9copied from a blog)
Yes, you read it right!
If a company wants to buy another company, they can either approach the management and make an offer to buy it, or they can go directly to the stockholders and make an offer. If enough stockholders accept the offer, you got a deal!
That is why I propose that we go directly to the stockholders and make an offer to each individual Mexican citizen to buy his share of the country. Currently, there are 107 Million Mexican citizens. If we offer a price of $5000 to each one of these citizens, it will cost about $535 Billion, or about the same amount of money that we wasted on the Iraq war.
If an 80% majority of Mexicans accept the offer, we bought ourselves a nice country with a lot of possibilities and solved all of our immigration problems in one stroke.
Consider the possibilities:
An almost virgin territory for our businesses to expand;
Zillions of beach front properties to satisfy the insatiated demand for warm-weather vacation and retirement homes for the bulging number of baby-boomers ready to retire;
A large pool of WILLING AND LEGAL LABOR to meet the needs of our economy.
Millions of Mexican entrepreneurs using their new-found wealth to start their businesses and putting their land to better and more productive use;
Larger market for American goods and services;
Unlimited possibilities to explore for oil in the Gulf of Mexico (which can ten be called Gulf of Florida, Texas, or Mississippi);
Excellent prospects for developing solar farms and wind farms for renewable, inexhaustible energy;
You can use your imagination and add quite a few more, if you choose!
Now, what could be wrong with such a sensible approach?
We have done similar deals before, such as the Louisiana Purchase.
This deal will start paying back huge dividends from day one.
In my view, the biggest payback would be assimilation of a large group of hard-working, God-loving, kind and gentle people who do not have to commit the crime of crossing a border at the dead of night in 120 degree heat, starving and dying of thirst just to make a living, and then living in the shadows, constantly living with the fear of brutal and inhuman treatment.
They are human beings, just like you and me, and deserve to live and work with dignity as human beings.
Think about it, and think long and hard.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, after all!
Peace and Blessings!
Posted by Searchbeam
Yes, you read it right!
If a company wants to buy another company, they can either approach the management and make an offer to buy it, or they can go directly to the stockholders and make an offer. If enough stockholders accept the offer, you got a deal!
That is why I propose that we go directly to the stockholders and make an offer to each individual Mexican citizen to buy his share of the country. Currently, there are 107 Million Mexican citizens. If we offer a price of $5000 to each one of these citizens, it will cost about $535 Billion, or about the same amount of money that we wasted on the Iraq war.
If an 80% majority of Mexicans accept the offer, we bought ourselves a nice country with a lot of possibilities and solved all of our immigration problems in one stroke.
Consider the possibilities:
An almost virgin territory for our businesses to expand;
Zillions of beach front properties to satisfy the insatiated demand for warm-weather vacation and retirement homes for the bulging number of baby-boomers ready to retire;
A large pool of WILLING AND LEGAL LABOR to meet the needs of our economy.
Millions of Mexican entrepreneurs using their new-found wealth to start their businesses and putting their land to better and more productive use;
Larger market for American goods and services;
Unlimited possibilities to explore for oil in the Gulf of Mexico (which can ten be called Gulf of Florida, Texas, or Mississippi);
Excellent prospects for developing solar farms and wind farms for renewable, inexhaustible energy;
You can use your imagination and add quite a few more, if you choose!
Now, what could be wrong with such a sensible approach?
We have done similar deals before, such as the Louisiana Purchase.
This deal will start paying back huge dividends from day one.
In my view, the biggest payback would be assimilation of a large group of hard-working, God-loving, kind and gentle people who do not have to commit the crime of crossing a border at the dead of night in 120 degree heat, starving and dying of thirst just to make a living, and then living in the shadows, constantly living with the fear of brutal and inhuman treatment.
They are human beings, just like you and me, and deserve to live and work with dignity as human beings.
Think about it, and think long and hard.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, after all!
Peace and Blessings!
Posted by Searchbeam