Might be hard to answer that question. Hard to tell on vans because some of that loss would depend on the percentage of $1.00 loads they do and how that is impacted by a bump in DH.
Pulling out my new gold plated Panther calculator (which BTW automatically deducts 10 percent on DH
), this is what I would see on a straight truck.
At 3k to 4k miles per week, you have a loss of 360 to 480 per week based on a loss of .12 cents per mile from the original rate of 1.24
Or.....1440 to 1920 a month loss. Or......a maximum exposure of $23,040 per year per vehicle.
That is using 12k to 16k loaded miles per month average. One could apply 20k miles per month but I would think they would bump up against the HOS too often to hold that as an actual average.
And these would be the paid loaded miles, not the total of the hub miles.
For a fleet of say 10 trucks, that is $230k yearly difference.
Since the assessorials were cut, that is probably a wash with a bump in DH pay. If not, the appropriate numbers can be adjusted.
This wouldn't count higher fuel, faster depreciation, or maintenance costs as they would be higher but amounts would vary depending on age vehicle and other factors.