
Retired Expediter
9copied from a blog)

Yes, you read it right!


If a company wants to buy another company, they can either approach the management and make an offer to buy it, or they can go directly to the stockholders and make an offer. If enough stockholders accept the offer, you got a deal!

That is why I propose that we go directly to the stockholders and make an offer to each individual Mexican citizen to buy his share of the country. Currently, there are 107 Million Mexican citizens. If we offer a price of $5000 to each one of these citizens, it will cost about $535 Billion, or about the same amount of money that we wasted on the Iraq war.

If an 80% majority of Mexicans accept the offer, we bought ourselves a nice country with a lot of possibilities and solved all of our immigration problems in one stroke.

Consider the possibilities:

An almost virgin territory for our businesses to expand;

Zillions of beach front properties to satisfy the insatiated demand for warm-weather vacation and retirement homes for the bulging number of baby-boomers ready to retire;

A large pool of WILLING AND LEGAL LABOR to meet the needs of our economy.

Millions of Mexican entrepreneurs using their new-found wealth to start their businesses and putting their land to better and more productive use;

Larger market for American goods and services;

Unlimited possibilities to explore for oil in the Gulf of Mexico (which can ten be called Gulf of Florida, Texas, or Mississippi);

Excellent prospects for developing solar farms and wind farms for renewable, inexhaustible energy;


You can use your imagination and add quite a few more, if you choose!

Now, what could be wrong with such a sensible approach?

We have done similar deals before, such as the Louisiana Purchase.

This deal will start paying back huge dividends from day one.

In my view, the biggest payback would be assimilation of a large group of hard-working, God-loving, kind and gentle people who do not have to commit the crime of crossing a border at the dead of night in 120 degree heat, starving and dying of thirst just to make a living, and then living in the shadows, constantly living with the fear of brutal and inhuman treatment.

They are human beings, just like you and me, and deserve to live and work with dignity as human beings.

Think about it, and think long and hard.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, after all!

Peace and Blessings!

Posted by Searchbeam


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The stampede across the border would make cattle stampedes in old westerns look like a handful of geriatrics out for a short stroll. Rather than 12 million criminal aliens we'd have 50 million purchased aliens taking jobs away from several times as many citizens as they do now. This is pretty much the opposite of what we need to do.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
As much as it looks good on the surface, this will be a problem right from the start.

The first thing that comes to mind is why?

Do we really need a mass amount of labor here in this country?

Much of which is uneducated by the way.

I would rather support a change in their government, a positive change. The country is not poor; it is not a third world country as many want to make it out as. The people are proud and do work hard but many would rather invade this country and take advantage of our ignorance about sovereignty and laws of our country.

After listening to the ‘protesters’ in LA, some who think that they deserve becoming citizens, I am of the opinion that mass round ups and deportation on a large scale is needed in this country to correct this injustice towards our country and each and every one of us who either took the time and patients to enter legally or each citizen.


Retired Expediter
I can't see your logic Leo...

IF in the above scenerio were true all the money to be made would be there. The grey hairs (snowbirds) buying up condos (timeshares) business and there'd be no border anymore. Mexico would be the "official 51st state" instead of Canada!*lol*


Retired Expediter
There'd be no need to "come here" cause they'd be here. Remember in that scenerio we would buy Mexico. The econmy down there would balloon and the money would be made there.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are a finite number of jobs. They are either "up here" or "down there". There would be a bunch of snowbirds buying property up as you say, only to discover that many of the same banditos operating previously are still doing so but with $5k of our money in their pocket paying for something that was never there's to sell in the first place. Do you think they are going to wait down there for the years and decades it takes to become what we are here? There's no way. The stampede will be enormous. What we need to do is make it so closed here they voluntarily return because there's nothing for them here as criminal aliens. We can't buy the entire world or support the entire world. It's time to close our doors and take care of our nation first.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
You know OVM, many people just don't get it.

I would like to see you take the path to find employment I had to deal with. For all that it is worth, I don't really blame many of the people who use the system to take som eof the jobs away. In my case I had to train my replacement and he was from pakistan working here as a Canadian resident avoiding the H-1b visa system completly. Essentualy using a loop hole in our system to avoid the sponsorship and qouta system cuases a lot of people to be cheap replacements for Americans. This can be applied to others where invaders have moved into their industry, like electronic industry.

In this quest for work, I was told by one very honest McDonalds manager that I would not be hired because of the health care, I may need it. But they would hire an invader, a school kid or someone over 65 in that order. Look around at a McDonalds.

The point is that if we 'buy' the people, country or what ever you want to consider it as for the transaction, we will cuase such a mess in our economy that it will take years to stablize it.

The absolutly best solution is to stop this invasion by any means and force them to make changes to their own country which is the only real way to improve thier lives. Something that will also need to be done is to take action against the people who support them, like the empoyers who hire them, the churches and cities that harbor them (cut off all federal funding to cities like SF to openly support criminals). Regaurdless there is really no need to hire a bunch of invaders to pick lettuce or whatever when we can automate the process.