them for any office. It has nothing to do with his race, just his politics which are now much clearer. I should qualify that with unless he's the lesser of two evils in which case I'll hold my nose and vote for him as I've done in the last few elections. You choose to see opposing opinions negatively and instantly jump on the hate wagon and on the insult wagon and hurl direct insults at those of us who aren't of like mind.

Maybe you are right. Maybe Bush did go out and file all those applications for mortgages in all those peoples name knowing they had no business getting those loans. We certainly can't hold the people responsible for their own actions can we? I certainly hold the loan sharks partially responsible for questionable loan standards but the borrowers themselves bear a large amount of responsibility. Now, you just sit there and let your hate and intolerance build another insulting response to hurl at me. I've come to expect them in all your posts now.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
All I can say is just leave me OUT of your communist utopia. Stay away from me. Let me live out my life my way. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO OTHER. Do not try it. I will not play nice. I quit. No more taxes. D*mn drones. Not this boy. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
Well Layout buddy..It does look like you may have wasted your time with your service to defend a way of life that the majority doesn't seem to want anymore...for what it's worth..Thank you for being there when it did count!
BTW theres still lots of land cheap out here when your tired of Mi and all them Liberals...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The thing is that it doesn't matter if the majority doesn't want it. Too bad for them. The Constitution applies regardless of whether they want it or not unless they get it changed. The ones that don't want it are the ones in Detroit, Buffalo, Miami, El Paso and similar places and it's obvious they have no clue so we'd be fools to accept and adopt their model. Sadly, we're very near proving we're a nation of fools.


Veteran Expediter
I guess we just did not notice or care or was it we were working too hard trying to earn a living to spend our time on politics. Oh well, did the Lions lose today ?
Don't kid yourself - it wasn't that the majority of Americans "were too busy working too hard to try and earn a living" - it was because they were too lazy to be about the business of being a citizen ..... opting instead to sit on the couch and watch the Lions, or the Browns, or American Idol ..... or some other mindless drivel which is designed to capture your attention, keep you otherwise occupied, and keep you from organizing and doing anything effective.

People will generally agree that freedom is something that has to be fought for ..... and many see this in all too simplistic terms of old wars in the "past" .... or armed conflicts in the "now"

The simple fact is, those are really the least danger to the loss of freedom ... the reality of it is that the "war" that has to be fought is largely one of education, culture, and politics - for those truly are the areas that will be (and have been) used to take your freedoms away.

It won't be overt, direct ..... it will be (and has been) covert, stealthy .... like a cancer, consuming the body from within ........ my prognosis is: ...... terminal ..... sadly, the patient is too far gone at this point.


Veteran Expediter
And for those who have become citizens, or who are here on work and student visas, if you are not happy with our system of government, or health care, or are free to leave. I'll be more than glad to move your household across the boarder or provide you with transportation to the nearest airport.
No doubt the "Christian" thing to do ........


Veteran Expediter
That's the difference between most of the dem/lib/b voters. They won't vote outside their group regardless.
Is that anything like "not wasting my vote" - "or choosing the lesser of two evils" ..... or is that something different ?