Chicago is OUT


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Guess the IOC just didn't allow ACRAP in to sign millions of koolaid drinkers up! obumer's AGONY OF DEFEAT - WITHOUT CHEAT!
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is NOT a Federal Government responsibility. Who authorised the spending? Did the House? The Senate? The President has NO legal authority to spend tax payers dollars on ANYTHING let alone "bouncing balls" The olympics have NO importance to the nation. We are in serious financial trouble and this is just PURE WASTE!!! Chicago/ACORN and/or the U.S. Olympic committee should reimburse the tax payers.


Veteran Expediter
OVM wrote:

without the constitution getting in the way

GETTING IN THE WAY!?!?!? SO the Constitution is a deterement in how our country is SUPPOSE to be governed!?!?

And yes as Layout asked, where in the Constitution is the article for funding the Olympics!?!?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No it is NOT a Federal "thingee" (I like that term)The Federal government does NOT sponsor the Olympics. The Olympic comittee does with funding from PRIVATE sources. Bouncing balls is NOT a government function.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It IS sad. My son is there NOT being allowed to fight. That IS where the Viet Nam comparison comes in. Those same kind of stupid rules cost us that one too. Congress needs to get out of the way. Once we make the decision to go into a fight their job is to let the military run it. Fight it for real or never start. Once we go down the "never start" road we had better start building HUGE WALLS around the country. Playing "defense only" will ALWAYS lead to defeat.


Veteran Expediter
Ken you do realize that the USOC is a FOR PROFIT organization!?!? That host cities are SUPPOSE to pay for the cost of their lobbying efforts and while the FED does give TAX DOLLARS to the host city to help pay for the building of the olmpic structures, it is suppose to be private money and corporate money , not FED TAX DOLLARS that pay for the oylmpics....and how barry used his oppostion including the waste of money spent to haul his babies mama and her buddy over to Copenhagan for their Scrafical appearance and then adding to it by going himself with all that was entailed, was a gross misuse of TAX PAYER DOLLARS.....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Us too, only two "auto loads" all year. I HATE those loads, they are SO DIRTY!! It always takes a lot of time and effort to clean up the truck to make it presentable for REAL loads!! Those pharma companies are really picky when it comes to dirty trucks!! For some reason so are the "art" people!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We do support our athletes but we should NOT be!! Nor the "ARTS". There is NO legal authority for this type of spending. Wonder WHY we are in SO much money trouble?


Veteran Expediter the OBama waste

but the country usually supports its representives(atheletes) in monetary ways....

KEN...SNAP OUT OF IT!!! You're talking about two different things here, no one is saying that they don't support the athletes....get a grip, that wasn't what O Kool One was doing over there and it doesn't take a genius to see it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I know it is NOT a lot in the grand scheme of things, BUT, when you add up all of those "not a lots" in our spending it adds up to HUGE deficiets.


Veteran Expediter
Both Bushs and barrys bailouts were unconstitutional and should have never say well we did it over there so we can give 75-100 million in tax dollars to the olympics doesn't work...neiter are justifiable or constitutional...and ye i believe we should have let the banks and auto companies fail....nether are in any better position then they were and the banks just might turn out to be in worse shape in the next yr.....


Veteran Expediter
You are talkin peanuts when things are good! No one ever said a word about a few million...especially when they wear the US flag and represent the pride thingee...:rolleyes:

Compared to the bailouts the spending is puny...

It's the PERCEPTION silly.


Veteran Expediter
There was some guy filling in for Mark Levin the other night who suggested Detroit would have been a better option than Chicago for the Olympics and should have been pushed instead. They have the same type of resources, i.e. A big lake, lots of hotels, etc. and the city's economy would have gotten a huge boost. I think it was a good thought and maybe the next time around they shoud consider this idea...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There was some guy filling in for Mark Levin the other night who suggested Detroit would have been a better option than Chicago for the Olympics and should have been pushed instead. They have the same type of resources, i.e. A big lake, lots of hotels, etc. and the city's economy would have gotten a huge boost. I think it was a good thought and maybe the next time around they shoud consider this idea...

Detroit, as Chicago, has NO venue for white water events OR the shooting events. If fact MOST shooting ranges in the Detroit area have been closed due to law suits. Michigan is VERY anti-gun. As is Chicago.


Veteran Expediter
Detroit, as Chicago, has NO venue for white water events OR the shooting events. If fact MOST shooting ranges in the Detroit area have been closed due to law suits. Michigan is VERY anti-gun. As is Chicago.

Uh....not to be a smarty-butt or anything but aren't the "shooting ranges" of BOTH cities actually on the streets??....just sayin':rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
LOL!!!! Yeah, but this is no olympic event like "gang banging"!!! Let's see, mmmm, Olympic drive by shooting?


Veteran Expediter
Detroit, as Chicago, has NO venue for white water events OR the shooting events. If fact MOST shooting ranges in the Detroit area have been closed due to law suits. Michigan is VERY anti-gun. As is Chicago.

I'm sure there is somewhere in a reasonable distance from Detroit where there is white water and a shooting range.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Michigan has NO REAL white water nor any ranges big enough to handle that many contestants, unless you take the shooting up to the Army reserve area near Grayling. That is 200 miles away and it would cost a fortune to upgrade it for that kind of compitition. It is also 20 miles from Detroit to what little of Lake Erie falls within Michigans boundries. Cleveland would really be better, Camp Perry is close and there is some fair white water within 200 miles of there.


Veteran Expediter
Michigan has NO REAL white water nor any ranges big enough to handle that many contestants, unless you take the shooting up to the Army reserve area near Grayling. That is 200 miles away and it would cost a fortune to upgrade it for that kind of compitition. It is also 20 miles from Detroit to what little of Lake Erie falls within Michigans boundries. Cleveland would really be better, Camp Perry is close and there is some fair white water within 200 miles of there.

I forgot about Camp Perry.. Have you ever been there?