California is SICK


Veteran Expediter
I'm 100% disabled from the Marines. When I first got out I was only 60% disabled and able to work driving trucks. now, I'm on 100% and going to college. I plan on re-entering the workforce when I'm through with school. Talk about something you know about. I didn't get out because I wanted to. One good thing about the Navy are the Corpsmen. Then after recovering from that I fell 15 feet off of an obstacle on the obstacle course and landed on my head. The head injury messed me up. Now I have seizures, talk with a stutter I didn't have before, and my memory sucks. So don't tell me I have done nothing. I earned my rights. If you don't believe me ask my family. They have know what I gave up due to serving our country. Now talk to me like I'm a piece of trash because I got discharged. You have some nerve.


Veteran Expediter
Well this fine mess

No disrespect Dave but the 18 year old soldier/21 year old drinker argument is silly and the opponents of the argument don’t take understand the bigger picture.

I put trust in the 18 year old that makes a serious commitment by enlisting in the armed forces and is in fact the minority in this case. My distrust and I think the publics distrust in general is someone who can’t take responsibility at that age or show a commitment.

Facts are facts Dave, one such fact is that many parents fail to teach their kids anything at all about responsibility and the law is really not about an illogical decision to create a discrepancy among these two groups but rather to protect us from the irresponsible people of that age group.

As for Gay/Straight – Slave/master issue, I have a lot of things I can say but overall I understand where Timberwolf is coming from. I am for all the rights of a partner, even if that is not a gay relationship. I have seen too much crap where I used to work over this issue and when I was dealing with the hospital, there were things done that were not right. There are some issues I have with the definition of some things, like marriage but that’s not about religion or anything like that.

But like I said in other posts, the religious people really need to step back from several issues and band together to make sure that THEIR rights are not taken away or abridged – meaning not to worry about some of these modern issues but focus on the fundamentals that allow you to worship the way you want.

And others need to stop listening to revisionist history. California I remember had serious slavery issues too during the turn of the last century and no one seems to remember that the Japanese who were rounded up and sent off to concentration camps, a majority of them were from California. California seemed to welcome all that, especially the stuff happening in 1890’s to 1910.

In addition, the open border/illegal alien issue that so many Californians are so devoted to is also a serious form of slavery and the antebellum days were nothing in comparison to modern slavery that is going on in Mexico and the US.

SO Tallcal, I would have to ask are you against slavery and what are you doing about it to close the borders in your state to stop it?


Seasoned Expediter
I agree about the drinking thing Dave for servicemen and women. You know what Timberwolf, I don't have a problem with gays/lesbians/homosexuals/same sex couples or whatever yall decided you wanted to be called today. My problem is "marriage" is a Holy union. Why is a civil union with all the same benefits of being married not good enough? Why must you desicrate something that so many people hold near and dear to their hearts? Oh by the way. There are 2 church sponsered group homes in the town I just moved to to go to college. One is a baptist home the other is Presbiterian(or however you spell it). They have houses set up on their grounds and the kids live there and have parents. It's pretty neat. Last year our church got a list of things to get the kids for Christmas. Each child's individual list was there. The church isn't all bad just some people in it. Just like not everyone living an alternate lifestyle is bad, but some are. It shows loose morals. Just to let you know, I'm not turned on by girl on girl action, or want a threesome. My wife takes care of me.

Working in a correctional facility I've been around gays and lesbians. Got to know many of them to be nice people, but they have no shame in their game when the lights go out. Hearing the moans and groans at night turned my stomache. I literaly felt sick from this. If it offends you or TallCal I'm sorry. My least favorite duty was to walk in a cell and have to pull to inmates apart. For the guys the usually had to go to the infirmary the next day. The injuries I heard of them sustaining in consentual sex didn't make me think of "natural" or "love". It just made me throw up. So maybe having homosexual "love making" thrown in my face has given me a bad impression of the community as a whole.

When I first left Arkansas for the Marines I knew of gay people, but I didn't really know what it was all about. When I got to infantry school I had a good friend, I'm not going to say his name because he's still in, and evidently everyone knew he was gay except for me. When we would come out of the field we'd talk in the shower and tell each other jokes, whatever. Later on I found out he was gay. He never made a pass at me, but I still felt kinda strange. Still stayed friends with him. we went to Vegas together just before I got discharged and shared a motel. I just wasn't his type, plus he didn't hit on straight guys. I'll you one thing though. He could get me looking sharp to go dancing, he taught me to dance, and he helped me hook up with girls. He was my wingman.

Well arkjarhead, when it comes down to "Marriage,Holy Unions,Cival Unions" why not just have one Union that encompasses all humans? Do you think a "Marriage is any more holy because its between a "man" and a "woman"? If so then why if its held up so high for only a set "group" do they trash it with cheating? on those that hold it so High?Talk about morals? Im not saying all str8 people are like this or all preachers are cheaters, I'm saying that we are all human and have the right to love who we want not who YOU think we should. What difference does it make who i love to you or who i marry? YOU are no one to me, but human being right? HOW does who i love effect you as a human being?
And I hear this all the time, Well i don't care who they are as long as they don't make a pass at me..........DON'T flatter yourself is what we normally say cause guess what we don't want to mess with str8 people any more than you want to mess with gay people
Sorry you had to break up people in prison for getting a little release,but i bet if you had a coed prison you would have the same thing, Oh thats right you already have prison guards messin with inmates. OH MY GOD how sick is that..... puking.......
arkjarhead :Re: California is SICK

I'm 100% disabled from the Marines. When I first got out I was only 60% disabled and able to work driving trucks. now, I'm on 100% and going to college. I plan on re-entering the workforce when I'm through with school. Talk about something you know about. I didn't get out because I wanted to. One good thing about the Navy are the Corpsmen. Then after recovering from that I fell 15 feet off of an obstacle on the obstacle course and landed on my head. The head injury messed me up. Now I have seizures, talk with a stutter I didn't have before, and my memory sucks. So don't tell me I have done nothing. I earned my rights. If you don't believe me ask my family. They have know what I gave up due to serving our country. Now talk to me like I'm a piece of trash because I got discharged. You have some nerve.

Now kid you can back off........NO where did I attack you on your service. I too am disabled, and after not being able to walk for almost 2 yrs i have been disabled since 1988, I do work. I went back to school and did my Internship at Balboa Naval Hospital(same place i was born at) I have been working in the medical field since 1992 and supporting my family.
The only thing i will "attack" you on is your opinions on gay and lesbian issues you know nothing about except what the religious right want everyone to know why we are ****ed while they pray and do their bull**** behind some robes and a book that "mortal men" wrote and handed down through the ages. Live and Let live................ Do I believe in God? I believe in my Native American beliefs of A Great Spirit,and my Spirit guide.
And if you believe that a man and womans place on earth is to reproduce....... morningstar and I have both done that now let us live our lives the way we see fit for us.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
I put trust in the 18 year old that makes a serious commitment by enlisting in the armed forces and is in fact the minority in this case. My distrust and I think the publics distrust in general is someone who can’t take responsibility at that age or show a commitment.

Facts are facts Dave, one such fact is that many parents fail to teach their kids anything at all about responsibility and the law is really not about an illogical decision to create a discrepancy among these two groups but rather to protect us from the irresponsible people of that age group
I agree only to a point with regards to irresponsible 18 year olds.
Simple solution. 18 year olds in the military with a military ID are exempt from that law. Problem solved.


Veteran Expediter
First of all my name is not kid. I'm grown. Maybe not as old as you, but I'm grown. You act like I'm saying homosexuals should be put in jail. I don't understand people like you and TallCal. You say you welcome everyone's thoughts until it is something you don't like. Then you get mad and show your true colors. So what? I'm not comfortable around homosexuals having sex, I don't like it rammed down my throat. That's how I was raised. I know that most homosexuals aren't the type to cram it down your throat, but the homosexual actors are doing it for you.

My cousin and his partner don't kiss, hug, hold hands, or even sit close to each other when I'm there. If they wanted to that's fine it's their place, but they don't out of respect for me. If everyone had their attitude "st8s" as you call us might have a different attitude. I can go out to eat with them and in public they act like a couple of guys who happen to be friends. If someone asks how we know each other my cousin usually says this is my cousin, this is a friend from work. He even hates the people that feel the need to flaunt it. And before you say anything I don't go around kissing on my wife in public. We give them they same respect they give us. They know we prefer not to see it, and we know they prefer not to see it.

My cousin and his partner both were wedding bands and I think it's neat. They have been together 5 years. A gay guy I was going to college with told me that was good because so many of his friends couldn't stay together that long. Guess what? My cousin told me they wouldn't get married if they could because they don't think it's right. What about that? Of course he is a Christian. Yes I believe God can forgive of any sin. I'm no better than he is. We all sin everyday. I can't help that it's wrong, I didn't make the rules.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
The homophobia? Puhleeze. Just because you don't enthusiastically embrace homosexuality doesn't mean you're a homophobe. Contrary to popular belief, and many a fervent wish, homophobia, just like any other phobia, is an unreasonable or irrational fear of something, in this case the unreasonable or irrational fear of homosexuals and homosexuality. The fear of the number 13 is a phobia, and like all other phobias, the fear has no grounding in reason or fact.

There are, to be sure, a number of people who have true homophobia, but these are the minuscule of the minority. Most people see homosexuality precisely for what it is, and have no fear of it, rational or otherwise. Since the purpose of sex, first and foremost, is the survival of the species, of procreation, and since homosexual sex deviates from that, homosexual behavior is anormal behavior in a societal species chock full of heterosexuals. Anormal is something that goes against the norm, contrary to how something should be. Sorry, but unless and until a majority of the people become homosexual, that's the way it is. And because it deviates from the norm, the society's distaste for homosexuality is very much grounded in reason. Nothing irrational about it. Sorry. No homophobia here, nothing to see, move along now. No point in trying to demean someone with a homophobic label just to make yourself feel better, or worse, to force them to think the way you do. It won't work.

"But homosexuality is normal for meeeee!" Well, for the sheep molester, sheep molesting is normal for him, too, but don't expect society to embrace the sheep molester, anymore than society is going to embrace homosexuality. And just like in the quest to redefine marriage, the gay and lesbian community has done its dead level best to redefine homophobia as not only someone who has an irrational fear of homosexual, nay of someone who hates homosexuals, but as someone who doesn't embrace the whole notion of it as perfectly fine and acceptable, the more the merrier. And if you don't enthusiastically embrace it, you hate it. And if you hate it, you hate the homosexual, and now you've gone and done it, you've hurt the feelings of a homosexual by hating them, and that makes you a bad person, you homophobic scumbag, you!

Puhleese. Get a grip.

Unless and until homosexuality is the normal behavior for a large majority percentage of the population, it will never be accepted as normal behavior. You can redefine "marriage" to suit your wishes, you can redefine "homophobia" to mean something that it doesn't, and you can even use the court system to redefine "special rights" to mean "the same rights as everyone else", but that's not going to make homosexuality anything other than what it is, namely, anormal behavior.

This is not to say that homosexuality cannot be incorporated, and even embraced, by society at large. It can, and to a very real degree, always has been. But if you take it too far and try to make the battle (marriage) the focus of the war (acceptance), you're gonna lose the hearts and minds of the very people (society) who will most readily accept you. People will resist something that is forced upon them. The reaction will be resentment, which usually turns to loathing and hate of the very thing that was forced upon them. Homophobic? Hate? Be careful of what you wish for. You may actually get it.


Veteran Expediter
I agree only to a point with regards to irresponsible 18 year olds.
Simple solution. 18 year olds in the military with a military ID are exempt from that law. Problem solved.

Yep I would like to see that, this is a great solution but then again we can't get congress to drill for oil while people are sacrificing food for oil, can we get them to do something like this?


Seasoned Expediter
First of all my name is not kid. I'm grown. Maybe not as old as you, but I'm grown. You act like I'm saying homosexuals should be put in jail. I don't understand people like you and TallCal. You say you welcome everyone's thoughts until it is something you don't like. Then you get mad and show your true colors. So what? I'm not comfortable around homosexuals having sex, I don't like it rammed down my throat. That's how I was raised. I know that most homosexuals aren't the type to cram it down your throat, but the homosexual actors are doing it for you.
No what im saying is when you say:
My problem is "marriage" is a Holy union. Why is a civil union with all the same benefits of being married not good enough? Why must you desicrate something that so many people hold near and dear to their hearts?
Im saying why is this something that is only allowed"for a special" group. It should be allowed for "any" human being that would like to show their commitment to each other. Is a civil union not good enough for you or any str8 people?. I don't care to watch str8 people having or believe in having sex in front of anyone movies, soap operas , should we just take it all off the tvs, movies, books....Im not comfortable being around other gay people or str8 people having sex because i feel that is something special shared between you and your partner behind closed doors. I don't have a problem being out holding hands with my partner or watching str8 people doing this. I relish to see an older couple show a sign that they have been committed to each other for 40,50,60+ yrs.
posted by Turtle:
Since the purpose of sex, first and foremost, is the survival of the species, of procreation, and since homosexual sex deviates from that, homosexual behavior is anormal behavior in a societal species chock full of heterosexuals. Anormal is something that goes against the norm, contrary to how something should be.
So what your saying that "anyone that can not" procreate is abnormal? Because there are a lot of "normal" people ,men and women that are naturally sterile so they should not enjoy the right to have sex? or the right to marry?
Then we have to go to those that do procreate and have genetic mutated children with disabilities, do you think they should not have a right to have children?
Look at all the people in the world that have Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, MDD, ADHD, ADD, Seizures,that is sometimes caused by chemical imbalance or brain waves. Some people think they can't do anything because of these abnormalities even on medicine. But I know many that do work and are like "normal" human beings.
There a lot of things people call abnormal that really are normal to most people.
I believe in in life, and love and family just like most normal people.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are some pretty strong arguments in the scientific world that support the notion that homosexuality is caused by genetics. It just makes common sense that a natural function like sexual preference is not a decision that one makes at some point in his or her development. In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from their "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders". There are lots of people that argue this action was based more on politics than science. But this decision fueled the argument that homosexuality was a matter of choice rather than the result of one's genetic makeup. However, in my humble opinion, the fact that homosexuals cannot reproduce with each other is in conflict with the basic laws of nature. This supports the theory of genetic predisposition. Add to all this the fact that homosexuality has been documented since the beginnings of written history, and it's easy to conclude that it's just a natural phenomenon. As far as their civil rights go, they should be entitled to the same ones as everyone else - no more, no less. But when they try to redefine the foundational institution of our society - marriage - that's where a line must be drawn. Civil unions are fine, but the religious institution of marriage needs to remain between men and women.

I think we can all agree that the homosexuals that function best in mainstream society are the ones that simply go about their business without flaunting any behavior and mannerisms that call attention to their sexual orientation. However, we've all seen those whose behavior, style of dress, etc is downright bizarre; eg - men that are extremely effeminite, women that look and act very masculine, others whose emotions go to extremes with their partners or who might display a high degree of animosity toward straight people and have difficulty interacting with them. This makes one wonder if some have a more extensive genetic "disorder" than others. I don't want to confuse this with aberrant social behavior so commonly displayed among heterosexuals - most of that is not due to genetics.

For those interested, Wikipedia has a detailed section on the entire subject of homosexuality - makes for some interesting reading.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
posted by Turtle:
Since the purpose of sex, first and foremost, is the survival of the species, of procreation, and since homosexual sex deviates from that, homosexual behavior is anormal behavior in a societal species chock full of heterosexuals. Anormal is something that goes against the norm, contrary to how something should be.
So what your saying that "anyone that can not" procreate is abnormal?

No. That is not what I said at all. It's a true statement, however, but I didn't make it, you did. Natural sterility is not a normal situation, and is thus, abnormal. But heterosexual behavior between two heterosexuals who cannot procreate could hardly be considered anormal behavior.

Please note that anormal is not a typo of abnormal, they are different words that mean essentially the same thing, except that anormal tends to usually mean a more severe or serious version of abnormal. Abnormal is not normal, not average or typical, while anormal goes further to mean deviating from the type, or rule. An overheated engine is abnormal, an overheated engine that explodes is anormal.

The sexual drive in the human species is a strong one. The reason it's so strong is the survival of the species. We have an almost overwhelming urge to mate, to procreate, to perpetuate the species, and the behavior that makes that perpetuation possible is the norm, the rule, the type of the species. The fact that someone is sterile is abnormal, but the behavior that draws them together for procreation is not.

On the other hand, the behavior that draws same-sex couples together goes beyond abnormal, as it goes against the type of the species, and hence is anormal.

"Because there are a lot of "normal" people ,men and women that are naturally sterile so they should not enjoy the right to have sex?"

Of course they should enjoy the right to have sex. So should homosexuals. Procreation may be the primary purpose for sex, but it's not the only use for it. Please don't twist my words to mean something they do not.

Contrary to the belief of many, and much to the chagrin of the Christian fundamentalists, people cannot pick and choose who they are attracted to or fall in love with. Homosexuality has been a part of the human species for at least as long as all of recorded history, just the same as it is a part of many, many other species on this planet.

Homosexuality is most definitely a natural part of the natural world. But make no mistake, natural doesn't mean normal. The fact that it happens is normal, but it's still an abnormal occurrence. And no amount of wishing that people would accept it as normal will ever make it normal. "Normal for meeee" does not mean normal. It may mean natural, but it doesn't mean normal.

I've never met a homosexual beyond about puberty who didn't realize they were different than most people.

"or the right to marry?"

The right to marry is irrespective of the ability to have children, at least in our culture. Sterility, or fertility, is not the litmus test for marriage. In fact, few people who are sterile even know about it until long after they are married.

"Then we have to go to those that do procreate and have genetic mutated children with disabilities, do you think they should not have a right to have children?"

Sure. Every time a couple has a child, that child is the product of a blending and mutation of genes. That's what genetics is, and is why everyone doesn't look the same as their parents (reptiles notwithstanding). Sometimes the mutations work out better, sometimes not. Evolution is ruthless. It doesn't care.

"Look at all the people in the world that have Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, MDD, ADHD, ADD, Seizures,that is sometimes caused by chemical imbalance or brain waves. Some people think they can't do anything because of these abnormalities even on medicine. But I know many that do work and are like "normal" human beings."

No one will ever accuse you of not being able to go off on a tangent.

"There a lot of things people call abnormal that really are normal to most people."

Really? Name one. If it's normal to most people, then by definition it's normal, not abnormal.

"Most people" aren't diagnosed with bi-polar disorder (for that matter, most people who are diagnosed with it don't even have it). Same with ADD and a whole host of alphabet soup regurgitations.

The needless medicating of questionably diagnosed diseases,? Yeah, I'll give ya that one, that's normal.

"I believe in in life, and love and family just like most normal people."

Me, too. Life, love and family, and all the emotional and legal trappings therein, I'm right there with ya, 99 percent.

Marriage between same sex couples? Newp. That's 1 percent too far. My original reply in this thread explains it well enough. It's about the redefinition of what marriage means to suit the particular wants and needs of a very small segment of society. It's about special rights being redefined as equal rights. It's about asking for one thing, getting it, but then changing what you're asking for.

Marriage was invented for the union of a man and a woman. That's how it had been used throughout most of recorded human history. Now, after thousands of years, instead of accepting society and the world for what it already is, gays and lesbians want the world to not only make special allowances for "equal rights" that aren't even equal at all, but to actually change the fundamental meaning of marriage. The meaning of marriage doesn't need to be changed. It is what it is. But rather than live within that meaning and deal with it, gays and lesbians want it changed juuuuust for them. Horse hockey.

Society will bend, and already has a great deal, to accommodate homosexuals. But society will never embrace homosexuality. At best society will tolerate it. I suggest that gays and lesbians learn a little tolerance, especially since as a group they tend to preach it pretty loudly.


Veteran Expediter
See we discussed the whole homosexuality thing in my college psycology class. We watched a video about this test the did to see if there was something different between a gay man's and a straight man's brain. There autopsys showed there was in the region just above the brain stem. The only problem with this data was that the cause of death for all the gay men was AIDS. Ok, evidently in the final stages of this horrible sickness it attacks this portion of the brain. So the experiment was incunclusive. Intresting though. It might have been better if all of the men had the same cause of death. Hindsight is 20/20 you know.


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Anything in the minority to the masses is going to be perceived as abnormal. Gay/lesbians shouldn't expect anything different.
Pretty much the same issue as in earlier years when a white would marry a black and visa/versa. Everyone thought the world would collapse and numerous religions were tolling the bell as the end of time was near and the devil was coming.
Same thing here.
Marriage or civil union as far as I am concerned are one in the same. Some cloak it between a man and a woman which is ok, but yet they still call it "marriage". When a Mormon or certain Muslims marry many. Is that still ok? Some would say yes, and some would say no. That is the problem with religion in general.
They all think they are right, when in reality, no one really knows. Look at all the wars through history. They are either based on greed or religion.


Veteran Expediter
"Look at all the people in the world that have Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, MDD, ADHD, ADD, Seizures,that is sometimes caused by chemical imbalance or brain waves. Some people think they can't do anything because of these abnormalities even on medicine. But I know many that do work and are like "normal" human beings."

No one will ever accuse you of not being able to go off on a tangent.

That is the funniest line I have ever come across on E.O. I won't say what I was drinking when I read it, but I managed to pass a whole green olive with pimento through my left nostril.

Turtle's responses to this post have been serious, intelligent, accurate and well thought out. And in my opinion irrefutable. His humorous response to the above quoted paragraph not only caught me completely off guard, but was a well justified reply to an irrelevant subject.


Seasoned Expediter
No. That is not what I said at all. It's a true statement, however, but I didn't make it, you did. Natural sterility is not a normal situation, and is thus, abnormal. But heterosexual behavior between two heterosexuals who cannot procreate could hardly be considered anormal behavior.

Please note that anormal is not a typo of abnormal, they are different words that mean essentially the same thing, except that anormal tends to usually mean a more severe or serious version of abnormal. Abnormal is not normal, not average or typical, while anormal goes further to mean deviating from the type, or rule. An overheated engine is abnormal, an overheated engine that explodes is anormal.

The sexual drive in the human species is a strong one. The reason it's so strong is the survival of the species. We have an almost overwhelming urge to mate, to procreate, to perpetuate the species, and the behavior that makes that perpetuation possible is the norm, the rule, the type of the species. The fact that someone is sterile is abnormal, but the behavior that draws them together for procreation is not.

On the other hand, the behavior that draws same-sex couples together goes beyond abnormal, as it goes against the type of the species, and hence is anormal.

"Because there are a lot of "normal" people ,men and women that are naturally sterile so they should not enjoy the right to have sex?"

Of course they should enjoy the right to have sex. So should homosexuals. Procreation may be the primary purpose for sex, but it's not the only use for it. Please don't twist my words to mean something they do not.

Contrary to the belief of many, and much to the chagrin of the Christian fundamentalists, people cannot pick and choose who they are attracted to or fall in love with. Homosexuality has been a part of the human species for at least as long as all of recorded history, just the same as it is a part of many, many other species on this planet.

Homosexuality is most definitely a natural part of the natural world. But make no mistake, natural doesn't mean normal. The fact that it happens is normal, but it's still an abnormal occurrence. And no amount of wishing that people would accept it as normal will ever make it normal. "Normal for meeee" does not mean normal. It may mean natural, but it doesn't mean normal.

I've never met a homosexual beyond about puberty who didn't realize they were different than most people.

"or the right to marry?"

The right to marry is irrespective of the ability to have children, at least in our culture. Sterility, or fertility, is not the litmus test for marriage. In fact, few people who are sterile even know about it until long after they are married.

"Then we have to go to those that do procreate and have genetic mutated children with disabilities, do you think they should not have a right to have children?"

Sure. Every time a couple has a child, that child is the product of a blending and mutation of genes. That's what genetics is, and is why everyone doesn't look the same as their parents (reptiles notwithstanding). Sometimes the mutations work out better, sometimes not. Evolution is ruthless. It doesn't care.

"Look at all the people in the world that have Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, MDD, ADHD, ADD, Seizures,that is sometimes caused by chemical imbalance or brain waves. Some people think they can't do anything because of these abnormalities even on medicine. But I know many that do work and are like "normal" human beings."

No one will ever accuse you of not being able to go off on a tangent.

"There a lot of things people call abnormal that really are normal to most people."

Really? Name one. If it's normal to most people, then by definition it's normal, not abnormal.

"Most people" aren't diagnosed with bi-polar disorder (for that matter, most people who are diagnosed with it don't even have it). Same with ADD and a whole host of alphabet soup regurgitations.

The needless medicating of questionably diagnosed diseases,? Yeah, I'll give ya that one, that's normal.

"I believe in in life, and love and family just like most normal people."

Me, too. Life, love and family, and all the emotional and legal trappings therein, I'm right there with ya, 99 percent.

Marriage between same sex couples? Newp. That's 1 percent too far. My original reply in this thread explains it well enough. It's about the redefinition of what marriage means to suit the particular wants and needs of a very small segment of society. It's about special rights being redefined as equal rights. It's about asking for one thing, getting it, but then changing what you're asking for.

Marriage was invented for the union of a man and a woman. That's how it had been used throughout most of recorded human history. Now, after thousands of years, instead of accepting society and the world for what it already is, gays and lesbians want the world to not only make special allowances for "equal rights" that aren't even equal at all, but to actually change the fundamental meaning of marriage. The meaning of marriage doesn't need to be changed. It is what it is. But rather than live within that meaning and deal with it, gays and lesbians want it changed juuuuust for them. Horse hockey.

Society will bend, and already has a great deal, to accommodate homosexuals. But society will never embrace homosexuality. At best society will tolerate it. I suggest that gays and lesbians learn a little tolerance, especially since as a group they tend to preach it pretty loudly.

No one will ever accuse you of not being able to go off on a tangent.

Your right on that one because i feel as strongly about my beliefs as you do on yours. And tolerence is based on what? Allowing people to be who they are and to love who they want? marry who they want without regard to race,sex, or skin color. Just as my father growing up and being called a half breed.The world changes every year ,we change something. Yes we have gay pride every year, yes we have St Patricks day, Martin Luther King day, Presidents day, For those that celrebrate it (Thanks giving) Christmas,Halloween,Easter,Labor day, 4th of July , Memorial..........everyone has a cause to celerbrate. And if marriage is for a union between a man and woman for procreation, then why do we have so many babies born without unwed "parents" all comes down to sex. And just one more thing......I have patients that are intersex, who do they get to wed?


Veteran Expediter

Ok, I'm sorry, Timberwolf - just wanted to see if I could make Moot eject an olive from the other nostril, lol:D



Staff member
Retired Expediter
No one will ever accuse you of not being able to go off on a tangent.

Your right on that one because i feel as strongly about my beliefs as you do on yours.

My beliefs as stated in this thread are mostly statements of fact, or are my own reasoned conclusions based on history and human nature. I stand by them until someone can put forth reasoned conclusion that refute them. Your beliefs, on the other hand, while making some good points along the way, fall mostly short in that they are emotionally based. You want something, and you want it really, really badly, therefore you should have it. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. I don't care how badly you want it.

"And tolerence is based on what?"

Tolerance based on the same exact thing that gays and lesbians are demanding - empathy for others who are not like you.

"Allowing people to be who they are and to love who they want?"

Yes, of course.

"marry who they want without regard to race,sex, or skin color."

Nope. Race, national origin, skin color, creed, sure, but not without regard to sex. That would be a redefining of what it means to marry. Currently, you have the same rights to marry as I do. In fact, you've been married. You can get married again, if you want to. What you don't have the right to do is change the defintion of marriage for all of society merely to suit your particular wants and desires at this particular time in human history. You need to be tolerant of the feelings and traditions of thousands of years of human history. But you won't, because they have something you don't, and you want it, and you wanting it is all that matters.

You're not going to get respect on this issue unless you give respect to those who's beliefs you so easily dismiss in favor of your own.

"Just as my father growing up and being called a half breed.The world changes every year ,we change something."

Sometimes for the good, sometimes not so much.

"Yes we have gay pride every year, yes we have St Patricks day, Martin Luther King day, Presidents day, For those that celrebrate it (Thanks giving) Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Labor day, 4th of July , Memorial..........everyone has a cause to celerbrate."

Funny you should word it that way, cause. Gay Pride was invented solely to promote a special interest cause. The other holidays are there to commemorate an event or an individual or individuals. The other holidays, too, incidentally, are actual holidays. Gay Pride is not a holiday. It might be one day, but I wouldn't hold my breath. It was invented as an annual angry and defiant response to the Stonewall Inn raid in The Village in NYC, and far too many gays and lesbians still hang on to that anger and defiance.

But, it wasn't even called Gay Pride back then, it was called many things, such Gay Liberation Day and Gay Freedom Day, almost all of them with somewhat radical, angry and defiant names and themes. Fortunately, someone in the GLBT community with a little political common sense realized that something more politically benign like Gay Pride was less menacing to the non-gay population.

While the Gay Pride Parades still set a stage for political activism for such issues as same-sex marriage, the biggest problem with most of them is they don't focus on political issues or even Gay Pride, they cram too much sexuality down the mainstream throats of the heterosexual public. From a political activist cause perspective, that's just stoopid. How do people react when things are forced on them? Yeah.

"And if marriage is for a union between a man and woman for procreation,..."

Is it? I'm not sure that it is. Marriage is, and traditionally has been, for a union between and man and a woman, and because of its religious origins I suppose it follows that marriage is therefor for the purpose of procreation. Getting married and starting a family usually go hand in hand. But it has evolved into a social institution as well as being grounded in religion. For a myriad of reasons, more and more people are procreating out of wedlock, rather than within the traditional nuclear family, and its because of that that gay marriage has a shot, but only if it's handled properly, i.e., without emotion.

"... then why do we have so many babies born without unwed "parents".

Uh, oh. Such a simple question, yet I could write volumes as to the reasons this, and many others, of today's ills. And it's gonna take me off on a wild tangent. I'll keep it brief, believe it or not....

The simple, easy answer is "the moral decay of society" and is one that makes Fundamental Christians the happiest. But it's got nothing to do with that. If you go back to when it started, when the increase out-of-wedlock births began to happen with increasing frequency, and to when attitudes about it and many other things changed, you'll see that it coincides with two things: Forced Integration via the Civil Rights Movement, and The Pill, which fostered the Women's Liberation Movement.

I won't get into Forced Integration much here, as it's mostly related on the periphery of this issue and more on-point to other issues of the day, but it is more intertwined than it may seem. Basically, Forced Integration forced something on people that would have happened naturally if left alone, but in its own time, and was therefor an unnatural occurrence. Aside from the fact that often when something is forced on people they tend to eventually hate that which was forced upon them, something that happened at the time and is still evident today (which is why things are more divisive between the races and subcultures now that at any time in our history), the simple fact is that when any species is forced to live in an unnatural or unfamiliar environment their behaviors about many things, even things seemingly unrelated to it, will change while they are trying to adapt.

Behaviors about things like rebelling against what was forced upon them, certainly, and failing that they will rebel against whatever they can, be it each other, authority, anything traditional, including the traditionally accepted social behaviors and personal responsibility.

" all comes down to sex."

Enter... The Pill.

Ah, The Pill. My goodness, nothing ever freed so many women in so many different ways. Independence! And all of the wild and wacky behavioral changes that come with any dramatic environmental change, and right on top of Forced Integration no less, and all of the environmental and cultural changes that spawned. A double whammy, mammy. The pill quickly became a very important tool in the liberation of women, not because it freed women to sleep around without fear of procreation, but because it allowed women to be economically and emotionally independent.

Before the pill women could not have sex without the risk of pregnancy. Pregnancy meant the end of economic independence, the end of freedom. A pregnant woman became immediately dependent on the man who had impregnated her, for she did not have the economic independence to support herself, either. If he refused to take on this responsibility she had to resort to dangerous alleyway abortions, or have her baby adopted. If he married her she was totally dependent on his earnings for the survival of her and her child.

The Pill broke that link in the chain that had eternally tied women to men. If women could plan when to have babies they could also plan not to have them. They could decide to have a career without being ambushed by their own biology. They could opt for education without feeling that they had to chose between the brain and the body. The Pill changed the way in which women thought about themselves, their men, relationships, personal responsibility, and opened the door to Women's Rights legislation that then made economic independence a reality for women.

But it also gave her sexual freedom, both within and without marriage. This fueled a fundamental shift in personal responsibility, and blurred the lines between right and wrong. And it forever altered the way men look at women. Women no longer had to have a man to survive, they could go out and get a job on their own. The traditional role of the male was forever changed. That relieved men of even more of personal responsibility.

So you've got some major changes going on between men and women, and how everyone is interacting with each other in society due to Forced Integration already, add to that The Pill, and what you're left with is evolutionary adaptive overload and people who have never had to learn responsibility. Throw in the 60's and free love, flower power, Black Power, make love not war, if it feels good do it, counter-culture social revolution and a further degradation of personal responsibility and a breakdown of respect for all things societal, and that's a whole generation or two of skewed values and responsibilities.

And those people begat us!

There ya go. We're still trying to catch up and adapt. Things are just crazy, when compared to the 1950's, anyway, and what you're left with is what we see today, not the least of which is a bunch of unwed mothers who think there's nothing wrong with it, and a whole snotload of out of control homosexuals who think they should get everything they want just because they want it.

"And just one more thing......I have patients that are intersex, who do they get to wed?"

I'm gonna go with... anybody who will put up with them. :D

The thing is, I'm right there with you on almost all of this stuff, except the whole "same rights as everyone else" and the marriage thing, because it's not the same rights. But the irony is, if the same-sex marriage crowd would just leave the "M" word out of it, human nature pretty much guarantees they'll eventually get that, too.

Take the Civil Union and run with it. It's already becoming more of a social thing than a religious thing, anyway. People (straight ones, anyway hehe) can get married by a judge, which in and of itself is a departure from the religious ties to marriage and takes it to a civil thing. A gay Civil Union "marriage" will by default become the same thing as a marriage, cause that's how people will refer to it. Same as Kleenex instead of tissue, same as Velcro instead of hook and loop closures, Civil Union will become the de facto generic Married.

Why can't you guys see that?

Or is it truly more about victory than winning?


Veteran Expediter
Yes I believe God can forgive of any sin. I'm no better than he is. We all sin everyday. I can't help that it's wrong, I didn't make the rules.

The way I understand it God will forgive if you repent . But to continue in sin with no remorse or intention of giving up the sin makes one undeserving of forgiveness .


Veteran Expediter
The way I understand it God will forgive if you repent . But to continue in sin with no remorse or intention of giving up the sin makes one undeserving of forgiveness .

That's right. Here's the thing though. There is a difference between repentence and asking forgivness. When we ask forgivness we do just that and usually go back to the sin. When we repent we ask for forgivness, and then we turn from the sin trying our hardest not to commit it again. At least that's how I feel about it.