Yes yes so much whining about those who are on assistance. It's nothing new. It's the old 20/80 rule. 20% of the people do 80 % of the work. Always have, always will. Ever heard of Vilfredo Pareto? He knew all about it. He theorized something now known as the "Pareto Principal" which, when applied to economics, says that 20% of something controls the other 80%. It also says that no one person cannot be made be made better off without another person being made worse off. There are countless applications for the Pareto concept, not least of which is in basic economics. The "Vital Few" will always out do the "Trivial Many". Resist all you like. You efforts will be futile.
Pareto efficiency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vilfredo Pareto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sorry, but it IS new. In my grandparents, parents day there was very little in the way of public assistance and it was considered by many to be a shameful thing to go on 'relief'. Even for many in my day, as in becoming adults after the modern version of slavery, 'the welfare system' was put in place, found it 'distasteful' to be cared for.
I am well aware of what some consider the 80/20 rule. I learned it a bit different in school but the same idea. I learned a 20/60/20 rule. That is 20% of the people will excel in spite of everything. 60% will do OK, kinda muddling along and 20% will fail.
In today's world, however, we have millions who STRIVE to remain on welfare. They DEMAND their 'Welfare Rights'. They believe that they are OWED a living off the backs of others wages. I have seen 'welfare rangers' 'testifying' before a Michigan house committee that the proposed increases in cable rates were going to be grossly unfair to those on welfare. Can you imagine that? The very idea of using OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY to buy a total LUXURY like cable? Not to mention cell phones, computers, internet access and the list goes on.
Then there is the idea that they not be required to EARN the money. That is just sick. NO ONE should be given a 'free ride'.
As always, I qualify this by saying that I am speaking of those of relatively sound mind and body. I have NO problem "helping" those who are unable. I have a GREAT problem supporting those who just won't.
To top it off, we no longer have 80% providing and working, it is FAR less than that, with some estimates putting the number of those paying taxes at somewhere between only 40-60% AND DROPPING. We will soon reach a point where the percentage of those TAKING will exceed the percentage of those producing. That too is new.