Now they are letting homosexuals get legally married. I guess they will be able to adopt know to. I know alot of you will be saying oh let them do their thing. Look at history. All the great empires of history flourished and then fell after embracing homosexuality. I'm glad my state added an admendment to our Constitution saying marriage was between one man and one woman and we will not recognize a gay marriage from a state where it is legal. America is turning into Sodom.
Being a "gay " female there is no reason why we should not be allowed to have the same "privilege", as we all pay taxes and contribute to society. And when you talk Sodom, do you realize how many "str8" people engage in anal sex and how many "gay" people dont'?. How about the majority of child and sex offenders are "str8" men and women? And what about all these "guy" that knock up women and then don't want to step up and take care of "their" kids from "their" seed. what should we do about them ?Castrate them? OH thats right its the women's fault ,
1 She didn't take birth control(Mr Good Year is still in business)
2. I just poked a little fun at her and she got all swelled up.
3. Its not my responsibility(man)
And tell me what is wrong with gay/Lesbian couples raising the str8 kids the worlds rejects and doesn't want anything to do with them,ie... crack babies,HIV babies,disable babies. OH that's right all of these preaching Bible Churches will take all of these babies and kids and raise them with the millions they are making, OH thats right they "good Preachers are ****ing every ones woman but their own wives.
A lot of "str8" people think that because the couple is same sex that they are going to "turn" the child gay/lesbian, why is it then str8 couples have "gay/lesbian " kids? What did they do to "turn" those kids gay?
We have a saying in our community, I don't mind them acting str8 as long as they don't' "do it" in front of me........How would you like to turn the tables around and have us act the same way you act toward gay/lesbian people.
And how many "str8" good ole boys out there like to see a little girl on girl action? and have or want a 3 some with two women?
You **** and moan about what we want when you all want to see the same thing. At least we normally keep it in our bedrooms accept those that do the same thing the prostitutes and johns do out in the bathrooms or bushes or cars or whatever..........its doesn't mean we all believe in that and the str8 people do it too.
And just sit at a truck stop and watch the Lot Lizards go from one truck to another after about 10 min, without cleaning up, and all of you good ole boys that have wives "marriage" and are out there playing with the lot lizards......Why do you want to be married? The HIV/AIDS is spreading so fast in the str8 world and yet they still consider it a "gay" disease, get real.You mess with the crack /druggies prostitutes you get what you deserve right?
I raised two wonderful Men, my sons who in turn have family's "str8" themselves and i also have my grand kids. Yes i told my husband i was gay before we got married and thats ok cause ya know "we" don't all "hate" men, we just feel more comfortable and complete with our own sex. I raised my sons in a Lesbian relationship from the time they were 4 and 10, so no excuse to why they didn't turn out 'gay". But you know what , my son's love me, my family loves me and thats what is important to me. My employer doesn't discriminate who i love or who i make love to, they care about my job performance ,I was teaming with my partner Morningstar with Panther before i had to come off the road due to going back on insulin, but don't think for one minute I wouldn't be back out on the road with her in a heart beat .
And just think arkjarhead.........I had 33 yrs in the Navy, and how many of our military(gay/lesbian) are doing the same thing , fighting for OUR country not just YOUR's. And I was born and raised in San Diego and now living in Texas. So if you get to Dallas look me up and we can sit down and have coffee.
Now I'm off of my soap box.........and Had Morningstar not sent me a link i would not have known this thread was happening.