Beware of MHC Kenworth Dallas


Active Expediter
I purchased a 2009 Kenworth W900L in trade from MHC Kenworth in Dallas Tx on September 2010. Truck had some warranty left plus it has the CAT ESC Plus warranty. I requested for the dealer to supply me with all shop papers and check for all recalls to be updated. The Dealer never did.
August 26,2011, I broke down in Alma Illinois while under load going to Ft. Dodge IA. Without any warning, the fan hub bearing siezed and the whole thing went through the radiator causing about $4000.00 in damages plus towing. With towing included in my OOIDA policy, I had the truck and trailer towed to Effingham, Ill, the closest CAT shop was the Heartland Peterbuilt Dealer. They completed the repair in day and a half and I was soon back on the road.
I made a stop in Demoines IA because the expansion valve on my AC had gone bad. After I explained to the service manager at Central Iowa Kenworth what had happened a couple of days ago, he checked the files on my truck and told me there was a Technical Bulletin about a fan bearing failure on my truck issued in 2009 by the Director of Quality at Kenworth Truck Company. I asked if he could print me a copy of this bulletin which he gladly did. After reading it I came unglued. The original bulletin of course was mailed to the original owner of the truck, however, the Dealer I bought the truck from also had a copy of it on file under my truck's VIN number, and MHC did not notify me of this bulletin at the time of purchase even though I had requested all these files.
The bulletin explained the failure and warned against "progressive failure" (in my case radiator and shroud damage), and extended the original warranty in order to cover for the repairs at no charge to the truck owner.
Inmediately, I brought this to MHC's attention and faxed copies of all repair orders and towing. I spoke to the salesman that sold me the truck and he and his boss took this to the service manager who in turn said they were under no obligation to tell me about the bulletin. They called me about an hour ago and told me MHC will not do anything to help getting my money back.
I have contacted the Better Business Bureau in Dallas and with OOIDA's help, I have contacted an attorney in the Dallas area to handle this for me.
I warn anybody reading this against trusting their equipment to any MHC Kenworth facility. Your experience will not be a pleasant one if you do.



Staff member
Retired Expediter
I think at the very least one should not make a request for all the shop papers and for all recalls to be updated, and then drive the truck out of there without getting what was requested.


Veteran Expediter
A TSB or Technical Service Bulletin is not the same thing as a recall, it is a notification to dealers that it is a common problem and not much more except in this case they extended the warranty some. A TSB can usually be looked up online and is not really VIN specific as in something a letter gets mailed out for, they just know the parts used at the manufacturing facility. It sounds like you are going to be out the $4k plus a lawyer now unless they decide to settle for a partial payment to prevent wasting their money to defend themselves against something that they don't owe money for.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I think at the very least one should not make a request for all the shop papers and for all recalls to be updated, and then drive the truck out of there without getting what was requested.

That was my thought too as I read the post. I thought it was a smart move by a smart buyer to make the request, but it struck me as strange that the same smart buyer would take delivery of the truck and hit the road without getting the simple and reasonable request fulfilled.


Veteran Expediter
Actually he could have called just about any dealer of make and gotten the info over the phone with a vin number.


Veteran Expediter
Sounds to me like it's your first truck maybe? Never ever trust a truck dealer let alone the salesman. Always wave the money under their nose then when you get what you wanted let them have it and not before.;)


Active Expediter
Sounds to me like it's your first truck maybe? Never ever trust a truck dealer let alone the salesman. Always wave the money under their nose then when you get what you wanted let them have it and not before.;)
No sir, this is actually my 8th truck in 33 years in the business. The request for all shop papers was made verbally as well as in writing by certified mail. This is also part of the legal complaint.