lets start from the button. buy gold at will, you cannot be wrong with buying gold at any time in human history. better yet in times leading to a new currency as the new currency will be Golded valued . better now then ever.
however a Gov. WILL go after personal Gold, like they ever did. many times in human history that go after lead to the owners taking active part in the new establishment. other times lade to the privet owners ending up DEAD.
best one can do is hide the Gold, & hide the paper-trails that lade to the possession of the Gold. ownership of Gold history is well documented. we can all learn from that. i found it to be fascinating as well. Gold IS the money on this planet & have always been.
my personal decision is base on a 2 year long of studying the Silver market. it's a PERSONAL agenda. the silver market now is in an unprecedented event leading to a great skyrocketing hike. i'd cation everyone not to take my word on this but to spend the time learning before buying any amount of silver.
you are correct about the Gov. not owning enough to back their FIAT currency.
they also have a bigger problem.
much of the privet sector DOSE own hard commodity to back their value.
that's why the Gov. have & will have a problem initiating a depression.
this is why they bought most of all mortgages, and why they continue to buy privet debt.
never before did the Gov. owned so much of America. they have to. they will OR else !
which bring us back to the first part of your post, trying to estimate the WHEN.
it is everyone's guess.
my bet is 2022 to 2027. i will not explain this on an open forum !
but i do know that Gov.'s have a way to control this. the devalued $ WILL cost the Gov. it's job, which is the rezone for all those FEMA camps BTW.
my newly established guess is that they are going to 'pull a trump' over the world. remember that book about the Donald Trump thing. when he got over his head in NYC real-estate?. well he took all of his lenders. got them in a room and simply told them : if i fall you loose all you ever invested - i need more money.
they did.! look on him now.
there are 5 major economic country's now that dump the US & as a bilateral trade. you are correct about that as well. we have a problem. the clock is ticking.
There in lies the biggest problem. Many think we owe the most to foreign countries like China etc.
Not true. The largest groups are in the US. China is maybe 8 percent at the moment.