No doubt the "Christian" thing to do ........
Sure shows tolerance and love thy neighbour doesn't it....?
No doubt the "Christian" thing to do ........
Hey cant we all just get along.
Well, keeping in mind that it was Bill Clinton that set us up for this mess (Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - New York Times) I don't know if you can really lay it all on Bush.
Chris dodge/ Countrywide-- UNDER INVESTIGATION FBI ...Does the BUSH HATER's ever read anything facturial?? I couldn't stand to MAKE BELIEVE "BUSH'S last 8 yrs." and NOT EXAIMINE dBb barney's blocking McCain's inquiry 2006 -AND-BLACK-OUT FACT-CITY--pelousy,reik and barney are at the HELM 2years and LOOK at the ECONOMY!! it's CRYSTAL CLEAR!! cnn show their picture and explain the above article- dBb barney's ACTIONS with FBI knocking @ chris dodge's DOOR-- who hasn't as of today--even presented those DOCUMENTS FBI are a looking for!! Theirs your mortgage losses ANSWERED!! ANDREA MITCHELL covers up Biden's remarks!!obumer SWAT TEAM attacks/TARGETS JOE THE PLUMBERS background!! I would be SO insulted if I was on that team!!
True but most of S.D. is too open and flat for defensable positions. There is also a decided lack of water. You need large bodies of water, reletivly speaking, to provide a varity of fish and hold enough to provide a sustainable resource during drought. You need both when attempting to live off the land. S.D. does have enough game resorces, small game being the most important. Enough big game as well. Plenty of migrating birds. It appears from a tactical standpoint water and defensable cover are what is lacking. Michingan has the cover and water but game is way down. Small game is really hurting. Pennsylvania has the cover but is lacking in water and game. Lousianna might fit the bill fairly well, if it just were not so hot!!! Clean water is hard to find there but there are ways around that. D*mn, I hate even having to think about this, at my age I should be looking forward to a good layoutshoot and the family deer hunts. What a shame to be forced into this. Layoutshooter
I guess I don't get it? Earlier in this post someone was saying our health care will be like Europes??? Do some research please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have health care now and you like it- KEEP IT !!!!!
If you don't you can BUY into the same plan congress has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Health care for profit is what has so many americans bloody mad!!!
Turned down when you have coverage for pre- existing, they wont pay for this treatment, raising co-pays- higher deductables-
I really do believe we can do better.