Chicago is OUT


Staff member
Retired Expediter
No Racism Here!! He was Labeled that By-----Guess What? Oh My God Another Black Man in a Post a Couple of Months ago!!!!
Research it, You'll Find it, I Think it was The Chef that Posted it as a You Tube!! :rolleyes:
Seen it when Manning posted it to YouTube back well before the election. Nonetheless, I stand by my statement. Regardless of where the label originated, if you use it, racist or not, and then complain when the race card gets played, that's at the very least, hypocritical. When you use the label as a reason for almost hurling your lunch merely because you saw him, it beats the other side to the "race card" punch.


Expert Expediter
Seen it when Manning posted it to YouTube back well before the election. Nonetheless, I stand by my statement. Regardless of where the label originated, if you use it, racist or not, and then complain when the race card gets played, that's at the very least, hypocritical. When you use the label as a reason for almost hurling your lunch merely because you saw him, it beats the other side to the "race card" punch.

Stand by your statement if you want, That's Up to You But I Wasn't Complaining about the Race Card being played! What I was Saying that I was Wondering when The Race Card was Going to be Played! That seems to be the Norm where the Obumma's and the Dems are Involved when anyone Disagrees with their agenda!!


Veteran Expediter
I was so happy to hear that Chicago was out of the race today. Anyone catch Rush today, He was so happy.
Now all the slumlord friends of the Obama can kiss their profit on the properties they own goodbye:D


Veteran Expediter
Stand by your statement if you want, That's Up to You But I Wasn't Complaining about the Race Card being played! What I was Saying that I was Wondering when The Race Card was Going to be Played! That seems to be the Norm where the Obumma's and the Dems are Involved when anyone Disagrees with their agenda!!

You should put a condom on your head, because, well,.... I guess I don't really need to explain why...


Veteran Expediter
Poorboy wrote:

That's How He See's Himself That's for Sure!

And that how the liberal entitlement mentality sheeple that voted for him still see him also...he knows he needs to ram as much up the american peoples behinds as fast as he can, because once he is found out, he won't beable to..but he was found out faster then he figured he would its about continuing to bust on our elected reps to keep the pressure on them to not let his B/S happen anymore then it already has, then throw his azz out in 2012.....and hope that the country is destroyed before that....


Veteran Expediter
No comment necessary........

Friday, October 02, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Chicago Didn't Get the Olympics [Rich Lowry]

An e-mail:
10. Dead people can't vote at IOC meetings
9. Obama distracted by 25 min meeting with Gen. McChrystal
8. Who cares if Obama couldn't talk the IOC into Chicago? He'll be able to talk Iran out of nukes.
7. The impediment is Israel still building settlements.
6. Obviously no president would have been able to acomplish it.
5. We've been quite clear and said all along that we didn't want the Olympics.
4. This isn't about the number of Olympics "lost", it's about the number of Olympics "saved" or "created".
3. Clearly not enough wise Latina judges on the committee
2. Because the IOC is racist.
1. It's George Bush's fault.


Veteran Expediter
A few more.......

Friday, October 02, 2009

A PR Nightmare for the Obamas [Victor Davis Hanson]

One can understand an American president’s lobbying for an American city to obtain the Olympics, but the blitz by the Obamas proved a PR nightmare. Let us count the ways:

1) Obama’s brand is trans-nationalism and an “America is not exceptional” multiculturalism. According to his worldview, it makes sense that a South American country — especially a powerful, ascendant country such as Brazil — should at last have its turn at hosting the Olympics. It did not seem consistent that a politician who had reached out to the Castros, Chávez, Morales, and Ortega, in parochial fashion, would lobby for his own hometown over a “yes, we can” Latin American initiative, especially one involving an exciting city such as Rio.

2) The Obama lobbying speeches were counterproductive. The world has its own inspirational narratives and is not impressed that much by the Obamas’ Chicago sagas. It was accidental but unfortunate that the global viewers had seen some horrific YouTube clips of street fighting in the Windy City, and then were told by Michelle that her father had taught her how to land a right hook, and that it was a sacrifice for her to fly to Denmark to make the case for Chicago.

3) The Chicago bit was overdone. Obama should remember that there is a perfect storm brewing: The more we hear about Valerie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel, Bill Ayers, and all his old Chicago friends, along with rumors about Tony Rezko–style backroom deals to cash in on Chicago real estate involving the Olympics, and continuing stories about Chicago’s street violence and corruption — the more it hurts the president to be identified as a “Chicago politician” who tries in heavy-handed fashion to implement change through the “Chicago way.” To a younger Obama, Chicago was the romantic can-do town of Reverend Wright, Michael Jordan, Oprah, and the Daley machine; to the world at large, it is something quite different, and far more unappealing.

4) Obama’s messianic appeal is wearing thin, both at home and abroad. I think that once Sarkozy essentially said to the world, “The emperor has no clothes,” the Obama facade crumbled. And here we are.


Expert Expediter
You should put a condom on your head, because, well,.... I guess I don't really need to explain why...

I'm Really Not goijng to have a Battle of Wits With an Unarmed Individual Such as Yourself! So Take your Trolling Rhetoric Somewhere Else, Because All your Posts are at Best Moronic!!


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Here's an interesting, and significant take on things, especially in light of a few interviews of those who had voted Chicago out. Keep in mind that with the possible exception of getting back into the UK, you can bounce around Europe crossing borders with little more than a wave of your passport and a friendly nod.

Chicago’s Loss: Is Passport Control to Blame? -

Among the toughest questions posed to the Chicago bid team this week in Copenhagen was one that raised the issue of what kind of welcome foreigners would get from airport officials when they arrived in this country to attend the Games. Syed Shahid Ali, an I.O.C. member from Pakistan, in the question-and-answer session following Chicago’s official presentation, pointed out that entering the United States can be “a rather harrowing experience.”


Veteran Expediter
Here's an interesting, and significant take on things, especially in light of a few interviews of those who had voted Chicago out. Keep in mind that with the possible exception of getting back into the UK, you can bounce around Europe crossing borders with little more than a wave of your passport and a friendly nod.

Chicago’s Loss: Is Passport Control to Blame? -

Among the toughest questions posed to the Chicago bid team this week in Copenhagen was one that raised the issue of what kind of welcome foreigners would get from airport officials when they arrived in this country to attend the Games. Syed Shahid Ali, an I.O.C. member from Pakistan, in the question-and-answer session following Chicago’s official presentation, pointed out that entering the United States can be “a rather harrowing experience.”

So many theories, so little time..................


Veteran Expediter
I'm Really Not goijng to have a Battle of Wits With an Unarmed Individual Such as Yourself! So Take your Trolling Rhetoric Somewhere Else, Because All your Posts are at Best Moronic!!

Here is another post where the subject is moronic:

Platitudinous Obtuse Offscouring Racist Boorish Oafish Yutz


Expert Expediter
Here is another post where the subject is moronic:

Platitudinous Obtuse Offscouring Racist Boorish Oafish Yutz

Told you that your Trolling Posts were Moronic at best! You Just Proved It!! Tell ya What, You Post anything you want because I'm Not going to Lower Myself anymore Answering Them----Ok! Have Fun Lol :D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The Federal Government has NO business WASTING taxpayers dollars on silly things like the Olympics! Obama, Oprah, The City of Chicago AND the U.S. Olympic OWES the U.S. TAXPAYERS a LOT of money!! Sport are no more a responsibility of the FEDS then health care is!! The FEDS need to go away!!!