congrats, sky...kinda slow in vol land, eh?This is gonna go on for a 1000 post......................some people in here need this for an ego boost I guess....
As Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, wrote last year, "'Sex change' is biologically impossible. People who undergo sex-reassignment surgery do not change from men to women or vice versa. Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women. Claiming that this is civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder."
And promoting mental disorders hurts no one more than those who suffer from such disorders. Delusions ought not be supported, let alone celebrated. They ought to be treated.
Take away Bruce Jenner. Put in place John Doe instead. Vanity Fair, no. CNN, no. Any other national attention, no. There have been many others before him. There will be many others after him. It is a non-event. It deserves maybe 5 minutes tops due to the long ago Olympics connection and certainly does NOT deserve an ESPN courage award ahead of many other athletes demonstrating much more courage, or any other awards. Courage? Go read about the 9/11 first responders. Go read Medal of Honor citations. Plenty of examples of true courage out there.
Personally it isn't something I support but I'm not him. I worry more about what is going on in the world that this is being used to distract America's attention from.It is ridiculous how much media attention he is getting. And forget all the "courage" baloney. Talk about the military, police, firefighters and others and there is courage. This is a non-event.
His/her transformation is happening now but 9/11 happened almost 14 years ago. The heroic stories of first responders were plastered everywhere at that time just as this story is getting attention now and will disappear later. What other athlete did something that deserves the ESPN courage award?
Classic scene. Tom snickering in the background.Don Corleone advises Bruce Jenner: