Colin Powell Endorses......


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No president in my lifetime has been elected by a majority. Who ever wins this time will not either. Shoot we seldom even have a majority of registerd voters go to the poles. Most people who no longer vote don't because they are just plain disgusted and fed up. As am I. If this country turns into the U.S.S.S. of America I will NOT recognize it's authority. I will not "stand behind" Osama Obama just because he is elected. I do not stand with baby killers. I do not stand with those who do not believe in my constitution, he has proven that in both word and deed. I do not stand with people who associtate with murders and rapists. Like Ayres and Kennedy. I do not stand behind crack heads like Obama. How many felonies did he commit to stay wasted as he put it? Guess the apple does not fall very far from the tree as some say. When you come from bums you are likely to be one. Just what we need, a welfare ranger running the country. No use moving to South Dakota, it won't be any better there. No matter where you live in a Marxist sociaty you have to watch your back. The only way to gain anything is to snitch on your neighbors, family etc. Marxists rule by fear. That is why in know I can't be rulled, I am not afraid, I am resolved to live my life as I please. I will most likely be "taken out" but at least I will go out as I came in, A FREE MAN!!! One of my greatest all time heros said it far better than I can. "Give me liberty or give me death!" That is how I was raised, that is how I will live the rest of my life. You cannot change me. You all have only two choices, fight with me or against me. That's it. I live in a black and white world. I like it that way. I know right and I know wrong. I will never change my core values. They are right. It IS that simple for me. Don't like it? Tough! I don't like what has happened to this country. Were even so just leave me alone. I don't want a darn thing from you so don't ask me for anything. You won't get it. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
Owner/Operator least out here you can see your enemy coming....even tho it's usually the one you can't see that takes you out.....We are not that different in many ethics, family...Politics being a weird thing as it is...Canada is moving more to the center as down here is moving to the left more liberal..If the Dems are wanting to be more like Canada they better look at again how the politics are moving ever so slowly away from social programs...A completely dependent society doesn't work....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
True but most of S.D. is too open and flat for defensable positions. There is also a decided lack of water. You need large bodies of water, reletivly speaking, to provide a varity of fish and hold enough to provide a sustainable resource during drought. You need both when attempting to live off the land. S.D. does have enough game resorces, small game being the most important. Enough big game as well. Plenty of migrating birds. It appears from a tactical standpoint water and defensable cover are what is lacking. Michingan has the cover and water but game is way down. Small game is really hurting. Pennsylvania has the cover but is lacking in water and game. Lousianna might fit the bill fairly well, if it just were not so hot!!! Clean water is hard to find there but there are ways around that. D*mn, I hate even having to think about this, at my age I should be looking forward to a good layoutshoot and the family deer hunts. What a shame to be forced into this. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Well, keeping in mind that it was Bill Clinton that set us up for this mess (Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - New York Times) I don't know if you can really lay it all on Bush.

Chris dodge/ Countrywide-- UNDER INVESTIGATION FBI ...Does the BUSH HATER's ever read anything facturial?? I couldn't stand to MAKE BELIEVE "BUSH'S last 8 yrs." and NOT EXAIMINE dBb barney's blocking McCain's inquiry 2006 -AND-BLACK-OUT FACT-CITY--pelousy,reik and barney are at the HELM 2years and LOOK at the ECONOMY!! it's CRYSTAL CLEAR!! cnn show their picture and explain the above article- dBb barney's ACTIONS with FBI knocking @ chris dodge's DOOR-- who hasn't as of today--even presented those DOCUMENTS FBI are a looking for!! Theirs your mortgage losses ANSWERED!! ANDREA MITCHELL covers up Biden's remarks!!obumer SWAT TEAM attacks/TARGETS JOE THE PLUMBERS background!! I would be SO insulted if I was on that team!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just wait till they take over everything. You ain't nothin yet. You will soon see that todays criminals are not, they are victims and todays law abiding hard workers are the cause of crime. I am not joking, this will come to pass. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
True but most of S.D. is too open and flat for defensable positions. There is also a decided lack of water. You need large bodies of water, reletivly speaking, to provide a varity of fish and hold enough to provide a sustainable resource during drought. You need both when attempting to live off the land. S.D. does have enough game resorces, small game being the most important. Enough big game as well. Plenty of migrating birds. It appears from a tactical standpoint water and defensable cover are what is lacking. Michingan has the cover and water but game is way down. Small game is really hurting. Pennsylvania has the cover but is lacking in water and game. Lousianna might fit the bill fairly well, if it just were not so hot!!! Clean water is hard to find there but there are ways around that. D*mn, I hate even having to think about this, at my age I should be looking forward to a good layoutshoot and the family deer hunts. What a shame to be forced into this. Layoutshooter

If ya look east to the Missouri river Aberdeen area lots of water....but your into liberal land over there. Mobridge offers the best of both worlds...lots of water and more conservatives....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
But is it not flat and open? I like heavy forest, swamp or rocky wooded areas if I have to "hide out". Oh well, maybe it won't come to that. Either McCain will win or Obama will become human. Not likely either will happen. Layoutshooter


Seasoned Expediter
I guess I don't get it? Earlier in this post someone was saying our health care will be like Europes??? Do some research please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have health care now and you like it- KEEP IT !!!!!
If you don't you can BUY into the same plan congress has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Health care for profit is what has so many americans bloody mad!!!
Turned down when you have coverage for pre- existing, they wont pay for this treatment, raising co-pays- higher deductables-

I really do believe we can do better.


Veteran Expediter
Layout, calm down. If history is a true teacher, it tells us the media boosts polls to benefit the Dems before an election. Just remember Carter was ahead of Ford by 14%, and won by 2. Carter was ahead of Reagan by 7, and lost by a LOT. Bush was behind in both, around this time... I think by 7% in his reelection.

I believe the ppl who DO care about the constitution end up holding their noses and come out in droves at the end to vote Republican. I also believe there are many closet conservatives who avoid confrontation, and cheer for the rock star until it's time to pull the lever. One other thing... Obama is the candidate of the lazy. Lazy ppl, for the most part, will not get off their arse to actually stand in line to vote. That would be considered work, which they will not do.

In the end, I put my trust in the ppl who know the truth, to pull this off in November. And these ppl do not want socialism, and do not trust government.

One thing you could look forward to either way... we'll have Palin in 4 years. :)
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Veteran Expediter
I guess I don't get it? Earlier in this post someone was saying our health care will be like Europes??? Do some research please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have health care now and you like it- KEEP IT !!!!!
If you don't you can BUY into the same plan congress has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Health care for profit is what has so many americans bloody mad!!!
Turned down when you have coverage for pre- existing, they wont pay for this treatment, raising co-pays- higher deductables-

I really do believe we can do better.

One thing the "greedy is bad" crowd forgets... if you take away profit (the market), you take away competition, and that gets rid of incentive to do a good job.

If you give the government control over healthcare, you also tell the American ppl to go ahead and not be healthy... we'll take care of you; no matter the cost.

But if everyone has a choice in their healthcare, most will shop, and HMOs will have to cut prices to compete. This doesn't mean they'll cut service, as they will have many times the customers who will rarely use the benefits to begin with. It's a win-win for the country.

Funny, but the same would work with SSI, if we had a choice.