California is SICK


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I promise you, Gay Marriage has nothing to do with pedophilia or slavery. Nothing.


Veteran Expediter
I'll give TallCal one thing. They did find some graves at Cummins Prison in Grady,AR back in the 60s. They made a movie similar to the situation called "Brubaker". of course I don't believe over half of what I see in movies based on fact.


Veteran Expediter
The following is from a recent e-mail I received.

A scene at City Hall in San Francisco


"Good morning. We want to apply for a marriage


"Tim and Jim Jones."

"Jones? Are you related? I see a resemblance."

"Yes, we're brothers."

"Brothers? You can't get married."

"Why not? Aren't you giving marriage licenses to
same gender couples?"

"Yes, thousands. But we haven't had any siblings.
That's incest!"

"Incest?" No, we are not gay."

"Not gay? Then why do you want to get married?"

"For the financial benefits, of course. And we do
love each other.
Besides, we don't have any other prospects."

"But we're issuing marriage licenses to gay and
lesbian couples who've been denied equal protection
under the law. If you are not gay, you can get
married to a woman."

"Wait a minute. A gay man has the same right to
marry a woman as I have. But just because I'm
straight doesn't mean I want to marry a woman.
I want to marry Jim."

"And I want to marry Tim. Are you going to
discriminate against us just because we are
not gay?"

"All right, all right. I'll give you your license."


"Hi. We are here to get married."


"John Smith, Jane James, Robert Green, and June

"Who wants to marry whom?"

"We all want to marry each other."
"But there are four of you!"

"That's right. You see, we're all bisexual.
I love Jane and Robert, Jane loves me and June,
June loves Robert and Jane,
and Robert loves June and me.

All of us getting married together is the only way
that we can express our sexual preferences in a
marital relationship."

"But we've only been granting licenses to gay and
lesbian couples."

"So you're discriminating against bisexuals!"

"No, it's just that, well, the traditional idea of
marriage is that it's just for couples."

"Since when are you standing on tradition?"

"Well, I mean, you have to draw the line somewhere."

"Who says? There's no logical reason to limit
marriage to couples . The more the better.
Besides, we demand our rights! The mayor says the
constitution guarantees equal protection under the
law. Give us a marriage license!"

"All right, all right." "


"Hello, I'd like a marriage license."

"In what names?"

"David Deets."

"And the other man?"

"That's all. I want to marry myself."

"Marry yourself? What do you mean?"

"Well, my psychiatrist says I have a dual
personality, so I want to marry the two together.
Maybe I can file a joint income-tax return."

"That does it! I quit!! You people are making a
mockery of marriage!!"


Veteran Expediter
I promise you, Gay Marriage has nothing to do with pedophilia or slavery. Nothing.

You are right turtle, the subject line has nothing to do with either but look around my shelled friend at some of the people who are the players in the game, there is something to be said about men/boys club being part of the bigger picture of Gay Rights movement.

The slavery thing is something that is thrown up to deflect off of the subject but hey I like a good discussion.

always confused,

there were something like over 3600 black slave holders in the US from the early 1700's to the 1860'. I say slave holders because the freedmen were not subject to citizenship and could not own property, they held it.

The other thing that all the history books and teachers leave out is that the most horrible conditions and treatment of slaves happened by the black slave holders, especially in Louisiana. Some of what happened on their land to their slaves made many of the white owners upset at times. Remember that even though slavery was legal, many of the white owners did not whip, beat or mutilate their slaves because of the investment they made in them and they knew that this would be a quick way to throw away money.

Oh and lets not forget the fact that before the Louisiana purchase, there were a large contingent of white slaves in the N.O. area of the territory and in fact in the north east part of the country. This dwindled down some what but white slavery was still a problem up until the 1850s.

MOOT, that's too funny... ever think of becoming a writer for TV, God only knows we need you there.
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Veteran Expediter
MOOT, that's too funny... ever think of becoming a writer for TV, God only knows we need you there.

It is funny, but I can't claim it as mine. As prefaced, it came in an e-mail. Author unknown.


Moderator Emeritus
the lighter side of this is that not only do gays have the right to get married but also the right to highly publicized and bitter acriminous divorces. there is a balance in life.


Veteran Expediter
Speaking of slavery, I always have an inner little chuckle when some of the drivers here post about their 'owner(s)'.Ya so, it don't take much eh.


Veteran Expediter
Moot left out this scenerio: A guy in a John Deere cap and bib overalls came to get a marriage license. He was with a very short gal with white curly hair. When asked their names the guy said his name was "Farmer Jones". The young lady said her name was "Beeeeeethhhhhhh".


Veteran Expediter
Speaking of slavery, I always have an inner little chuckle when some of the drivers here post about their 'owner(s)'.Ya so, it don't take much eh.

I know whatcha mean. If ppl can't respect themselves more than that, what else can I do but laugh and make fun of them? :D


Staff member
Retired Expediter
The kiss that started it all...



Veteran Expediter
Alright my oh so open minded we don't dicriminate southern fried good ol' boyz
Check out "Neoslavery" by Douglas Blackman.
I know,facts have no place in this argument,but for those of you who are interested,check it out for shi*s and grins.
It is not fiction by the way,but that won't matter to the hard core amongest us.
Leave California alone ( among the worlds top 5 economies) and I will leave the lovable,at times tragic,south alone. Attack,and I will dig deep.It's my job.
Please read this book (steal if you must)
I would rather have all gay neighbors then 1 racist red neck big mouth slob. You know,the ones that keep getting call backs to appear on COPS.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Actually, the title of the book is "Slavery by Another Name" - author Douglas Blackmon. Google yields several good excerpts, and it seems to deal with forced labor camps in the Deep South from the late 1800's to the early 1900's. Although just out in March 2008, it doesn't seem to have attracted much attention except for a segment on NPR. Just a cursory glance through the web doesn't yield much in the way of reviews, but one would think a book with such controversial subject matter would have created more of a stir in the media, especially in an election year. However, it's a bit of a stretch to suppose that forced labor camps were common and extensive in all Southern states. And I'm sure that nothing resembling forced labor ever occurred in the North or out West during that time period. But wait - don't I vaguely remember something about Chinese labor being primarily responsible for laying railroad tracks out West back in the day? At any rate, I do plan to BUY the book; as is the case with most all of us Southern rednecks, I don't steal - it goes against the grain of our culture. It's really amusing that so many arrogant, condescending wannabe elitists from the west coast happen to see a few reruns from "The Dukes of Hazzard" or similarly ridiculous TV shows and then consider themselves experts on the South and the people that live there. I suppose it never occurs to them that there are rednecks everywhere - they just speak with different accents depending on the section of the country in which they live. One last point about the "lovable, sometimes tragic south": looking at the current rate of economic development down here, I'm sure all of us will be completely satisfied to sit on the porch with a mint julep and watch as the cotton fields and piney woods are replaced with industrial parks, retail developments, golf courses and really nice subdivisions. Our standard of living is very good now and is on the rise. On the other hand, the illegal Mexicans, marriage-seeking homosexuals, and enlightened liberals can all rush to the open arms of Mother California. It will be interesting to compare the progress of the two areas as time passes.


Veteran Expediter
The last person I have heard of getting sentenced to prison for slavery was an Asian lady from New York that had a couple of other Asian ladies as slaves. You can bad mouth the south all you want. Just remember keep my family out of it. i don't think you know as much as you would like to let on. You call yourself open minded, but you are the same as everyone else. You get along with those that agree with you and everyone that doesn't you call names. How is that being open minded? It seems you are going against the bleeding heart liberal rhetoric you are supposed to live by. Another thing, I don't steal and I never have in my life. If the south is such a bad place explain to me why there has never been a presidential ticket to get elected with out one of the candidates being from the south? If Obama doesn't pick a southerner to run with him he can hang it up. Unless McCain doesn't pick someone from the south as well. There's you a piece of tofu to chew on.

I've spent time in the Bay Area. I don't know how familiar you are with Daly City. A roommate of mine was from there. I'm so racist I dated one of his cousins for a year, and she was Filipino. What a klansman I am huh? Plus just to let you know no one in my family could join the Klan. You got to be 100% white to do that. None of us are. Next time talk about something you know about.


Seasoned Expediter
Now they are letting homosexuals get legally married. I guess they will be able to adopt know to. I know alot of you will be saying oh let them do their thing. Look at history. All the great empires of history flourished and then fell after embracing homosexuality. I'm glad my state added an admendment to our Constitution saying marriage was between one man and one woman and we will not recognize a gay marriage from a state where it is legal. America is turning into Sodom.
Being a "gay " female there is no reason why we should not be allowed to have the same "privilege", as we all pay taxes and contribute to society. And when you talk Sodom, do you realize how many "str8" people engage in anal sex and how many "gay" people dont'?. How about the majority of child and sex offenders are "str8" men and women? And what about all these "guy" that knock up women and then don't want to step up and take care of "their" kids from "their" seed. what should we do about them ?Castrate them? OH thats right its the women's fault ,
1 She didn't take birth control(Mr Good Year is still in business)
2. I just poked a little fun at her and she got all swelled up.
3. Its not my responsibility(man)
And tell me what is wrong with gay/Lesbian couples raising the str8 kids the worlds rejects and doesn't want anything to do with them,ie... crack babies,HIV babies,disable babies. OH that's right all of these preaching Bible Churches will take all of these babies and kids and raise them with the millions they are making, OH thats right they "good Preachers are ****ing every ones woman but their own wives.
A lot of "str8" people think that because the couple is same sex that they are going to "turn" the child gay/lesbian, why is it then str8 couples have "gay/lesbian " kids? What did they do to "turn" those kids gay?
We have a saying in our community, I don't mind them acting str8 as long as they don't' "do it" in front of me........How would you like to turn the tables around and have us act the same way you act toward gay/lesbian people.
And how many "str8" good ole boys out there like to see a little girl on girl action? and have or want a 3 some with two women?
You **** and moan about what we want when you all want to see the same thing. At least we normally keep it in our bedrooms accept those that do the same thing the prostitutes and johns do out in the bathrooms or bushes or cars or whatever..........its doesn't mean we all believe in that and the str8 people do it too.
And just sit at a truck stop and watch the Lot Lizards go from one truck to another after about 10 min, without cleaning up, and all of you good ole boys that have wives "marriage" and are out there playing with the lot lizards......Why do you want to be married? The HIV/AIDS is spreading so fast in the str8 world and yet they still consider it a "gay" disease, get real.You mess with the crack /druggies prostitutes you get what you deserve right?
I raised two wonderful Men, my sons who in turn have family's "str8" themselves and i also have my grand kids. Yes i told my husband i was gay before we got married and thats ok cause ya know "we" don't all "hate" men, we just feel more comfortable and complete with our own sex. I raised my sons in a Lesbian relationship from the time they were 4 and 10, so no excuse to why they didn't turn out 'gay". But you know what , my son's love me, my family loves me and thats what is important to me. My employer doesn't discriminate who i love or who i make love to, they care about my job performance ,I was teaming with my partner Morningstar with Panther before i had to come off the road due to going back on insulin, but don't think for one minute I wouldn't be back out on the road with her in a heart beat .
And just think arkjarhead.........I had 33 yrs in the Navy, and how many of our military(gay/lesbian) are doing the same thing , fighting for OUR country not just YOUR's. And I was born and raised in San Diego and now living in Texas. So if you get to Dallas look me up and we can sit down and have coffee.
Now I'm off of my soap box.........and Had Morningstar not sent me a link i would not have known this thread was happening.
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Veteran Expediter
Timberwolf,I was deeply moved by your post and glad you found the thread. It's like being on a sinking ship here being one of only a few trying to bring a shred of enlightemnet to this bunch.
I too was a single parent of two kids,and although not gay,was looked at as a bit freaky for being a man raising 2 young kids alone.The Girls Scouts Of America had a big problem with me wishing to be Den Mom. Another story for another time.The Courts gotinvolved.

Ark,your the one who identified your cousin as a queer,and mixed up,not me. Queer is a word from the 50's bub,and I'm sure your cousin would rather not be refered to as a Queer on a public website. I was mearly pointing out that it is YOU who has little respect if thats your choice of words to descibe a family member. One can lose their job here for using that word in a work place to descibe a Gay person. I know,your in Ark and all that,but sorry if you took offense at my comment.It was aimed at you,not your family. No need to pull out the sawed off.I think you should be aware that this is a public site and your comments could wound somebody who's important to you.
The stealing comment was a joke,lighten up. Blackmans book is worth reading,I found it in the library and it was noteworthy.

Pilgram,I don't recall calling anyone on this site rascist,or homophobic ( transgender is not the same as cross dressing by the way) My comments about the south are as rediculous as your comments about California. My post was not ALABAMA IS SICK. I'm simlpy pointing out why it's no sicker then anyplace else,and it's home.. I defended the right for 2 people to get married. If you don't,it's cool. Calling me an old man makes me laugh!! One of my good friends is 75 and will do over 200 nights on tour this year. He can run circles around all of.

The suns out,I'll be at Half Moon Bay in the water in an hour. Good weekend.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I am from the south and as long as someone isn't pushing their lifestyle agenda on me, I am ok with it. If we have the same expectations and demands of people that are gay, then they should be extended the same benefits as everyone else.
I can't imagine why they would want me promoting mine.
If they are raising kids that have been rejected by society in general, then I think that is a good thing. I think this is a place where some religions get in the way of common sense.

Unfortunately it is similar in some cases to the 21 drinking law.
We can send a 18 year old into battle, but can't drink the hard stuff until 21. Another common sense failure.

Just my penny in the pond.


Seasoned Expediter
The following is from a recent e-mail I received.

A scene at City Hall in San Francisco


"Good morning. We want to apply for a marriage


"Tim and Jim Jones."

"Jones? Are you related? I see a resemblance."

"Yes, we're brothers."

"Brothers? You can't get married."

"Why not? Aren't you giving marriage licenses to
same gender couples?"

"Yes, thousands. But we haven't had any siblings.
That's incest!"

"Incest?" No, we are not gay."

"Not gay? Then why do you want to get married?"

"For the financial benefits, of course. And we do
love each other.
Besides, we don't have any other prospects."

"But we're issuing marriage licenses to gay and
lesbian couples who've been denied equal protection
under the law. If you are not gay, you can get
married to a woman."

"Wait a minute. A gay man has the same right to
marry a woman as I have. But just because I'm
straight doesn't mean I want to marry a woman.
I want to marry Jim."

"And I want to marry Tim. Are you going to
discriminate against us just because we are
not gay?"

"All right, all right. I'll give you your license."


"Hi. We are here to get married."


"John Smith, Jane James, Robert Green, and June

"Who wants to marry whom?"

"We all want to marry each other."
"But there are four of you!"

"That's right. You see, we're all bisexual.
I love Jane and Robert, Jane loves me and June,
June loves Robert and Jane,
and Robert loves June and me.

All of us getting married together is the only way
that we can express our sexual preferences in a
marital relationship."

"But we've only been granting licenses to gay and
lesbian couples."

"So you're discriminating against bisexuals!"

"No, it's just that, well, the traditional idea of
marriage is that it's just for couples."

"Since when are you standing on tradition?"

"Well, I mean, you have to draw the line somewhere."

"Who says? There's no logical reason to limit
marriage to couples . The more the better.
Besides, we demand our rights! The mayor says the
constitution guarantees equal protection under the
law. Give us a marriage license!"

"All right, all right." "


"Hello, I'd like a marriage license."

"In what names?"

"David Deets."

"And the other man?"

"That's all. I want to marry myself."

"Marry yourself? What do you mean?"

"Well, my psychiatrist says I have a dual
personality, so I want to marry the two together.
Maybe I can file a joint income-tax return."

"That does it! I quit!! You people are making a
mockery of marriage!!"

Everyone that gets married and then cheats on their wife or husband makes a mockery out of "your" marriage. Or the Old Mormon's that believed in many wives. OH MY GOD can't have that now either huh? Laws change,pull up your big girl pantys and deal with it.


Veteran Expediter
Timberwolf,I was deeply moved by your post and glad you found the thread.
I am too. You made some very valid points There are nasty little aspects of heterosexual relationships that tend not to get discussed.I[/quote]

quote=tallcal101;254089]It's like being on a sinking ship here being one of only a few trying to bring a shred of enlightemnet to this bunch. [/quote]

TC, it is amazing that this woman, this lesbian woman was able to type a moving, intelligent and valid response without your help. How did she do it? How did she do it?

TWolf wrote:

Being a "gay " female there is no reason why we should not be allowed to have the same "privilege", as we all pay taxes and contribute to society.

I agree! Many people have a problem with the use of the term marriage. Marriage is generally defined as a religious/legal union between a man and a woman. Please read Turtle's post earlier in this thread.


Seasoned Expediter
I am from the south and as long as someone isn't pushing their lifestyle agenda on me, I am ok with it. If we have the same expectations and demands of people that are gay, then they should be extended the same benefits as everyone else.
I can't imagine why they would want me promoting mine.
If they are raising kids that have been rejected by society in general, then I think that is a good thing. I think this is a place where some religions get in the way of common sense.

Unfortunately it is similar in some cases to the 21 drinking law.
We can send a 18 year old into battle, but can't drink the hard stuff until 21. Another common sense failure.

Just my penny in the pond.

Thank you dave and tallcal, I agree if they're going to send our men and women over into battle or fight for our country they should be given the right to allowed to drink at 18. If they can sign there name on legal documents and are considered an adult they should have right. But see im from the old school, I believe in taking everyone young man or woman and str8 out of high school put them in the service for 2 yrs. Why not let them have a chance to defend our country for "their" rights they are so proud to have and demand. And why is it that all the god fearing young men aren't staying in the service, can't cut it? too much of a kitty?
And yes there are single dads out there that do a hellava job rasing there sons and daughters to be lady and gentleman. I know as a Butch mom I raised my sons to be gentleman to their wives and take care of there kids when their wives are at work. they can cook,clean and do every job that is required"of the mom" in their homes. My parents were from the north(Maine) and south(MISS) so i know about the north and south wars.
My father is Penobscot Indian/Scot and grew up with the prejudice of being a "half" breed and my mom came from a ole southern plantation with slavery and ex slaves in their family.
The history books don't always tell the truth just as much as our politicans tell the truth....take it with a grain of salt and try and figure out what is truth and what isn't.


Veteran Expediter
I agree about the drinking thing Dave for servicemen and women. You know what Timberwolf, I don't have a problem with gays/lesbians/homosexuals/same sex couples or whatever yall decided you wanted to be called today. My problem is "marriage" is a Holy union. Why is a civil union with all the same benefits of being married not good enough? Why must you desicrate something that so many people hold near and dear to their hearts? Oh by the way. There are 2 church sponsered group homes in the town I just moved to to go to college. One is a baptist home the other is Presbiterian(or however you spell it). They have houses set up on their grounds and the kids live there and have parents. It's pretty neat. Last year our church got a list of things to get the kids for Christmas. Each child's individual list was there. The church isn't all bad just some people in it. Just like not everyone living an alternate lifestyle is bad, but some are. It shows loose morals. Just to let you know, I'm not turned on by girl on girl action, or want a threesome. My wife takes care of me.

Working in a correctional facility I've been around gays and lesbians. Got to know many of them to be nice people, but they have no shame in their game when the lights go out. Hearing the moans and groans at night turned my stomache. I literaly felt sick from this. If it offends you or TallCal I'm sorry. My least favorite duty was to walk in a cell and have to pull to inmates apart. For the guys the usually had to go to the infirmary the next day. The injuries I heard of them sustaining in consentual sex didn't make me think of "natural" or "love". It just made me throw up. So maybe having homosexual "love making" thrown in my face has given me a bad impression of the community as a whole.

When I first left Arkansas for the Marines I knew of gay people, but I didn't really know what it was all about. When I got to infantry school I had a good friend, I'm not going to say his name because he's still in, and evidently everyone knew he was gay except for me. When we would come out of the field we'd talk in the shower and tell each other jokes, whatever. Later on I found out he was gay. He never made a pass at me, but I still felt kinda strange. Still stayed friends with him. we went to Vegas together just before I got discharged and shared a motel. I just wasn't his type, plus he didn't hit on straight guys. I'll you one thing though. He could get me looking sharp to go dancing, he taught me to dance, and he helped me hook up with girls. He was my wingman.